25 listopada 2012
We The Dreamers do hereby afirm and assert the Right to Dream, whensoever and howsoever We, The Dreamers, do see fit. We claim unto our multifaceted non-selves the Right to choose the expression of our own Dreams in a manner we find fit, fulsome and worthy. To cling to the clock is not to tock away our time in sorrowful lost and low lacklustre states, chronically and chronologically dependent on the pendulum of proprietous punctuality. Slewing away and forever forsaking the dead realms of misery's unlovely maw, we will uphold our psyche's flights, glimmering and joyful, like a new dawn. We will not surrender our Dreams. We will not sell out our Dreams. We will not compromise, cheapen or misrepresent our dreams. We hold these Dreams to be the self-evident, self-luminous display of the slumberous minde. We view these Dreams to be not empty of reason, teaching, knowledge, example, illustration, narrative, psychodynamism, drama and humour. We acknowledge the fact that not all Dreams are pleasant. We acknowledge the view that all Dreams are the manifestation of Consiousness itself, and therefore are not without value. Not for naught have these Dreams been seen, felt, lived and, on occasion, broadcast afar to share with other Dreamers. We honour and uphold the Democracy of Dreaming, wherein all peoples are stripped of their worldly baubles and launched down slumber's slipway, onto that great, common ocean of unconciousness, imagery and subtle psychic balancing and adjustment. Upon this great, rich and deep sea sail all souls and unto all souls do we honour do.
Further to our stated aims, is the glorious struggle to bring Dream into life, into the waking worldly World of Dust, into the minds, habits, culture, consiousness, mass media of all classes, lexicon, vocabulary, priorities, prerequisites, propensities, tendencies, fashions, myths, rumours, graffiti, glossolalia, sandhyabasha, samadhis, graces, insights, ephemera, epiphanies, warmths, enthusiasms, passions, fascinations, folk-ways, behavioural patterns, thought-forms and downright fundamental FACE of Humanity.
To this aim we shall wage and conduct a ceaseless and unremitting campaign of subterfuge, subversion, blending-in and contaminating the false-purity of the everyday mind and its rational assumptions. We shall secretly sow the seeds of subtelty upon a snoozing nation, a drowzy planet. We shall walk among the wakeful and instill a sense of serenity. We shall be found on all street corners, hangin' out, seeming to ride the breeze, secretly transmitting from pocket-swaddled miniature hand-held transmission units. We will spread our vision. We will spread our vision. We will spread our vision. And we shall spread it far and wide, upon virulent zephyrs of trembling breath. Having furrowed and enriched the ground, we shall sow many seeds of high things, things of vision, things of Humanity's great gleaming future. And the Dream that we sow, being essentially good, wholesome, an inherent and integral component of the Vast Human Psyche, shall be seen to be good through and through. To the dreary forces of gloom, false vision and stag, we shall at all times practice forbearance, for it is only necessary to Show one glimpse of the Vision for it to be recognized, loved, understood and aspired to by all whomsoever enjoy exposure to it. Thus we shall step up and double our efforts as nightly dusk falls twilight upon the silvery globe and our people betake themselves to slumber. At the setting of the Sun we shall send out our transmission into the One-Psyche. Our nocturnal clarion shall sound and resound, uniting our Brethren and Sistren in the Unity of I and I.
Having stormed the castle of cold grey conformity and stabilized our great action, we shall transmute all Earthly institutions into those that reflect and manifest our floating essential Divinity. We shall declare the ethereal and honour the misty breath. We shall unfurl the great banner of visions, the picture-tapestry of the contents, illusions, states and truths of the mind humane. We Dreamers shall leave no soul unturned in our quest for Oneness. We shall overlook no sleeper, from the humblest to the most high. Tirelessly in our ultimate mission we shall surge forth, yea, as a deep and mighty river surges forth in spate, in spring, in thaw; carrying before us the smiles of all souls. We shall carry away the Hearts of all as a tide that washes upon the shore, and, reaching unto all places at once, we shall shimmer as the ocean shimmers, throwing off scintilla and dancing dazzles of mind's crazy and ever-fruiting inventory of invention. Bathing in the mystery, the Dreamer declares a state of Bliss and deep understanding to be the norm, and actively wishes and promotes this norm upon all souls, sleeping and otherwise. In promotion of crystalline clarity of vision, stability and knowing, the various cells of Dreamers will zealously forward the work of the great vision. Displaying signs, leaving stone tablets, songs, poems, paintings, novels, movies and mystery-plays in phone-boxes and other such mundane locations in the Human Loka, all such Dream-Activists will do untold good to the common cause of large general upliftment.
Luminous Dreaming. Dreams of Light. Dreams lit from within. Dream-episodes suffused with alba-gollow, glow white, glow wise. Such as are in this category are a class of experience apart. To this possibility we wish to point the mind of man that he may moan no longer alone.
The members of each local Dream-Cell shall come to the rescue of anyone whomsoever that cometh within their reach, if in distress. The group-antennae being ever a-twitch for signals of traumatized Dreamers. Upon location of such an one, all cell-members shall beam their light upon the sufferer, thus raising said being out of the fogs of that which is ill, and bringing them into the clear and shining radiance of the true. However intriguing the individual Dream of the Dreamer be, it shall be dropped in an instant to come to the aid of a victim of the dread stag. Such will be the priority of said wistful Dreamers when dealing with their troubled fellow-souls. Thus shall be the level raised. Thusly will tranquility be firmly established. This in itself will be seen to be good.
The 'Dream That Is More Than A Dream' is a highly special category of experience encompassing the Visionary Dream and suchlike extraordinary nocturnal phenomena. This realm, strata, sphere, zone, this thing in all its manifestations shall be given oxygen, honour, ink and air.
For the furtherance of Dream-Literature in all its forms, competitions, prizes, publication, and enrichment will be given to contributors who further fertilize the rich native soil of the mind owned by all. Thus fecund abundant funds will support the artists of the nightly nictiplanctus whose wanderings live on to inspire the wearying group mind and refresh its sparkling shine.
These truths we take to be the illusory flickerings of a night moth's shadow on a page of the manuscript by moonlight and ivy-flower.
This Manifesto, rather than being a solid thing of the nature of a kerb-stone, suit of armour, ice-berg, iconoclast, fossil, tabernacle or impediment, shall be but a fluid and Brythonic changeling, going from one to one and being but echo's remembered shadow-form reflected upside down in the hat-pin mirror of a long-gone smiling lady. Thus may it morph, melt and surge. And to you all a very good night.
{This Manifesto first appeared in ‘The Caterpillar’ November 2012: http://www.yecaterpillar.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/dream-manifesto.html }
14 marca 2025
14 marca 2025
Marek Jastrząb
14 marca 2025
13 marca 2025
13 marca 2025
13 marca 2025
13 marca 2025
13 marca 2025
13 marca 2025
13 marca 2025