Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 27 september 2012


I have asked you many times to go with me
To a different place where we can flourish
Today is still not fresh; it longs of old images
I feel haunted and discouraged
I feel six shades of blue
Do you even understand my despair with this situation
Are you clinging to the hope that I will change my mind
Bring back the old me and stay for some more abuse and
Hunger for your touch which is no more
I want to go to tomorrow; where there the clock ticks and time
moves on like a marching band
Tomorrow may never come

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 25 september 2012


You spew your vengence at me; to me
Like a wild asp, winding around the wicked vine
Did I not give you life
And bring breath to your ticker tape world
I see bits and pieces of your father seething out of your mouth.
SO angry; SO foul
You are so sad and you make me your victim
So skilled at making me your mark
I am your craft, your rendition of pain
Wind down the road to nowhere
We all have our secrets, but yours are not sweet, they kill
Like your fathers did; You called me a whore, the ultimate streetwalker, a dollar and a dime
You stab me like a double edged sword
You were a baby once, I touched your cheek to mine
Now I feel the singe, Do you hate me, do you wish me dead
I feel the coldness in your voice
I surmise your intentions
I  lie down and surrender

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 22 september 2012

Our Oddessy

I tried to talk to you today, again
It was like an echo coming 'round and 'round
Why is it so difficult to get through to someone
You are always in the attack mode
Waiting to pounce and pronounce
I live in a world of sequestered silence and lonliness
A world of your treason; but I never turned my back on you til now
It has been 14 years of head games but you rolled the dice on me
Being with another woman broke my heartstrings; as you are not with me
Why must you urge the pain to surface so horrifically
Ane when ask, say a simple sentence to try and quench my need for knowledge
I don't know if you have a heart at all
You glide over things , like water glides over a rock
The pain has become to much to bear, I feel hollow
Longing for an easy out; no way to get in anymore
No trust, a factor that should provide safety
Please let me wander;  for my heart can take no more

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 9 september 2012

Ode to my Master

Standing at Deaths door, you played the odd's , like playing Russian Roulette.
Fooling everyone, even yourself; All those years gone by
In a swift sound barriar instant 
Why do you hurt our children so and make their pain so real?
So oblivious to their needs as you were to mine
You have passed through the circular saw window, leaving your scars on us, never to return again
Not to say hello or goodbye
Your daughter grieves for you in a fairytale dollhouse
Your son, a recluse among his own friends and family
No one knew that day, your plan to carry our your last act of unmercy
Must we continue to suffer
Shall we lie down in fields of clover and pass amongst the rest
We remember you, like a flicker of light
In a flourescent bulb going out one last time

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 6 september 2012

My friend Kristen

You lived your life as if it were always Christmas Day; your birthday
With your paper mache' mask on
Always making me wonder if you were really my friend
You decorated everything and took advantage when you had no advantage at all
Your pyramid and tomb waiting for you, your eyes like Cleopatra
For your eternal resting place
You fooled us all
How was I to know your tears were not even wet?
The roses blooming in your yard were stagnet like your life
Did you enjoy stringing me along in the clothesline of life?
I cried for, I bled from my heart; my holidays saddened by your exit
My godchildren crying in despair and noone to soothe the pain
Where are we to go; how far must we walk in our worn out shoes?
I will always miss you, you helped me through this blizzard of life
But now, you have taken yours, I am still crying for you after so many years

My best friend committed suicide in November 2002.                    


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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 6 september 2012


The long goodbye; like taking a puff off your last cigarette
Where do all the young lovers go?
Being so lonely after the affairs of the heart end
On the turnstyle of life, round and round
Their heads spinning with the lack of desire
Felt from days gone by
Lustful dreams; broken memories
The lament of love songs still ringing in their ears
Of what was said to each other
It is a sad thing, this forlong love
The break-up of destiny
Lost forever, only to meet in a back alley street some moonlit night
Under a starry sky-why must it be so hurtful, can't I just let it go?
Move along and find another
Or was He the only man of my years?
Please tell me there is good and plenty
Do not tease me or test me; for I am heart broken
And have no love to call my own

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 4 september 2012


He cannot say that he loathed the darkness, it helped him to relish the light......

Though he may have desired a long dreamless slumber
Lies and truth battles in a dance for control

He was in a keen state of his disease

He wrote, erased and re-wrote his own demise

He sought redemtion, even though, half heartedly
In the end he held on to his pain

Clutching it, feeling it, it dictated his short life; 29 years on the spinning ball

He was not of my kind, I felt his heartbeat in time with mine, tho.

Are we not in love with dispair?
I did not know you my cousin, my friend

But I know you, I was almost there once.

Rest in Peace, in the loving hands of GOD

I see you in the prisms of my tears.

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