28 grudnia 2011
My Lady Fair
You are perfect
Your blue-green eyes,
Your golden-red hair,
Your hints of perfection ,
My lady fair.
You are perfect
When you smile,
No darkness is there,
You are mine,
My lady fair.
You are perfect
In the world around you,
You brighten the air,
You tear me apart,
My lady fair.
You are perfect
All your feelings,
You take to wear,
In a satin robe,
My lady fair.
You are perfect
In your eyes,
I see everything fair,
Yet you cry,
My lady fair.
You are perfect
In my head,
My defenses prepared,
You crush them to dust,
My lady fair.
You are perfect
I live for you,
To be in your air,
You push me away,
My lady fair.
You are perfect
You have all the good,
You have all the fair,
Yet you taunt me always,
My lady fair.
You are perfect
I'll end this with one last note,
I'll be out of your hair,
Just remember this,
My lady fair.
You are perfect
You dull the pain,
You dull the despair,
You dull the sadness,
My lady fair.
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