
Teddy Kimathi
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Teddy Kimathi

Teddy Kimathi, 8 października 2012

A Moment in the Woods

The scent of sandalwood
and wild roses enchant
my inner soul with a sense
of calmness like no other

The faded shadows of oak trees
create a beautiful pattern on the
ground, as the sun-rays pierce
through the canopies,
embracing the forest with warm energy

Butterflies of all kinds of colors
criss-cross in the air, as they
dance to the tunes of humming birds

A crystal-clear stream gently
flow beside me, as the mountain
deer sip it's waters lazily
a few happy steps away from where I am

If I put myself in an ant's shoes,
the woods surrounded by the canopies
look like a huge natural shrine
that anyone and any animal can come
to seek solace and comfort

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Teddy Kimathi

Teddy Kimathi, 8 października 2012

Let go......

Let go of your fears,
just as the way a river
carries away a log blocking
its smooth passage

Let go of your confusion,
just as the way the morning mist
fades away, giving you a clear vision
of what is around you

Let go of your hatred,
just as the way an earthquake
ceases to exist

Let go of your hurts,
just as the way the sky lets go
of the night, paving way for the day

Let go of your ego,
just as the way muddy water
becomes clear water when mud
settles at the bottom

Let go of these, and your life
will be as enchanting as a clear, night sky,
decorated with stars and shooting stars

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Teddy Kimathi

Teddy Kimathi, 17 marca 2012


It is seeing the stars

in the light of the Sun

in the daytime

It is hearing the heartbeat

of a rose as it blossoms

in the spring

It is smelling the scent

of love in a desert

which has no sign of a bird

in the grave-silent sky

It is speaking a similar language

with butterfly-fish and dolphins

as you explore the enchanted floors

of an ocean in the tropics

It is being at One with everything

that is around you in your soul,

making you to be part of the fabric

of the Universe

liczba komentarzy: 1 | punkty: 11 | szczegóły

Teddy Kimathi

Teddy Kimathi, 17 marca 2012

A Walk on the Sands

As the palm-trees
danced in the faint
ocean breeze, the sands
gently tickled my feet
as they quickly moved inland

The Sun accompanied
with a sense of freedom,
made me feel as though
the Sun-rays were passing
through me, feeding my soul
with wonder and awe

Sparkling like diamonds
dancing to the tunes of a
magical wand, the skin of the
ocean glowed with Heavenly radiance
that blinded my eyes and
enchanted my mind at the same time

This was a moment not
even a myriad comets could
inspire me with such depth
as the whispers of the ocean
and the warm stare of the Sun

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Teddy Kimathi

Teddy Kimathi, 10 lutego 2012

What is Beauty?

Is it the fragrance
and color of a rose?

Is it the face
of the lady you embrace?

Is it a lyric
that can make
your body sway with
vibrant rhythm?

Is it a clear, night
sky that inspires you to write
a poem about the twinkling
stars and the radiating
light of the full moon?

Is it a gift
from a friend
that lifts up
your spirit?

...Or is it the warmth
of the flame of Love
that glows in your heart?

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