
james ivan
PROFILE About me Friends (19) Poetry (15) Prose (1)

james ivan

james ivan, 13 october 2012

Gazing at the Pitch Black Sky

Stars look like the little warriors of the night sky
While the moon is the queen, so big and high
They all dance to universe’s rhythm as they fly
But still bring hurricanes of peacefulness, oh why
No one knows why, no one knows why
Together with deafening silence, oh my

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james ivan

james ivan, 28 april 2012

Hunger Games: The Boy On Fire

Peeta Mellark is my name
I don't need fame
Nor a title to claim 
Not until the Hunger Games

I am known as the son of the baker
Near the District 12 square
I can carry heavy bags of flour
But I don't think this can bring me far

I was chosen on the public Reaping
To become a tribute like Katniss Everdeen
Who volunteered, also just sixteen
She also study on the school I am in

Aside from being tribute partner
I also know her a little deeper
We were five but I still remember
When I saw her in school with her mother

She has a good voice, I admit
And the mockingjays sing with it
She's good in hunting, everyone knows it
Because we buy her games so we can eat meat

At the parade, we wore special attire
I was then known as the boy on fire
And in the interview, I admitted my love for her
She hates it; she doesn't think it's fair

I got eight in front of the Gamemakers
She got eleven, what she did, I wonder
But I think it doesn't matter
Because everyone knows she's better

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james ivan

james ivan, 28 april 2012

Best Friend of a Kind (Need you Now revision)

I need someone who cares
My secrets can be shared
That's what I want to find

One with ears to lend
My scars he can mend
You're in my mind

Oh I don't know how when will I find
A best friend of a kind

Oh how can you forget? 
And so now I regret
And my heart aches now

You left me in my blues
I don't have any clue
You betrayed me, how? 

All the memories we shared, the fun things we had
I miss them all so bad

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james ivan

james ivan, 28 april 2012

Hunger Games: Girl on Fire

I am Katniss Everdeen
A sweet but fierce girl of sixteen
I live in District 12, poorest as it seems
And in an area we call the Seam

I am also an excellent hunter
I am a good knife-thrower and archer
And Gale Hawthorne is my hunting partner
Because with one another, we always feel better

I lost my father in a mine explosion
So I don't have other option
But to take care of my family alone
Because my mother left us for so long

One very cold night I remember
While I was in front of the baker's
A boy threw bread for me and my sister
I ran towards home thereafter

We live in peace until the public Reaping
Where my sister's name was drawn, Primrose EverdeenT
hough chances for her are slim
So I volunteered, heroic as it seems

At the parade, I wore special attire
So I was nicknamed the Girl On Fire
And in the interview, I wore a gown 
That looks like fire when I twirl around

These were designed by my stylist Cinna
Together with Flavius, Venia and Octavia
My costume always matches with Peeta
Because of his stylist Portia

I got eleven in front of the Gamemakers
To be star-crossed lovers, we were ordered
The first volunteer of District 12 ever
These things brought me the greatest danger

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james ivan

james ivan, 7 february 2012

Most Special Bond of All

Living in a special place called home
The smallest unit of society known
These are the definitions of family alone
But it is deeper than what is already known

To a group of people, it is a special bond
And they always give each other a helping hand
In a family, true love can always be found
That makes them sturdy as stone when together they stand

In times of troubles when you are alone
And you’re searching for someone to lean on
Do not think of any other option
Except for your kin that’s with you all along

But there’s always a storm after the calm
A lot of trials and challenges still come
That you can defeat and even overcome
If your family will only act as one

So all of us should always remember
That everyone can give love to each other
But a family will be a family forever
Through thick and thin, will always stick together

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james ivan

james ivan, 7 february 2012

Silence of The Night

The black sky covers
The Earth with arms so tender
Moon serves as mother
To stars that shine and flicker
And all fall into slumber

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james ivan

james ivan, 7 february 2012

Man In the Moon

I'm the Man in the Moon
I'll be coming home soon
This place is not for me to live
I'll be home for sure, believe

As I look at the stars
I remember the scars
That the past has brought to me
So until now I'm lonely

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james ivan

james ivan, 8 january 2012

Different Faces of Teacher

There are many heroes we know
They are ready to fight their foes
To save us wherever we go
But today we have new heroes
They are really kind as they show
We call them teacher as we know

They are extraordinary
They don’t hide their identities
They use chalk as weapons daily
To train the youth of our country
And also guide everybody
 To build better community

They are known as second parents 
Of their very treasured students
As saviors, they are omniscient
And aim for our development
They may also serve as our strength
In all trials we underwent

They have many abilities
That can help us immediately
Through our heart, they can always see
And comfort us when we’re lonely
They can make us fly and feel free
To eliminate our worries

But superheroes also face
Lots of problems and some disgrace
We can help them in many ways
In any place and any day
Just like the way they always trace
Reasons why we feel out of place

Teachers can also be mothers
A companion or a preacher
They are people we’ll remember
Because of being together
And memories with each other
That I will treasure forever

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james ivan

james ivan, 8 january 2012

Daily Piece of Peace

There are many things we search for
Treasure, love, family, especially world peace
But is peace merely absence of wars? 
Or it can be felt daily by everyone

The moon shines brilliantly
Over the silent wonders of Earth
All the creatures are hold still
And it was a very calm night

As we can see, a night in the town
Portrays the peace we all look for
Because after all the trials we faced
Nighttime is still a serene and peaceful time

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james ivan

james ivan, 4 january 2012


A promise is a miraculous word
One word! One life and even one world
Can be changed by a simple promise
Because many hearts will be happy and pleased

For people pledge but can't do what they promise
But are trusted by many, at least
Because their words are as sweet and deliciousas honey
That it may sometimes sound funny

Everyone expects everything expect-able
From the said promises simple
So you gotta be careful on what you say
You gotta be careful on what you say

- This is a poem using six figures of speech namely: Repetition, Antithesis, Alliteration, Anastrophe, Anaphora and Imagery

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