Laura Steph, 18 august 2012
To the love of my life (Wherever you are!)
I've Traveled down many roads in my little life
Had moments of ecstatic happiness, moments of strife
I've slept warm and well fed, I've slept hungry and cold.
Daily I traveled to destination unknown- Destination unnamed
Met so many along the way
Shook hands with few and waved countless goodbyes
I Made so many friends, but only for a while.
I crossed many bridges... when life allowed me to cross,
I Fell down many pits but still rose again,
Found what I thought was love, it was never real.
I Opened many chapters, but bygones are bygones...
I learnt to numb the pain, I learnt to forget
I knocked on many doors, only few ever opened,
I danced with many wolves in sheep skin,
Learnt to protect myself a bit too late.
My heart was searching for something,
my little life led me down many roads...
With no clues, daily I traveled to destination unknown
I started out with nothing and faced the irony of losing it all
But in this moment... I have arrived, I have it all.
I've found it in the oddest of places,
thousands of miles from where I first begun.
I've reached my final Destination... Destination YOU,
Destination HAPPY, destination LOVED and CHERISHED
Destination BLESSED and Destination COMPLETE.
It cost oceans of tears and a battered heart
But my darling sweetheart, For you, I would gladly do it again!
It is such a pleasure to have traveled and reached;
Laura Steph, 5 march 2012
A poem written in support of women's abortion rights.
I knew one day you would come…
Part of me was excited,
Part of me was scared of the changes you would bring.
I imagined smiles after the long struggle and
difficult months
I imagined embracing you with your father and giving
you a name, our name
I imagined you becoming one of us.
I imagined who you would look like both of us or just
They say be careful what you wish for…
But how could I not wish for something so beautiful?
To see your smile, to hold your little fingers
To feel your dependent touch on my skin
To hear you cry and then comfort you
To see you smile sucking on my breasts...
Yes, you did come… I got what I wished for
But my darling, you came at the wrong time.
I imagine that you can hear me and see me
You can see the tears in my eyes and anguish in my
I imagine my weeping has filled your world
I hope you understand; I never knew you would come at
the wrong time
There will be no smiles but struggle after struggle
and difficult years
Your father and I don’t have a name because sadly, we
hadn’t planned…
I will never feel your touch or see you smile
I will never hear you cry then comfort you
My breasts are dry and have no milk, not for now.
You will not look like both of us, not even one
I will feel you leave but never see your face
I will hear them take you away though I wish I could
let you stay
You are a part of me and will never be forgotten
I loved you too much to let you come to this wretched
My darling, I am a baby myself… I hope you understand.
I know one day you will come
I am excited and I’ll prepare for the changes you will
The months will be long and the labor hard, but I will
push for you
And when you come, your daddy and I will be ready with
a name,
And our arms open wide.
You will look like both of us or just one,
Whatever the case you will be so beautiful.
I know my darling, this time; you will come at the
right time.
With Love,
Laura Steph, 20 february 2012
I reach out deep into my sweeter past, a long gone history
I forget the taste of the tears on my cheeks and the pain in my heart
And take a moment to remember, our sweet beginning, my sweetest memory
I remember the love, oh the young fierce love we shared before September
I can smell the water and I can hear the music…
And the sound of the crowd’s applause
On that sweet day that the fountain danced,
The sweet day we first walked hand in hand
We sat amongst the crowd but as we watched the water spring to life,
I could not hear their voices and I could not see them, It was just you and me.
The fountain was beautiful and danced so elegant
The waters rose and danced in waves setting me into a mesmerized trance
How could it be that you were not watching the beautiful fountain?
The whole time, instead you were watching me!
And instead of praising the fountain, you praised me.
I searched for the lie in your eyes but you were so sincere
And as the music played…
The fountain danced with my heart letting your love trickle in
It is a sweet memory, how it all began…
Sadly how it ended… was a most bitter tragedy.
But have you ever heard of oceans running dry?
I know this for certain, the fountain is still dancing…
Dancing inside my heart and its music will forever live in me.
Laura Steph, 19 february 2012
A Home In Every House
Behind closed doors somewhere out there lies a man's dirty secret;
His daughter wailing on her bed,
His wife cleaning her bruises from the previous night's beating,
His son close to tears as he looks at a photograph of the good father he once had.
Behind locked doors somewhere out there lies a drunken woman's dirty secret;
Her malnourished toddler, alone and terrified in a dingy apartment,
Her desolate daughter selling her body to raise money for food and a few bills,
Her eldest son knocked out by a cheap brew, following in his mother's footsteps.
Behind closed doors somewhere out there;
A teenage girl's heart sinks as she watches the sunset,
Memories of the terrible nights she has endured drive her to violent sobs,
The man who raised her has abused her over and over again,
She has nowhere to run to and no one to tell, all she has is a dream to hold on to.
Behind locked doors, under fancy roofs and colourful paints
Lie the world's dirty secrets;
Pleas for help that have either gone unheard or have been ignored,
And horrible creatures who plague innocent children yet still walk free.
Behind closed doors somewhere out there lie children like me,
Who have heard the cries of the neglected toddler,
The lamentations of the regretful wife,
And the screams of the abused teenager.
Behind locked doors somewhere out there,
Lie the children of all sorts of backgrounds with whom I share a dream,
That one day, somewhere in the future,
Every child will be born into a loving family
And every child will enjoy their childhood.
I have a dream that someday every man and woman
Will be loyal to their spouse
And every man and woman will diligently strive to build a home in every house.
By Laura Benson
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