
Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 4 february 2013

3 february 2013, sunday ( Finally WELL-YEAH..... )

I am officially well........My meds are working, I am over the flu and I am back to work........life is good and getting better.  I could be in a mood over something but GOD has everything under control.  I am happy, have food, a house and everything I need...I have no complaints.  I LOVE my new job.  (... więcej)

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 3 february 2013

2 february 2013, saturday ( Back from the FLU.... )

I had a bad experience with something here and I have deciding to keep writing...........Why should anyone let anything make them quit???  They should not.  It's that simple.  So that is my story.  Happy, Happy...............Good day everyone.....Kahlia

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 27 january 2013

27 january 2013, sunday ( Wondering..... )

I have been wondering lately where my life is going......I am doing really well as far as my job, my mental state and my spiritual state.  I am trying to figure out where to go next and then it hit me to leave it up to GOD.  GOD always will guide me down the path HE wants me to go to.  I think we (... więcej)

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 24 january 2013

24 january 2013, thursday ( THE flu )

I have the flu...went to the Dr. yesterday and they took a rapid flu test and YEP, I have the bug.....I feel horrid.  I probobly got it while I was in the hospital!!!!!!  That makes sense.  Chicken noodle soup and tylenol for me.  As an RN, I know what to do...we are BAD patients, though.  We try (... więcej)

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sumwonne, 22 january 2013

23 january 2013, wednesday ( horizon )

stumbled upon here@ trumpl...in search of some
gregarious solitude
very much like the heart in your pure artist
craves incessantly

a small spark ignites
in a ball of light
a trivial lead may be
one's climaxing endpoint

summed up clues
one day opens way

let's gather if at (... więcej)

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 18 january 2013

18 january 2013, friday ( Feeling Better )

I am starting to feel a lot better....YEAH......I will probably go back to work week after next.  I had a lot of time off so I just used it.  I could get used to this!!!!!  NOT REALLY!!!!  I have been sleeping in and getting up about 9:30 which for me is a luxury.  I also have been sitting around (... więcej)

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 16 january 2013

15 january 2013, tuesday ( I am FREE )

I am officially home from the hospital.....I would like to say Thank You to Ye Caterpillar for the comment you made.  THANK YOU!!!!!!  I realized how much of a toll the hospital took on me after I got home.  They changed my meds and I do feel better-I am just praying and leaving the rest up to GOD.  (... więcej)

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 15 january 2013

14 january 2012, saturday ( Hanging in There )

I am still in the hospital and I must say, it has been a long road......
The Dr's have attached electrodes attached to my head and they hurt and itch...it is still better than being in the ICU!!!!  I was supposed to come home today.  I guess that plan is out!!!!!!!  I am just waiting for (... więcej)

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 10 january 2013

9 january 2013, wednesday ( I want to go HOME!!!!!! )

I have been in the hospital for 4 days and it seems like an eternity!!!!  I would like to go home but my neurologist is saying NO.  She said maybe on Monday.  I have had 3 seizures and they have taken me off my meds for seizures ; hoping I will have more.  That way they can determine what med I need (... więcej)

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Bron Dayvid

Bron Dayvid, 7 january 2013

7 january 2013, monday ( A Letter to Anonymity )

I shall call you anonymous.
For to summon the strength necessary for your name to pass my lips; requires a power far beyond my hardly humble existence.
Dear Anonymous:
Seems like eons since our eyes met
And ages since our mouths conducted stale symphonies
Words so translucent that as (... więcej)

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