| Stephen J. Vattimo |
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Stephen J. Vattimo, 12 august 2012
Where is the war you are running off to fight ?
Who's ideology are you fighting for ?
What will be your spoils of war ?
Will it be obtaining earthly power
and possessions ?
Will it be the wounded you have rescued
from the battle field of souls ?
The war is won in Heaven
How will you win it on the earth ?
Will you fight to win
Or will you become another casualty of war ?
Silent Songs: written by Stephen J. Vattimo
November 18, 1995
Stephen J. Vattimo, 8 july 2012
I was traveling along my life line,
when mine line intersected with a peculiar guy,
In a time and a place,that was not unfamiliar to me.
He stared at his reflection in a mirror, and chanted,
This was a peculiar sight,
so I could't help but pry, "Are you all right ?"
He replied, "My life line has taken some sever curves and Steep dives !"
I felt compassion for this peculiar Guy's plight , and had to pry,
"Have you considered inviting God to help you straighten out the sever curves and steep dives in your life ?"
He replied, " Yes,every time I look into a mirror."
"Me,My And I."
Written by Stephen J. Vattimo April 19 ,2011
Stephen J. Vattimo, 26 june 2012
Religion is like a giant super market
It's shelves are stocked with every brand of god
that the mind can think up
You will hear most people say
It's foolish to put your faith in only one brand
They will advise you not to waste your time
studying the labels on the back of every god
For there are too many of them to compare
just choose the one that looks like it will satisfy your desires
and relax your conscience
For life is short
We all must devote our time to more important things in life
such as work and play
Instead of getting lost at the giant super market
In the maze of aisle that are a mile high
and stretch for miles in length
Today i saw an article in The Religious Consumer's Report magazine
It read, Shoppers who took the time to compare the labels
and put their faith in the Jesus brand
Were rushed through the express checkout counter
and entered Heaven
Shoppers who did not spend time comparing labels
and put their faith in other gods
Found themselves stunned
as they waited in very long lines to go through the check out counter
and enter The Lake Of Fire
Silent Songs: written by Stephen J. Vattimo
June 17, 1996
Stephen J. Vattimo, 17 june 2012
Some times fog set down on the path we travel
We get confused which way is the right road to travel
Because we aren't sure if there is a black or white answer to our direction
So we stumble and we fall
as we try to find our own way through the fog
So we in our panic
send up a prayer toward heaven
Like a smoke signal, trying to help the Lord to find us in the fog
But God reminds us
there is no place that can hide us from His eyes
So He whispers gently in our ear
Peace be still
open your ears and eye to Me
I will guide you back to safety
Some times fog sets down on the path we travel
We get confused which way is the right way to travel
In our own panic
we try to find our own way out of the fog
So we stumble and we fall
Silent Songs: written by Stephen J. Vattimo
Aug 8 , 1998
Stephen J. Vattimo, 9 june 2012
I have journeyed to the crossroads of life
Where light meets darkness
To seek you out of love
To call you back home
I didn't come to preach about your sin
You know wrong and right
I came to help you find your way back home
You use to walk the road of light
Now you try to flee from The Lord's sight
You took a flight down the dark road
To fulfill your dreams of silver and gold
Now you can't find your way back home
You have lost your spiritual sight
You have found yourself wandering around in circles
Lost in the emptiness and darkness of the world
I didn't come to preach about your sin
You know wrong and right
I came to help you find your way back home
I came to restore your spiritual sight
Jesus stands at the crossroads of live
Where light meets darkness
To seek you out of love
To help you find your way back home
Silent Songs : written by Stephen J. Vattimo
June, 1992
Stephen J. Vattimo, 3 june 2012
When the floodgates of opportunity and prosperity are open fore you
Is this a twist of fate or God's hand of provision ?
When a stranger helps you get out of a ditch
Is this a twist of fate or God's hand of mercy ?
Jesus's death on the cross
Was this a twist of faith or God's ultimate demonstration of His love toward sinful
man ?
When a christian travels along the straight and narrow road of faith
Is this a twist of fate or an expression of love and devotional service to God ?
Silent Songs: written by Stephen J. Vattimo
March 18 , 1998
Stephen J. Vattimo, 26 may 2012
A christian life is like fertile field,
that is purchased with a costly price by The Master,
Who put the field under our stewardship while He is away.
Now there are two kinds of seed,
that will take root in the fertile soil.
One is The Word of God,
The other is the desires of the flesh.
When The Word seed is nurtured,
It will grow and produce spiritual fruit and abundant life.
When the desires of the flesh seed is nurtured,
It will grow to produce false satisfaction and death.
So when The Master returns,
Will He be pleased with what you have cultivated in His field ?
Remember what you sow is what you will reap !
Silent Songs : written by Stephen J. Vattimo
Feb 24 , 1999
Stephen J. Vattimo, 20 may 2012
See the need ,
meet the need ,
Let the world know ,
Jesus loves them so !
Words are cheap ,
actions of love ,
touch the heart deep .
So keep your eyes peeled ,
fore a chance to show them ,
Jesus is more then a myth ,
His presence is real !
See the need ,
meet the need ,
let the world know ,
Jesus loves them so !
Silent Songs : Written by Stephen J. Vattimo
July 31, 1992
Stephen J. Vattimo, 14 may 2012
The field has been purchased ,
The field has been fertilized,
by the blood of The Vine Dresser.
The Vine Dresser is in the market square,
hiring hands that are willing to work His land.
The Vine Dresser promises to share the fruit of the harvest,
with ever hand that work His land.
Will you get your hand dirty,
by working in the Vine Dresser's field,
or will you lay back in your easy chair?
Be quick to make up your mind,
for day light is burning fast.
The harvest ends at the approach of night.
The field has been purchased ,
The field has been fertilized,
by the blood of The Vine Dresser.
The Vine Dresser promises to share the fruit of the harvest,
with ever hand that work His land.
Written by Stephen J. Vattimo October 20,2010
Stephen J. Vattimo, 6 may 2012
Lighting flashes brightly across the black satin sky.
The greenish gray clouds with their erie glow, race across the sky like winged
giants, who howl their threats to drawn me with their bucket of rain.
The ocean is like a sadistic juggler, with it's mountainous size waves,
it throws me up into the air, then rolls me head over heels underneath it's self.
When it grows board of tormenting me, it threatens to dash me against the rocks.
I struggle to keep my head above water, to expel water out of my lungs, and to
gasp my next breath of life.
I bob up and down in the ocean like a Bobber on the end of a fisherman's pole,
Who has a fish tugging on his line, the ocean tugs at me, trying to pull me under.
In my helplessness I cry out for help, but my pleas fall on deaf ears of my family and friends, for they do not come out to me in boats or throw me a life raft, to rescue me. They stand on the shore motionlessly, like statues in a Greek garden.
My body becomes zapped of energy, like the ocean had stuck a straw into me, and sucked all of my energy out of my body.
My body becomes numb and motionless as if it turned to stone. At any moment I fear I will sink to the bottom of the ocean, like a ship's anchor.
Then a voice whispers to me, but in my mind the voice echoes through me like a sound made in an empty hall way.
It says to me, " Come to Me , you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest ."
When I recognized who is whispering to me, I cry out to God to rescue me.
Suddenly right before my weary eye, out of the dark stormy sea arose a platform in the shape of a cross, it was made of wood and had a pure gold surface, it had steps on for sides of it.
By faith I ascended the steps, and got down on my bended knee, and gave thanks to God for providing salvation in a storm.
As if He acknowledged my prayer, a blinding light broke through the dark satin sky.
The clouds who were like winged giants, their howling threats were silenced.
The sadistic juggler, the ocean, became a tamed gentleman
The platform in shape of the cross transported me safely to the shore of stability.
This is what it's like to tread water in a trial in my life.
Written by Stephen J. Vattimo
August 28, 2008
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