ratnakar d mandlik, 21 september 2015
Riding the waves of sorrow
Gliding through imagery
In pursuit of salvation
Flies a poet's imagination.
Bearing brunt of the legacy
Almighty's gift in inheritance
Absorbed is the hermit in a trance,
In poverty too keeping him cozy.
Omnipresence through inheritance,
Omnipotent command over words,
The lord in celestial kingdom
Trades dreams to humanism.
Long live the dream merchant
And his fountain of joy to us enchant.
Poet: Ratnakar D Mandlik
ratnakar d mandlik, 21 september 2015
Cursory glance of a wwilliwy dame
Pierced the heart and it did tame
Embodiment of valour and too brave,
A thunderous jolt to him it gave.
The chieftain ruled over the clan,
Bravery and prudence were the coins
Coveted by him alongwith celebacy,
Acquired from mentor, in legacy.
Service of humanity was his goal,
Strived for the same his inner soul.
Banished he had selfishness and greed.
In service of humanity joy he derived.
Gone with the wind were his resolves,
By her glance and a seductive Pause.
Poet: Ratnakar D Mandlik
ratnakar d mandlik, 20 september 2015
Not failure, low aim is crime
Big bangs too produce unique chime.
Blank can not a life,s canvas be
With ample strokes of pains n glee.
Youth may pass nurturing aspirations,
Intensifying in the run all the emotions.
Hard earned knowledge may come to rescue,
Compelling to accept disillusoned ash,s residue.
Joy n sorrow, elation n agonizing pain
In which He has soused life of human.
Birth n death, two definite destinations
Opposite though are their own Celebrations.
Life is worth living inspite of all such odds
For the human, loveliest incarnation of God.
Poet: Ratnakar D Mandlik
ratnakar d mandlik, 20 september 2015
In nature's guise a deity,
May I call you Almighty?
Embodiment of benevolence,
At times cruelty,s essence.
You are no doubt great,
With forms though intricate,
Master of the universe
With incarnations diverse.
Enchanting your landscapes
Mountains n valleys picturesque.
Embodiment of celetial beauty
You do shatter our vanity.
Oh bountiful almighty
On human have some pity
Since you are the creator
As also their terminator.
Poet: Ratnakar D Mandlik
ratnakar d mandlik, 20 september 2015
Discovery of oil stocks in the middle east
During '70, had started beeline in the quest
Of unemployed job seekers towards Dubai
Scums of oil money then flowed in India n Mumbai.
Typists, carpenters, nurses and electricians,
Affording only cycles flew in aeroplanes.
Middle east had been their destiny n work place.
Hutment dwellers too nurtured dreams of palace.
Wealth n it,s swelling started to differentiate
India and Bharat, NRI and RI, it,s affiliates.
Money they remitted to families at home
Upliftment of clans was their cherished dream.
Less fortunate alas, who could not make it
Were the natives who were hardly hit.
Inflation had robbed their earnings at home,
Poorer they became in course of the game.
ratnakar d mandlik, 20 september 2015
Riding on the waves of sorrow and mirth
Traverses life of human if the sail is smooth.
Hurricanes and tornados with mountainous tides
No doubt to it capsize n it,s doom they decide.
Every human being, being an unique boat
Sails in the ocean as destined since birth.
Joyeous may be the sail or may it be tumultous
Positive approach though can make it picturesque.
Thoughts, if negative make it a trawler
Dragging heaps of grief in it,s net.
Dumping sorrow needs expertize great
Inculcated that can be only by a preacher.
Smooth n meaningful sail of any boat
Ensures good teacher n his radiates.
Poet: Ratnakar D Mandlik
ratnakar d mandlik, 19 april 2013
Scattered on an elevation are the Konkani huts
Adjoining the beach in an elegant resort.
With its "Tarang" the beach restaurant
On a platter natural beauty the duo present.
The divine scenic beauty and its' hypnotism
Spellbounds a spectator n pushes him in bosom
Of the mother nature and he enters a trance
Sitting under umbrella facing ocean Arabian.
Blowing hot air on scorching summer noon
Humid atmosphere soaking in perspiration
Compel even the birds to find their shelter
Leaving solitary ocean with his tides to roar.
Solace could be found from sip through straw
When ambrosia from raw coconut you draw.
That can make you in scorching summer calm
Standing beneath meager shadow of a palm.
-Ratnakar D Mandlik
ratnakar d mandlik, 17 april 2013
Standing in shallow water when it is low tide
Experience one can get there of a life time
When the receding water after a high tide
Washes away sand from beneath your feet.
The surfs hit you hard if to them you stop.
While receding they push you off balance
Pulling you all the while inside the ocean
Narrowing,thus,your life and deaths' gap.
The zig zag line of greenery of hilly terrain
Hiding the beach as also sage like ocean
Even from voyager who has set-in destination,
They guard Ganapatipule like a loyal janitor.
Enchanting is contrast presented by the canvas
Of the silty red soil encircling the beach.
As if they want some thing to us teach
With the green omnipresent floras' expanse.
Equallly breath taking is celestial confluence
Of the deep blue sea with the skyline azure
Where they mingle in union on the horizon
Before the supreme Lord, in obeisance.
-Ratnakar D Mandlik
ratnakar d mandlik, 17 april 2013
The omnipresence of ocean felt at Ganapatipule
The aggression on tides on shore for confluence
Of the sea, ordained by the Almighty, with the soil
Imprints on our soul,oh lord, a sublime influence.
The greyish silky sand with minute granules
Spread on the beach in too thick layers
Housing prawns, crabs n what not in their holes
Shining in sunlight as an expanse of silver.
Life long penance of palm trees on the slopes
Alongwith mango trees guarding the beach
Are also spectators and they set-up the pitch
For galloping tides, in pledging to elope.
Chirping of the birds sets in the dawn
Melody of nightingale reminds night bygone.
The mist shields for a while the vast expanse
Of sea water which may be longing in a trance.
Enticing however is the roaring of the surfs
And the glittering tides in rays of infant sun.
Celestial is the melody produced by the collusion
With rocky shores by thundering surfs.
-Ratnakar D Mandlik
ratnakar d mandlik, 12 april 2013
God calmly sat for meditation once
He decided to incarnate as a poet great.
To be carefree amidst humans and rejoice
Frame he built and for heart used 14 carats
Before inducting life by sprinkling ambrosia
In the frame of poet with a twig of acacia,
God left it in urgency making way for Godess
Who entered there with a can and in a rush.
The God enkindled a lamp on his return
To heat poets' heart and to it strengthen.
Alas suddenly fuel spread on it caught fire.
By a sheer accident the heart was in flames,
Destining it for ever in emotions to burn.
The mind is an enclave of every poet great
Encircled in flames perhaps for enunciation,
To create a delicate bond in myrh and realism.
Engulfed in fire though it is never gutted
Burnt are emotions erupting from poesys' blossom.
-Ratnakar D Mandlik
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