28 grudnia 2011
Today I Met the Devil
Today I met the devil,
He stood beside me in complacent,
Well-adjusted dominant stance, where,
That bastard is always found,
The crossroads.
As the sun fell 'neth,
Clouds ominous enough t',
Prelude extinction.
The crosswalk yelled at my vision,
A dark binary "Don't walk",
T' cease the possibility of regrettable action,
(seemingly odd though when approached,
By the dark lord),
and he didn't just put his foot in the door,
He threw a brick at the window.
An old lady crossing the street, unable t' have a,
Gait fast enough t' make it before,
The red letters flashed crimson,
Faced off againist a car, whose impatient owner nearly hit the women,
Who in return, sat in front of her sluggish crawl of-a-walk,
So he may smack his horn repeatedly in vile disgust.
"Why doesnt the guy just hit her?"
"W-h-y d-o-e-s-n-t t-h-e g-u-y j-u-s-t h-i-t h-e-r",
"Because, goddamnit its... its unethical!"
"HA, ethics? Look at that woman, how old do you suppose her t' be?"
"I dunno... 80 somethin'?"
"Exactly! An' how the hell can one live life so long? Modern medicine."
"Yeah? An' what of it?" (I prodded knowin' he care for my thoughts, only his own)
"If ya believe so heavily in these ethics you speak of, then tell me what’s so damn ethical about,
Modern medicine? NOTHIN', on that’s truth, or somethin' at least close enough! 'Cause listen buddy,
The human body existin’ in nature only lasts... say..."
"thirty t' forty years?"
"EXACTLY! If it weren’t for vaccinations, anti-bacterial chemicals, modern surgical procures, etc,
people like that women would have not exhausted up the space, the carbon an' resources of,
two humans straight from birth t' death!"
"Yeah but everyone is just tryin' t' do their best with what they got or whatever is within childish grasp,
innovation prolongs life, whose end is always t' face the absolute of death,
though through more life people can now be respectively mor.."
"More what? Introspective? Wisdom? Those whom failed or faded will
impart youth with knowledge that ends up in the nearest trash dispenser!"
"So you think of all youth as naive? Incapable?"
"Naive? Of goddamn course! But incapable? Youth are far more capable!
These two counter-balancin’ forms create the darkest, funniest situation,
in modern politics. War. Fat old bastards filled with decades of ideology round up the,
young, capable an' idiotic t' fulfill this. Though the generational disconnect means,
that the results are always never intended on either side of the coin. Hilarious!"
He then let out a crooked laugh,
Ghastly, coarse an' full-bellied,
Reducing himself almost t' tears.
"Remember kid:
Ethics are a fool’s breakfast"
Then he turned an' walked down the street,
showin' that he had no intention in crossin',
The signal flashed angelic white,
An' I obediently obeyed.
23 lutego 2025
23 lutego 2025
23 lutego 2025
23 lutego 2025
23 lutego 2025
23 lutego 2025
23 lutego 2025
Eva T.
23 lutego 2025
23 lutego 2025
23 lutego 2025