Balasubramanian, 6 lutego 2018
The Cold breeze which blows from the blue mountains, with bees swarming the lush green foliage
Bringing a Love Poem filled with words, which only unfolds, to our two hearts speaking the same language
Why is this air so sweet? Is it because of flowers blossoming in the evening, flooding our lungs with fragrance?
Or because of the thoughts of my beloved which are filled with ethereal love and seamless essence
The butterflies are humming their favorite tunes and flying towards our window-sill
The Peacocks cry and the Pigeons flutter, memories of our romance floating like wisps in the cotton mill
Reminds me that my dearest is around and it's time his warm embrace, surrounds my love thirsty soul
Taking me into a dreamy state of pure bliss, caressing me with a kiss on a well hidden knoll
How beautiful is this feeling, How beautiful is this life, dancing and swirling in the arms of the one
How charming is his smile which enthralls me with his eternal love like a benevolent sun
When we slowly meander into the garden of passion, with our little fingers entwined
Just like golden threads embroidered in a silk scarf, our two hearts merged and smoothly shined
Balasubramanian, 13 marca 2013
Hell out of Heaven
What happened to our pristine Mother Earth
What happened to her graceful Oceans
What happened to her mighty and lofty Mountains
What happened to her silky Rivers
What happened to her shining Sky
What happened to her ever pure Air
What happened to her enigmatic Seasons
What happened to her charismatic Climate
What happened to her kind Rainfall and beautiful snowfall
What happened to her colourful Rainbows
What happened to its countless Living Beings
Alas Man's Quest for Superiority has made Hell out of Heaven
Lets wipe our Mothers Tears, Lets supplicate for her healing,
Lets bring back her Cackle and transform it into her alluring Smile
Lets rediscover Heaven on Earth
Balasubramanian, 5 grudnia 2012
Let your Life cup be always full,
Let Sweet Air embrace you where ever you walk,
Let Happyness swarm you like Butterflies,
Let Success adorn each step you take,
Let Honey and Myrrh flow from every word you share,
Let your Work be like Music,
Let your Path be like that of a river which enriches very inch fo soil it touches,
Let God protect you all along your journey.
Balasubramanian, 29 maja 2012
Like a Petal
Like Rain
Like a Feather
Like Breeze
Like Fire
Like a Bird
Like Time
Like a drop
Like Heaven
Like a Song
Like Bliss
Like a Dragon fly
Like Earth
Like a Creeping Twiner
I am a Wandering Soul
Balasubramanian, 22 maja 2012
In the crimson sliver
~ Poem by a poet in Love
In the crimson sliver of the morning sun,
In the never ending tides of the dark silver ocean,
In the constant buzz of the cool white breeze,
In the instant fuss of an infant's smile,
In the wet foliage of the dense green forest,
And beyond the breast of the beautiful blue mountains,
You will find my love buried in the deepest grains of sand.
Bala (Dedicated to my wife for now and for ever)
Balasubramanian, 19 marca 2012
An ode to my unborn child
I see the mild breeze coming through my windows moving the curtain of my shelf;
There lie all the toys which I have brought with loads of
love for my unborn child;
Will the soft fingers of my child ever caress the toys
which have remained undisturbed yet?
What meaning and purpose do they have until his tiny
heart jumps with joy when he sees them all set?
I see rooms which are neat and decorated, but what merry
is there unless my little tramp messes it all with his zest?
The monkey doll looks at me with a wry grin; does it not
tell its story of long waited companion who would comb its hair and tweak its ear?
It looks as though the deer quivers and gazes at me with
a tear trickling for the promise unfulfilled or is it my mind which has
consummated the mirage in the rear?
All the tin soldiers off-late have stopped their drill;
and refuse to budge without their master to make them run for a thrill.
The music of the band men has become more melancholic and
drowns me within the deep chasms of my own dream where I yearn to hear his gurgles and coos.
Ducks and geese have scattered on their platter only to
find he is no where to be found.
The cuckoo no longer bothers to venture outside its nest
placed in the clock, neither the doves fly for a giggle and whistle.
Butterflies and dragonflies have forgotten to wander in
our lawns without my child’s laughter beyond the yonder.
It said that there is no place like home, but what is it,
till a small pair of feet walks and roams around?
We all wait for the day when he will come around; to
flush all our sorrows and mumble with his cheerful rotund face and enrapture us with his sublime grace.
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