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18 lutego 2012

Getting Too Ready.

I have to keep running, you have to keep thinking, because if we leave our state of perpetual movement we will end up sinking.
You have to stay grounded, I have to stay steady, or we will never know when we are “ready.”

“Why can’t I do this on my own?
Why do you care?
It isn’t fair! Why does it matter where I go and who I’m with?”

Because you aren’t ready yet!

“When will that be? A week? A month? A year?”

It will be when you grow up a little more!

But, what is it that I am supposed to be ready for?

A world that is full of hypocrites?

A world that is full of adults who only want us to be ready….

…Because that is what they were told….?

This world is not vibrant.

This world is not clean.

This world is not kind or gentle.

This world is corrupt, cruel, guilty, and obscene.

I am ready.

I tell them what they want to hear.

Because, a drone with a drum who knows a different beat, has the potential to inspire fear.

I am ready….for me.

I tell myself with clandestine relish.

They know we are ready when we decide to keep moving.
When we wire our thoughts straight to our motions.

Because if we never stop moving our thoughts will stay blurred,

Our minds will stay slurred.

But I know that I am ready because I chose to stop and gaze at the view.

When you are ready you are a still life.

You are a thief.

You steal beauty that is suspended in time.

You see:

The world is beautiful, the world is here.

The world is not meant to inspire fear.

The world is kind, if you only see it in a certain way.

The world is not black and white.

It is not even grey.

It is passionately red: a thousand memories and moments formed while lying in bed.
It is cheerful yellow: moments when you share beauty: “Look at that sunset!” It is picking wild flowers on a sunny day; spinning around until you fall on the grassy ground and soaking up a sunny ray

It is worldly blue: when you look up at the sky and feel the beauty of a hue; it is the refreshing feeling of the first jump into the water

It is stubbornly but magnificently every color.

In fact, the world is the only one who truly has a right to never stop moving.
If the world stopped moving and looked around itself, I think it would say:
“What a bunch of truly unenlightened people that are here today.”

pozostałe wiersze: Getting Too Ready., Reality Is A Farce,

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