
Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 27 march 2015

Should We Fear Death?

I believe that only those who do not know what life is should fear death.
First of all, if a person would only observe the diversities in life, he should be convinced that there is one God Who created it. This should cause him to have a conscientious feeling that he might be offending this God in (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 22 march 2015

The Value of Life

I remember a time when my Mom asked me to play my song on her phone. After playing it, I jokingly asked her, "So now, you love hip-hop?" She frankly replied (well, she's an Ilocana, so it's very natural that she would), "No, I hate [hip-hop]. I only listened to this song because (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 16 march 2015

A Sudden Thought About God, Idolatry, & Atheism


By nature, we don't want a God Who would tell us what to do and what not to do. So, it's either we'll just imagine a version of God Who's okay with everything that we do  - after all, He is forgiving; or, we'll just totally suppress the (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 15 march 2015

Faith In Humanity?


"In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes." - Judges 21:25, KJV

These past few years, I've been frequently hearing news about people committing some extremely unacceptable crimes. And whenever I hear a news like those, (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 15 march 2015

Heart Vs. Mind: Which One Should You Really Trust?


Well, the "philosophical"/figurative heart and and the mind are essentially one. The "philosophical"/figurative heart is the vessel of thoughts and passions; therefore, it is in the same faculty with the mind.

And here's a problem: the heart/mind of man is corrupted (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 8 march 2015

Something More Important Than Pentecostalism

I just read a post in the Facebook with a statement that says something like this:
"Sa mga nagcricriticize about sa slain in a spirit and speaking tongues:
Slain in a spirit and speaking tongues is the evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Kapag Hindi ka nagpabaptize in the Holy (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 28 february 2015

My Personal Problem with Piety & Servitude

"Piety towards God and servitude towards men."
That is the code of honor that I'm trying to live up to. But I'll be honest - it's very difficult code of honor to live up to; at least, in two parts.
First part is the "piety towards God". In philosophy, piety (... więcej)

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Michael Warner

Michael Warner, 20 february 2015

Goodness for anyone

To be or have a good father, mother, sister, brother, son, daughter, wife, husband. To be a good person regardless of relationship.
These are gifts, to and from ourselves, to and from each other.

To look in our hearts, seeing the the flow of goodness like a tide coming in and going out.

To look (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 2 february 2015

Why Porn is NOT For Real Men

As most of those who are acquainted wth me knows, I was a terrible porn addict when I was younger. And as a former porn addict, I believe I have the legitimacy to say that porn is NOT for real men.

But then, what is my definition of "being a real man" at the first place? As a Christian, (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 21 january 2015

Grace and Truth: A Side of the Truth You Probably Don't Want to be True

Truth is, if God is Who really He says He is, we don't want God to be wholly true. We all want God to be just loving and just merciful, but we don't want Him to be perfectly merciful and at the same time, perfectly just. Because that's what He says He is and therefore, what He really is; (... więcej)

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