1 listopada 2011
How does it feel?
How does it feel?
To be hit and punched
To be thrown on the ground
Not being able to make a sound
How does it feel?
To be hurt and pained
To have your feelings crushed
And flushed down the drain
How does it feel?
To be ignored and left behind
Trying to catch up to you
Leaving me with nothing else to do
How does it feel?
To love someone you should hate
Thinking how did it happen?
That it had to be fate
How does it feel?
To be completely lost
You can’t even think
And you head starts to spin
How does it feel?
Being repeatedly used
Loving them so much
That you are willingly abused
Tell me how does it feel?
To have lost everything
Was it worth it?
Was it really worth getting?
Tell me how does it feel?
Because I’ve gone through the same
Do you even remember?
Putting me in the fire and the flames
22 stycznia 2025
Miłosny dialogwolnyduch
22 stycznia 2025
Futro ze skrawkówajw
22 stycznia 2025
22 stycznia 2025
telepatiaprohibicja - Bezka
21 stycznia 2025
Kociołek ŁaciołekAS
21 stycznia 2025
Zaloty na lodachajw
21 stycznia 2025
21 stycznia 2025
21 stycznia 2025
czym dalej tym bliżejprohibicja - Bezka
21 stycznia 2025
Powrót do domuwolnyduch