12 maja 2013
Breathe, this doesn't feel like a dream
It feels more believable. The moment sings
This intensity grows like a rising flame.
I'm staring in your eyes. The electricity strikes quick and jolts my nerves.
I'm suddenly at a lost for words.
Breathe, just breath dont mess this up. You only get one shot so best of luck.
Like two forces we collide for a moment I've been waiting for my whole life.
The world can pressure the world I chose to exist in. But this happiness is too powerful to be faced and this moment will be forever, it will always feel right.
Breathe, breathe to let the lungs fill fully
Seconds and minuets and hours and days. I'm budding into the world, better than how I ever was before.
I rose with the sun and glowed just as bright. I felt somewhere in the world and the world felt right.
I explored my world that fell dark in my mind long ago. I found a talent once frowned upon through my eyes. I did one then three then seven then more.
I had something to do and something to show. More and more my talent grows.
Shame the beauty in your eyes can never be drawn or the beauty I felt in my heart. Nothing like that can ever be put towards art.
Breathe, this doesn't mean anything
The time felt sour, like it just slipped away. It felt one sided. I knew things were not ok.
I became concerned and wanted to savior something. Not only I had strange behavior, I knew something was coming.
I rose with the sun but the shadow was new. I hope this wasn't something bad that not even I can undo.
Breathe, it starts to feel light. I start to feel thin.
Your eyes don't look the same. I feel an frustration in that focused gaze.
That amazed feeling just doesn't feel the same. I'm worried of the truth that unfolds.
I'm fighting to hold on. Don't you dare let go. I wanted you to feel how I felt. I wanted you to just hold.
I hatched plan after plan. I tried again and again. I searched for advice new and old. I tried everything
And still you let go.
Breathe, at this point i just want to the air to leave.
I blame me and you and the world we have to live.
The earth and the sky and the moon and stars. My over active mind where my feelings are. It's like a war up there, the hate spills over it all.
Everything hit me hard and it all mattered to me now. Even if they weren't my problems from the start.
I wanted to destroy everything I saw, I wanted to pull the pain out so that it can stop tearing everything apart.
I don't know how to feel. I want to disappear from it all. I wanted to collide one more time and never feel like this at all.
Stop hating me. Stop dealing with things alone. You may like it but I don't want to feel alone.
I can't go back to those days, watching the world grow and thrive. Seeing the sick show of affection powered by popularity and lies.
That wasn't us, we could never fall into that trap, just fix thing now. Just please come back.
Well the fire that was set burned deep. Nothing to salvage at all. Just a pile of dead heap. Memories burned black on the walls.
I can look at them but what's left is just the ash. It doesn't feel the same at all.
I'm getting dizzy from the barring field built on the love I use to have
I'm trying to build something now. But there isn't anything left.
Where to now, my home is destroyed, the time here only hurts and you actually hurt the most.
Just breathe. I can't have tears fall down my face. That's when I allow the pain to run its course. Not now. Only a seed so tiny is the little bit of hope
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025