
james ivan
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james ivan

james ivan, 3 january 2012

On The Roof

- This can be sung to the tune of Up On The Roof

After all the problems that I faced
I look for a good resting place
A place where I can feel so free
And no one will ever bother me

On the roof I can live peacefully
And up here, the whole town I can see
Let's go up on the roof

As I look and gaze very far
I can see the little shining stars
That always guides me on what to do
So in problems I can always go through

On the roof I can live peacefully
And up here, the whole town I can see
Let's go up on the roof

This place must have a special barrier
Cause it blocks the noise and do not make me suffer
From all the sad and frightful things
And here, at least I can sing

On the roof I can live peacefully
And up here, the whole town I can see
Let's go up on the roof

On the roof, it’s very different
From city’s harsh environment
Life’s like that on the roo
fUp on the roof

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james ivan

james ivan, 3 january 2012

Harmony of the Philippine Flag

The flag waves quietly and slowly
Together with the gentle breeze
And more than a hundred years of existence
Many things it was able to witness

It began with the solemn pre-invasion period
And shifted to fast verse of colonization
Again it slowed during the search for peace
And had modern music on the age where technology rules

The plume and paper of novels of Rizal
The bolo and swords of Bonifacio and Aguinaldo
And paper and pens of modern students
Served as accompaniment to the mysterious harmony

number of comments: 4 | rating: 8 | detail

james ivan

james ivan, 2 january 2012


The tears of the sky
Fall down quickly yet lightly
On the rusty roof 

number of comments: 3 | rating: 8 | detail

james ivan

james ivan, 2 january 2012

Treasure for Everybody

A key to success, as the saying goes on
One of the essentials to improve our nation
And everyone believes that the magic of education
Can change our country as well as other regions

People visualizes it as a treasure
But cannot be stolen b y anyone for sure
Though can be obtained of your heart is pure
And determined to learn and be nurtured

Aside from bringing knowledge to all
It also plays a very vital role
That is to nourish our minds and souls
So we can achieve all of our goals

Education is also like a rainbow
That after the storm and suffering that showed
Brings a colorful and bright tomorrow
And makes everybody learn as they grow

Still, education is very similar to a tree
That amidst of the troubles that it faces continuously
It still bears fruits as sweet as achievements should be
And shares it with everyone who needs it voluntarily

number of comments: 2 | rating: 5 | detail

james ivan

james ivan, 29 december 2011

From Stones to Cellphones

- This can be sung to the tune of Colors of the Wind

Back then our ancestors only use stone
For all their hunting, materials and so on
And no one ever thought about the importance
Of all the surrounding substances

Then they made some things out from all the metals
They used for work and economical
Purposes and things that also developed
The barter, markets and even hope

All the people was able to live even before
The discoveries and many more
We can see that they all lived very simple
With their materials and that’s all

But now after all of the improvements
The world now became very different
From the world we consider as ancient
With new materials and environment

We now use cell phones and even computers
For communication and others
And we all use appliances daily
All of these are products of technology

Because of the improvements of technology
All of our works become easy
And we do not have to exert much more effort
Since technology’s always there to support

How far can our world go? 
With technology, we will never know

And we will never, ever see a lonely face
From any country religion or race
If we only use technology
To help us and never abusively
To improve and for our country

We can change the whole world but still
We can never create one until
We put good use of all its products
And we maintain its usage on the right track 

number of comments: 2 | rating: 6 | detail

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