3 czerwca 2012
This article is about a conceptual art project, I would like to do as a three dimensional exhibit at a museum. My concept for this project was inspired by Yoko Ono, the wife of the late John Lennon. I saw a interview, where she was discussing her exhibit of conceptual art, were she arranged a room to look like a apartment, with all the furniture and the appliances, were painted white, and cut in half. She had a working telephone as part of the exhibit, she would call it randomly, and speak to who ever would pick up the phone when it rang.
My motivation behind this article, and project, is to voice my discontent, and dumb founded toward those people in the art scene who promote artist who's work is so poor, that the only place their work should be put on display, is on their own refrigerator door, These same promoters turn a blind eye to some really talented artist, who work is of high skill and standard.
If these artist don't find away to promote themselves, out side the mainstream art scene, the world will miss out on the great art they have to offer.
Description of exhibit
The room will be open toward the viewer, it will have 3 walls=2 sides walls, one back wall.
The walls will be painted smoky gray in color.
The floor will be tiled in black and white checker pattern.
There will be a chair behind a table, six of these sets about 2 feet apart from each other, they will be line in a row, across the room. They will all be facing in the same direction, facing toward the viewer.
The furniture will be white plastic patio furniture.
Each table will have a plate on it, the plates will have a floral pattern.
On the side of each plate, there will be a knife and a fork.
On each plate there will be a large cow pie ( cow shit - use replica )
each will painted with a different design that will represent a style of art.
There will be a large clear glass that is placed in the upper right hand corner of each table. Each glass will be holding art supplies in it.
glass 1= pencils, glass 2 = crayons, glass 3 = pastels, glass 4 = color markers,
glass 5 = paint brushes, glass 6 = air bush
Mounted on the upper back wall, there will be a three dimensional lettering,
constructed out of white transparent plastic, that will be lighted, that will spell
Written By Stephen J. Vattimo
October 9, 2008
3 marca 2025
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3 marca 2025
3 marca 2025
3 marca 2025
3 marca 2025
Marek Gajowniczek
3 marca 2025
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