| Anthony DiMichele |
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Anthony DiMichele, 29 października 2015
The Beginning Of Everything
now I think I will bite the blue ice in the toy box
with an ocean of maturation
cat whiskers in chains
a bridge from the harvest to my face
that storm tossed ghost ship
that solo cobbled together
with tales of longing and a few clouds in passing
wish softly sister
the mad world is a light dancer
nameless colors cascade into a red lake
urban homesteaders fly by in a fog
shaken lovers stir the city
with a loaf of bread in full bloom
baked with dynamite
what time is nighttime tonight?
tango with the black widow
or talk to the ventriloquist in the mirror
it is sunset's day off
it is the beginning of everything
Anthony DiMichele, 28 września 2015
I remember to remember
a hail storm on a motorcycle
it took me
it shut me up
thunder and lightning...
hurricanes that broke glass
and bent the trees back like Odysseus
bending his bow
a flood that had huge sewer rats
swimming down the street like they owned it
and a pregnant muskrat with an arrow through its head
and a turtle on fire
and we played in the clouds of insecticides
sprayed from above
we were warned
but we were kids
it was magical
and defiant
Anthony DiMichele, 8 lipca 2015
they are at the parade by now
after noticing the time
little numbers
that adjust the sunlight
to the waiting corner
getting the box of shade
the chairs lining main street
where the sharks feed
were bait for the initiated
with the kids following along
too late
for me
I rise before dawn
Anthony DiMichele, 8 lipca 2015
the birds in the trees and a wind chime
in the slow breeze
that is exceptional in muting
our talking
the jaws relax
we float together on the flying moment
silenced and willing to go on
further into the day's magic
stolen by the theives of our days
and we feel we are stealing back
what was ours all along
Anthony DiMichele, 8 lipca 2015
I see many points of light in the dark night
fires in the void
as if the void loathed itself
a white wash in a black hole
I too would call
it from inside it
no message
I call again
and again
just for laughs
and their echos
Anthony DiMichele, 8 lipca 2015
I love you shamelessly
and quietly
directly and immediately
here and there as you come and go
Anthony DiMichele, 21 lipca 2014
I bow to the spirit in you
with a lower case pronoun
the first person singular
into everything
a plurality
ironically a unity
bonding us in our chaos
without both of us in each other’s way
don’t be negative
when your head
is buried
in the
you are already one
to be two
and so on
the entertainments
the fears
the day dreams
that can sometimes
the sky inside you
we pick at our defects
as with scabs
always in a hurry to heal
to accelerate its natural pace
to be perfect
and be able to smile
with our original face
Anthony DiMichele, 20 maja 2014
“I no longer want to be astonished.”
A declaration made by Antonin Artaud during the last
years of his life. When I read this I was astonished.
Why did he even bother to write this down at all?
Could he imagine the effect it would have on a reader?
The impossibility of living without astonishment
is terrifying to challenge. Is that what we amount to? Terrified
slaves to wonderment? Bewilderment domesticated?
The codification of self-delusion?
All the myths of deathlessness lead to the preposterous posturing
of civilians who adopt the attitude of happiness as a strategy
of denial. Happiness has become a Cult with vast numbers of adherents.
To live without conscious awareness of death is like being unaware
one casts a shadow in the light. Dreams have become consumer rubbish.
Dreams and Death go hand in hand into the forgotten Shadow’s land.
Anthony DiMichele, 25 marca 2014
There is a heart
behind this shield of fear
with its aura of hatred
pain and ambition
commerce has nothing to do
with the gift
you gave me
at the office
and at home
you probably caught me
red handed
in a dream
or two
over the years
the gift of time
with the trees
and herons
the collective solitude
of song birds
singing farewell
with joy
at dawn
if we could only unchain
from ourselves
and not insist we all
suffer the same way
to live
through a lifetime
singing a memorized song
I will not build my own coffin
around me
with salvage wood
from the dumps
of despair
the material is light
the essence is light
but we are most often
heavy with impossibility
I have no quarrel
with squirrels
or the other absences
which I stopped reading about
accounting for
in an instant of lightning bugs
and they were gone
from the landscape of childhood
this is my folly and fondness
and most high regard
not the meditators and commentators
but those who know how do what they
always knew
let go
move on
and give away everything
to follow nothing or no one
but some strange feeling
there is a heart
under the grays
that knows no fear
the lowering everydays
we put past us
there is an island with a heart in it
a sun with a starless night in it
and friendships that make ordinary speech
a miracle
life is always astonishing
Anthony DiMichele, 23 stycznia 2014
names with painted faces
breathless words illuminated
dying is a crazy dream
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