20 listopada 2011
Stickynote Suicide.
She sat on the side of her bed and stared at the picture frames that she kept on the bedside table. "Erie," she whispered to the picture closest to her. "I'll miss you the most." She grabbed a knife, a pen, her MP3, and a stickynote pad. Searching through her playlist she found her favorite songs. "These will be perfect," she says as she turns it on to the song 'I Dont Care' by Apocalyptica. Lunae hummed along with the tune in perfect harmony and took the knife to her iner thighs, pressing down hard. She gasped in pain as blood seeped from the wound then reapeted the process. Finally she decided that it was enough and put the knife down, picking up the pen and turning to the stickypad. She wrote for a couple minutes then set the pen down, suddenly dizzy. "Woa,'' she said as she lay down on the ground and closed her eyes. Her brother walked into the room with her little sister and screamed in perfect harmony with the little girl. "Perfect harmony,'' She thought, her eyes challenging her to try and look but she new she couldnt, she was already gone, she was just going to be there till the theatrics were over. Her mind shut down and her body convulsed but she wouldnt have known anyways, she had left awhile ago.
Her mother ran in and screamed, grabbing the girl by her shoulder and shaking her until you could hesr the bones in Lunae's neck snapping. "You can't leave me alone, you selfish witch," she screamed at the girl's bady as she threw her to the ground, exposing Lunae's scars and bruses. She walked away and slammed the door, not even bothering to take a look at the note that the little girl had found on the desk. The note said:
If anybody cares, this note contains the reasons for my suicide. I know that my mother wont look and that my
father will never even know of my death. There are many reasons for this note. One is that my mother has caused
me and my siblings pain and if I am dead then the others will be sent to their grandmother. Another is the fact
that I despise my school life as well as my home life. The children are mean and the teachers all hate me. Finally
I QUIT being the one that everyone needs but when I need someone there is never anybody there for me. I miss
my old life and im sick of this one. If anybody cares to tell him, tell Eriye that I have always loved him and I always
LunaeDea Kool
She was right, no one cared but her brother and sister, and they didnt even understand the situation. When the funeral was held only a few came and the only family that came was the brother. The few friends she had came also, Eriye was one. The brother had shown him the note and he came to say goodbye before he committed his own suicide for he had loved her also.
Her sister stood a few graves behind the brother, crying silently. She understood fully what had happened and did her best to look strong, the only person who protected her had left her alone in the world. When everyone else was gone she walked over to the grave, sat down and began her daily visits to the girl that she'd never know heard her. Lunae heard and saw everything that happened and was the one that sent the girl dreams every night, the one who stayed beside her and watched as she grew up.
Soon after the burial, Eriye hung himself and was soon standing beside Lunae. He wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her to him. He also stayed to watch over the siblings. The mother was arrested for drinking a year later and the father died in a car crash. All the children had left were the angels watching over them. Lunae was soon promoted to angel and was on the wait list to be sent back to live on earth as soon as the siblings needed her no longer.
The children grew up and died of old age with their spouses beside them. The angles were sent to help them move into heaven and then sent back to earth to live forever and help the humans. There was a rumbling in the heavens and a fight broke out between the head angles. Lunae had to fight her siblings and choose whether to leave heaven or stay forever without Eriye. She decided to fight against the others and became a fallen angle, damned for eternity.
Every 17 years Eriye and the siblings are reincarnated to cause her pain because they came never be together. At times she regrets the suicide, regrets not growing old with Eriye, but then she remembers her reasons and forgives herself. Every day she wanders the earth, waiting for the people she loves to return to her waiting arms.
If I ever try this, don't stop me
6 marca 2025
Marek Gajowniczek
6 marca 2025
6 marca 2025
6 marca 2025
6 marca 2025
6 marca 2025
6 marca 2025
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5 marca 2025
5 marca 2025