Debadarshi Panda, 14 lutego 2015
Oh Muse!
You came down with thunders of grace,
Smiling- raising voice of the lagged soul-
Stifled; illness that no more dare venture
An appearance into my courtyard, all blissful !
Stymied- the dry leaves follow lifelessly-
But no more-tide can turn to this fragility;
Your august arrival, worshipped with all faith,
Lord’s decree, I will -to stars eternity!
Flashes -but brightly strong- pen marches,
In dense crowd of prejudice- but trust,
Divinity has its trace- in your words;
Cold- will no more shiver, frost.
Quest-reaffirms, your words to guiding lamp-
Years of jolt-shattered morale emerges to light,
Of ethereal beauty, lasting with my memory-
The sun,stars; destined confluence, happily script .
Debadarshi Panda, 21 lutego 2014
Thy rhythms find your error-
With this; vivid creation of lies!
I behold! Soul crushed in battle-
A scapegoat of your lies, I hold.
In temples, prayers, rituals-
I didn't find! Her reflections!
Oh Muse! Drunk with her optimism;
In ungainly smile, broad on faces.
Of hunger, loss when she finds me solace-
My days come to a halt-follow
Yours emergence, Long I did
Overlook! Mortal frames, limits- hollow.
And declare, soul is the preach-
I promised; sanctity-beauty of her eyes!
In dusty dawn to crowded lifts-
I see in this world, Faces smiling and shy!
Debadarshi Panda, 21 lutego 2014
Never did you look back
Princess of the painful spring
With tearful exuberance, for long-
Waited for the moon, sequencing.
O’ Lord!
When they gratify the worth;
Of those brittle truths in masquerade-
For the virtue elsewhere, far ahead-
To eternity, with my feverish sigh.
They have descended, from the darkness,
For mirage is not true, itself-
While she reclined, to the mass,
Away from the light of the sun.
Never did you say, Values of pain
True for the world into ploys of cost;
Least humanity could be the voice-
For they can never see the heart!
Not blessed with those Vision-
Whose smile reverberates in galaxies!
Of my little world, whose beauty is truth!
Ecstasy! Moves with my pilgrim soul-
For that is never altered-
Never be traced!
The Reunion of a Crescent Departure.
Debadarshi Panda, 21 lutego 2014
My dreams run to your thought!
In hurried morning, eager sunset!
Upon the thin veil of darkness,
Pains bloom into silent beat!
Crossed, for fervor is the virtue-
I disown- to smile at her broad smile,
For ages and hence, behind the world;
Burst with lies, despair, cries foul.
And forget! My race is thy victory-
Over pain, mistrust plays the music-
Oh! Muse, of your blissful Smile-
To fill those dreary beats to life ecstatic.
And the songs find it to heaven in harmony!
With your arrival, in winter chill-
For faith is the virtue I owe-
In you to confide my immortal will.
Debadarshi Panda, 8 grudnia 2012
A world divided within me,
Far separate of sin and thought,
And sin is the word – not vowed
Far be the hand – that writes!
So far I am stirred –
Within rust and toppling scale of limits
to ten, and be it all –
that have wondered this mind,
“Man is not made of man – out of even”.
In those wild false,
pleasant voice, that has not uttered –
only cried foul –
strains of the meek, tears of the sweeper,
whose voice was failing,
within his soul.
Be the death – crept in his last joy,
To better – be the span with zeal,
To be the Human – last I could say,
Futile in days –
Death is immortal.
Debadarshi Panda, 16 sierpnia 2012
Sing this beauty; pause not-
For it will fade after its plot,
Harshly ;in rough passage-
Gets weaved in glorious beauty.
Stop not! For this song will be -
Yours- immortal spirit in winter,
When the world descends to its ploy-
Fixed in love for them, the master.
The world will be in my cottage-
When dearth of word detaches-
My pilgrim soul; rose through the sun,
In beaming glance from rough patches.
Shift not! Brittle mortal pain-
Immortal; unkempt dress will be -
In heavenly measures ,voice of beauty;
Divine- for my soul be in bridal robe.
Debadarshi Panda, 28 kwietnia 2012
The tree will keep singing –
In the blowing slowly,
May those leaves fall shaking?
As a weakening stone brakes.
Let it not be the insularity,
Of aged thoughts into branches,
And never have resisted a cyclone,
Though termed as noblest virtue!
Its eternity here, he got
Raising a head, never be dropped,
In selfless love, towards the world –
“Stronger and stronger” – It must keep singing.
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