
james ivan
PROFILE About me Friends (19) Poetry (15) Prose (1)

2 january 2012

Treasure for Everybody

A key to success, as the saying goes on
One of the essentials to improve our nation
And everyone believes that the magic of education
Can change our country as well as other regions

People visualizes it as a treasure
But cannot be stolen b y anyone for sure
Though can be obtained of your heart is pure
And determined to learn and be nurtured

Aside from bringing knowledge to all
It also plays a very vital role
That is to nourish our minds and souls
So we can achieve all of our goals

Education is also like a rainbow
That after the storm and suffering that showed
Brings a colorful and bright tomorrow
And makes everybody learn as they grow

Still, education is very similar to a tree
That amidst of the troubles that it faces continuously
It still bears fruits as sweet as achievements should be
And shares it with everyone who needs it voluntarily

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