31 october 2011
What a Failure You Are!
What a failure you are!
You can't do anything right
I mean you're a smart girl
But you aren't looking so bright
It doesn't matter how hard you study
Cause you'll still get an "F"
Stop trying to escape the world with your loud music
Cause you'll only go deaf
Are you proud of yourself?
Are you proud that you're dumb?
When will you ever listen to your parents?
And stop being such a lazy bum
What a failure you are
You can't do anything right
You're supposed to be a smart girl
And you're supposed to be bright
Look at everyone around you
They are all so smart
While you're left behind
With a familiar pain in your heart
The never ending pain
Of not being good enough
The pain that is deep inside
That's forcing you to act tough
The pain of pure disappointment
Hitting you from every side
The pain that makes you scared
And want to run and hide
You want to know something
You wouldn't have all this pain
If you actually did thing right
Instead of acting so insane
But right now you're a failure
Who is lost and confused
Who doesn't know what to do
And is always being accused
Accused everyday
Not knowing what you do
No one believes a word you say
No one believes in you
You're different
And misunderstood
Wanting people to see that
If only they could
You're walking alone
Getting yourself lost
Didn't think you needed anybody's help
Not knowing the cost
And when you need help the most
Nobody is there
Making you even more confused
Thinking no one even cares
You're usually wrong
And can't make a choice
Letting people talk for you
Instead of using your own voice
You have a low self-esteem
But think that you don't
You have a terrible memory
Wanting to remember but you won't
You argue with your mother
Even though you know she'll win
Because you really didn't think
Standing up for yourself was such a sin
What a failure you are
You're not doing anything right
You were supposed to be smart
You were supposed to be bright
How naive can you be?
If you thought people would always be nice
What kind of friends are you expecting?
Cause you might want to think twice
You might love them
And not be loved back
But it's not because
There's something you lack
They might even hurt you
And completely tear you apart
Using you the whole time
While slowly ripping out your heart
Telling you things
That you want to hear
But in the very end
Leaving you with a bunch of tears
See life isn't as easy
As you had thought
And you think you can handle it alone
When it's obvious you cannot
What a failure you were
You couldn't do anything right
But now I'm proud to say
You've grown from the fight
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