Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 31 december 2012


They were two of a kind; or so some say
But undearneath it all, they had their hey-day
The clock was ticking and time was not on their side anymore
Like an elephant in a grocery store
He loved her but she did not love him-it was sad you see
Why didn't she just let him be
Did it have to do with his money
She played the game oh so well; he never knew
But underneath it all, she was through
And even with that mannaquin smile
That icy pose-she hung on for quite awhile
For love is blind or so they say
And the wicked wait for another day
She let him have her-night after night
Never putting up a fight
But he found the number quite by accident
No explanation was needed and he would lament
That he had been used and he was so hurt and mad
But she had taken him for what he had.......

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 29 december 2012


I am up again at 3am, once again to my chagrin
I try and try to stop the fight, it's just another anxious night
I feel like I am losing my mind, I have tried to leave the memories behind
It's such a crazy place to be, I can really, really see
That none of this makes any sense at all-but someplace I have dropped the ball
I can't seem to get control again over me; So I just scream "God , help me, Please"
Why must this continue on, I think of it as a punishment
But then I stop and I lament
About my family and such and how I loved them oh, so much
The car crash killed them all, you see
That's why I have anxiety
God took them all that day, but I know where they are
That helps me a lot-each one is a star-
In the southern sky and in Heaven way up high
So anxiety will stop someday, I will just muster through
I will think Of All Of You
Until my grief goes away, I continue to pray each day
Dear Lord hear my prayer; keep my anxiety in your care

For Susan Powers, my dear friend

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 29 december 2012


Are you really finished; do you recieve God's word
Do you go to war for Him daily like a battleship
Without surrender; only to Him
The world is a terrible place and we must Praise God
Every day, we must give thanks for every morsal of food
For it is finished-the day of old, the day of good things
Neighbors helping neighbors, man helping man
Walking down the streets without fear
Without judgement, no place to hide
Walk in righteousness for He is watching
Pray in strength for He is listening
It is finished for those who do not seek him out
It is finished for the murderers, the rapists, the child molesters, 
May we pray for those still out there daily that it is not finished for them..........
That they may come back to God and revitalize their stronghold

It is finished for anyone NOT knowing God

Tetelestai, meaning "It is Finished" from John 19:28 and 19:30                         

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 29 december 2012

For Phillip Winters

At 42, he sits in the atrium of the nursing home
He is silent and his movements are that of a mime
Getting up, and deciding to roam
I see that when he walks he is perfectly in time
With the music that is being played and he looks at the fire door
I shake my head and say no, please don't try
A tear wells up and he begins to cry
Phillips girlfriend comes by for a visit and tells me his story
How they were making love and he had a major stroke
It seems to me in all his handsome glory
This is some kind of cruel joke
How could someone have brought him through the gate
Then I find out , he was admitted by the state
He was not enough medical and just enough psych
To get to Broadview Manor Nursing Home
The state thought his family would like
I was doing my internship on geriatrics and thought I'd seen it all
But he caught my eye and made me cry
His life was at a standstill and they had dropped the ball
So, I made Phillip my newfound project and he was so kind to me
He was somewhat of a child like man and a prodigy
Today Phillip is leading a new life....with his new ex girlfriend
Whom is now his wife

I helped Phillip get placed in an independent living center with his families help and he is leading a Very productive life.  I will always remember him....

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 27 december 2012


I said a little prayer for you; you told me you were feeling blue
You've been that way for quite a while
No laugh, no grin, no smile
I wonder what is making you so sad
You seemed scorned from something bad
Is it that man again that you always see
Why can't you just let him be
You said it was like being on a date
He made you feel love and sometimes hate
His disconcerting smile, and all the while
You were waiting for the truth to see the light
And all you got was another fight
Love is blind or so they say; I think it's both and so much more
So what have you got my friend, in store
You are taking the easy way out; blowing it all off
Acting as if your O.K.; with just a scoff
I really wish you'd own up too
The fact that he does not love you.........
Nor do you love him..its a game and losers never win

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 24 december 2012


There are so many people feeling hopeless-Today
There are so many people feeling hungry-Today
There are so many people dying from addiciton-Today
There are so many people feeling lonely-Today

Let us start a new era as the New Year approaches that we make an attempt to smile at one person-Today
Let us do a good deed for another starting-Today
Let us pray for the forgotten-Today
Let us all remember our troops-Today

May we find peace in our hearts-Today
May we find love in another person-Today
May we have the ability to see good in someone-Today
May we not stumble in prayer-Today

We must do these things Today as we do not know if we have a Tomorrow........

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 22 december 2012

Ms. Matika

Ms. Matika works in the grocery store with her high hair and I call her POOF
She resembles a porcupine gone wrong-with her hair sticking out on top like that
She has shared many secrets with me; it was like that from the beginning
It was just fate that we met in aisle number one, she was busy having a panic attack and I was looking for potato chips.
Stocking shelves and trying to breathe must be terrible
I decided on sour cream and bar-b-que and she ask me how to stop 
having the darn thing
It seemed as if she was in the middle of a hurricane right then
I preceded to speak from experience and told her to be in the moment
Instead she took a Xanax
You cannot help people that don't want to be helped
Ms. Matika has shut down completely and told me that the Xanax is working
I told her that she is masking her problem
POOF quit her job and is living on disability.........

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 21 december 2012


Up all night; I cannot sleep-Like my eyes are glued wide open
Do I just dismiss the fact that it is going on or wash it down the drain
like the soap in the sink after a good rinsing
Something inside me is sad, I get up early in the dark...
Like a newborn babe; wanting it's mother
I feel so intolerant at times; like I am doing something wrong
It seems it has all built up like a volcano ; waiting to erupt any minute
I want to sleep, to put my head on the pillow and just drift away
I have counted so many sheep, I have a lined coat
Maybe it is not meant to be; maybe I will sleep whenever
I have unpacked all my baggage
That I have it stored in lockers all over the USA 

For Jean

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 20 december 2012

Jack and I

Jack and I never met in Person
Jack and I did have the same mindset about one particular thing
There were no supporting roles in our one person show....
Life as we knew it was one private party, no invitations, no thank-you notes but a lot of decoration
Jack and I took advantage of everyone ; when we didn't have an advantage at all
Jack and I ended up on Life-Support, different states, different times, 
and years
Same Results
Maybe we had thought we were invincible; Jack did not resolve his differences, I did
Some people use the time they have wisely; Jack did for a year
Some person's have more time than other's-I met Jack's mother online
Jack and I have an uspoken bond
She told me Jack died from a drug overdose-I am here speaking for Jack.........................

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 20 december 2012

The Tree

I sat out on my patio and thought of her today; she lights up the sky
Is that star her, or is it just my imagination
Where would I be in this whirlwind of life had it not been for her
Lost in my own confusion and mindlesss choices
Her tree is very tall now-8 years grown, like her passing
It looks a little withered like me; as I walk by her house
That the new people live in, they are very nice, but it is her house
I asked her daughter yesterday if she would move the tree to her place and she said "NO", you NEED IT......I do; I miss her so
But Paradise is her new home and her Golden Trees do not need my care; I will continue to water this one
I cast the sawblade to myself weekly just by going to that tree; but it is my duty to see that it has many branches, an extension of her life
Legacy, to follow the leaves as they fall into the winter night one by one
She is telling me she is here with me now

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