louis gander

louis gander, 30 września 2012

My Horse

The course was very narrow,
the trail, straight and long -
I moseyed on that perfect path
where I could do no wrong.
I kicked my big, white stallion,
up rocky slopes one day -
and when I made this clearing,
I knew I'd found the way.

And while I sat there on my faith,
atop the highest hill -
and as I peered on valley low,
I judged folks all until -
I found great fault in everyone
no matter, great or small -
so I could sit up highest on
my saddle, straight and tall.

I prayed; "Oh, those pathetic souls
are hardly good for thee -
for never are they good enough,
unless they're just like me.
Just look at their bad habits,
just look at all their stuff,
and why don't they attend my church?
They are not good enough!

They sin in many different ways,
they fall in numbers too.
They just don't understand that they -
are not like me and You."
Now after seeing others
had wandered off the course -
t'was then that I was knocked right off
my high and mighty horse.

©2010 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Matthew 23:12 (NASB) "Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted."

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louis gander

louis gander, 23 września 2012

Prayer Of Thanksgiving

The table, set with centerpiece,
fine china, silverware -
and food prepared deliciously
with tender loving care -
and hungry eye, I relish this -
this meal, my daily bread -
then fold my hands and bow my head
before my prayer is said.

I do recite it quick and slurred,
but with the best intent -
and now that grace is said and heard,
it is a blessed event.
The phrases I was taught to say
were pressed down deep in me -
but words are empty without thoughts
of pure sincerity.

Yes, just before we eat, we pray,
but there's a place so crude
which moves us closer to the truth -
that others have no food.
It haunts me as I look around, the
visions of the starved -
who wide-eyed blankly stare at me
behind my turkey, carved.

I see their bloated tummies and
the flies around their eyes.
I hear soft moans from babies lips,
the echoes of their cries.
I taste the mush that they call food.
It lingers on my breath.
I feel the tears start down my cheeks.
I smell the stench of death.

I hesitate with my first bite,
I ask myself, "Do I
really care they're teary eyed
and hungry 'til they die?"
I pray that all the "least of these"
are eating well in Heav'n.
Please help me Lord, to understand
the blessings I was giv'n.

So now when I recite my prayer,
as I sit down to feast,
I ask myself if I'm sincere
and thankful in the least.
For that's when I can hear my voice
ascending to His ear.
He knows if I speak empty words
or if I am sincere.

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 13 marca 2013

Evergreen Hope

Spectacular wonder, the view way out yonder,
from high on this mountain slope.
God's vast great creation brings glad adoration
to Jesus who offers us hope.
From just one small seed, a potential indeed,
once crushed, by mistake, underfoot.
I whispered a prayer and stepped over where
another small sapling took root.
And on that rock shelf I thought to myself,
"Oh, how can that seedling be grown,
up here where it toils in hard rocky soils,
in midst of more turmoils not known?"
Then over the years through blizzards and fears
rose doubts that had made me take pause,
"It sure hadn't thrived but had it survived?
Had it overcome nature's laws?"
Now several years later I found something greater
when I returned back to that tree.
I had to admire, it soared so much higher,
and grew so much taller than me.
It once had been crushed, but now I am hushed,
and humbled at what God had done.
One tiny example of something we trample
brings life from the tomb of His Son!
A long time ago under hail and snow,
despite its long discord and strife,
its tap root enlocked way down deep in a rock
that faithfully brought it to life!
Oh, why can't I be like that evergreen tree,
that grew up so high in the sky?
The greenest of green that I've ever seen,
oh tell me Lord, why cannot I?
Spectacular wonder, the view way out yonder,
from high on this mountain slope.
God's vast great creation brings glad adoration
to Jesus who offers me hope.
©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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louis gander

louis gander, 5 marca 2013

Knight In Shining Armor

A knight in shining armor?  I certainly am not -
but if, indeed, I really was, you just might laugh a lot.
I'd be astride my big white horse, (a stallion through and through)
riding straight and very tall - and trotting right past you.
You'd see my polished armor and you'd see the golden trim -
just before I ride my horse right under one low limb.
I'd be a bit embarrassed there while lying on my back.
You'd see my pretty armor with some punctures, dents and crack.
My horse would keep on galloping as it ran out of sight.
I wouldn't know quite what to say except, "I'll be all right."
You'd tell me calmly, "Do not move." and also "Just stay put."
And then you'd see my armor covered with the blackest soot.
It's after that, I'd just admit, that I had tried to flee -
that big ol' angry dragon whose hot flame had bested me.
No, I'm not a noble knight nor any princess charmer.
I've make too many dumb mistakes to be a knight in armor.
Therefore, as a princess, you will need to wait awhile -
and grab the next knight riding by that's full of charm and style.
He'd pull you up behind him on his horse, you'd yell, "Goodbye!"
Of course, I would apologize and once again, I'd cry...
I've done so much for everyone- have given things and stuff -
but this I've learned- I'm not a knight- nor nearly good enough.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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louis gander

louis gander, 16 lipca 2012

The Ol' Barn

There was a barn once painted red
which stood on grandpa's old homestead.
T'was built so very long ago -
a sorry sight. I told him so.

I often, as a boy, had wondered
why it hadn't ever timbered.
I knew the sagging rafters creaked
and roof, with missing shingles, leaked.

I stepped inside, the barn doors gone,
found it home for sparrows' song.
Circled they, around freely,
over the floors in man's debris.

No matter which way I would glance,
dust in sunlight rays would dance.
Warning cobwebs seemed to sketch.
Between the timbers, they would stretch.

Foundation laid in cobblestone
but its sure footing wasn't known.
Between some stones were gaping cracks
that could not hide the basic facts.

Every post in building leaned,
wall to wall had needed cleaned.
Winter winds would whistle through.
That big ol' barn had lost, I knew.

Its only purpose, couldn't render -
so it offered full surrender.
The weather's sin had taken toll
and wind and sleet had found its soul.

That ol' barn is much like us
and in our need we'll make a fuss.
Our sagging souls are so uncouth
that we no longer seek the truth.

Deceit flies in our open door
'til we care little anymore.
We’d rather compromise instead
as cobwebs fill our empty head.

Our minds are filled in sins' debris
with anyone whom we agree.
The love is lost between our bones
and leaves us cold, loosened stones.

Will our beliefs stand firm, upright -
or will we yield to stormy blight?
Are we responsible instead -
or our character really dead?

Now over the years, time has lapsed
and long ago that barn collapsed.
Now as I look at its demise,
I listen to the worlds last cries.... 
©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 1 stycznia 2013


Reflecting back to my childhood in the 1960's, I wrote this story poem.  I hope you enjoy it.
There, spaced along the highway were twelve inexpensive signs.
Just simple words of black on white next to some rigid pines.
The signs were spaced just far enough they caught my drifting eye -
so pondered I, each single word as they went marching by...
"For God..." "so loved..." "the world..." "that He gave..." "His only..." "begotten Son..."
"that whosoever..." "believeth in Him..." "should not perish..."
"but have..." "everlasting life..." "John 3:16"
So many times from grandma's house we read 'John three-sixteen' -
and millions more had seen this verse against the evergreen.
My dad, my mom, my brother, I - in humbleness would read
those words as we were driving by and faithfully did heed.

Now who had thought of doing this and painted them with care -
then dug the holes in God's green earth and set them up to share -
to other people driving by so they too could embrace
this verse of loving kindness - of vast forgiving grace?

I read those words each time we passed and wondered who'd take time
and paint the words for profit not - not even for a dime.
I wondered who that man could be each time that we passed by -
and wondered as some years went by - whose signs had caught my eye.

Yes, even as a teen I thought, who painted each of those -
then did the work to put them up? I pondered, just suppose -
he cared not for his pocket book but wanted to impart,
with work and pure compassion - some love within his heart.

Well, nothing lasts forever and sometimes something breaks -
so dad pulled to the shoulder and then hit the car's old brakes.
He took a hammer from the trunk. Bored, waiting for my dad,
I saw him fix a broken sign - and then I knew who had.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 28 grudnia 2012

The Terrorizer (a riddle)

It's smaller than a meteor and hasn't that much girth -
yet stronger than the largest bomb and could destroy the Earth.

It can be smooth as velvet and sometimes it can run -
or cooler than a summer breeze or hotter than the sun.

It's smaller than an average gun but started many wars.
Oh, but its so lazy too, escaping many chores.

It started every argument that those around can hear.
It's something most will never lose and always very near.

Receiving orders from the brain, air flowing from the lung -
but if you don't quite get it yet, just bite your wicked tongue!

©2006 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Psalm 10:7 (NASB) “His mouth is full of curses and deceit and oppression; Under his tongue is mischief and wickedness.”


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louis gander

louis gander, 5 grudnia 2012

Beyond My Weathered Window...

Beyond my weathered window,
beyond my little view -
I see one from my rocker and,
I pray you see one too -
see one on each hillside,
see one on your way,
see one in each valley,
see one every day.

The moon shines on the water,
the sea reflects the light.
Boats pass through this painting,
with sails of halo white.

A sea bird glides in silhouette,
above the sails masts,
above the ropes and bollards,
as breezes travel past.

Final work arrives at dusk
before reflections cease -
on piers I've known since childhood
on this, God's masterpiece.

But few have seen this sunset,
and fewer wonder why -
God's bright and vivid colors
still wash across the sky.

And people race His colors -
oblivious and blind -
as God continues painting
so generously kind.

Wide brush strokes still continue,
with colors bold and lush.
Though 'man' has stole the meanings,
God still holds the brush.

Beyond my weathered window,
beyond my little view -
I watch Him from my rocker and,
I pray you see Him too -
see Him in the sunsets,
see Him in your prayers,
see Him in the life you live,
and see Him everywhere.

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 11 grudnia 2012

Born Again

Oh, how I thought I knew it all when I was in my youth -
but as I turn in circles now I find an ugly truth -
that time had shut a door on each decision I had made
and now I have to suffer from the high price I have paid.

Now Jesus led me as a youth but I had vainly went
the stubborn way I wanted to. My whole life I had spent -
going my own selfish way through each and every door -
and thinking that each new one was much better than before.

But then I looked around me as the final door slammed shut.
So stunned, I was - completely - as it echoed in my gut.
I walked through each door willingly to get to where I am -
and now my soul is naked as I stand in front of Him.

But then my God allowed me there to reach back with my hand
and open up that final door. I didn't understand...
I stepped back through and found myself where I had been last week -
and then I saw another door so took another peek.

It too, had opened up for me - so I stepped through again -
and there I was two weeks ago right back where I had been.
So on and on I went through doors as fast as I could run -
until I was a child again - then back where I'd begun.

Now this time I will have no pride and this time I won't fight.
I'll follow in His footsteps and I'll follow Him just right.
Now each door that God opens makes us one close happy team -
and everything goes perfect 'til I wake up from my dream.


I only had one lonely chance to live an upright way -
but I messed up. I put me here. There is no more to say...
except that Jesus pulls me from my putrid, sinful grime -
and gives me one more final chance to get it right this time.

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 26 października 2012

His Works

He laid a sheet of paper down
upon a table top -
and from his chair he wrote and wrote
so faithfully, non-stop.

They laughed at him and bragged about
the works that they had done.
They filled vast reams of papers, yet -
he had but only one.

They boasted of the many works
their fancy hands exposed.
Great works in rich calligraphy
were pridefully disclosed.

Again they stood around and laughed,
but never did he gloat.
They laughed and scoffed and scoffed and laughed
at everything he wrote..

His life was written on one page -
but what? I didn't know.
The paper he had laying there
was as the driven snow.

Sorrow filled his teary face.
This world fatigued his soul.
The agony that he endured
had taken quite a toll.

I saw that many people judged,
made fun of and demeaned,
ridiculed and criticized
his works that they had seen.

Yet faithfully, he wrote much more.
Were no works written there?
Still blank, his paper had appeared.
I thought it quite unfair.

Unfair that he was working hard
on words that wouldn't be.
Unfair that he was judged by those
on work they couldn't see.

Sometimes we think life's all in vain -
those things we do for God -
but He knows every one of us
and how, through life, we've trod.

So why was his completely blank?
Confused, I sat to think -
but then I learned his words were penned
with tears instead of ink.

It's not the works that we can see
that's valued on our page -
but rather what was done in love
that God will one day gauge.

©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 11 listopada 2012

What Is Art?

"What is art?” if to me, you would ask,
I'd say its a laborious, challenging task.
God creates life that we can't comprehend -
then puts it in nature, beginning to end...
We suffer the challenge to come even near
the beautiful landscapes we hold ever dear.
The brilliant full sunsets that take breath away
only proves artwork is futile and gray.
Though it’s improved and forever is honed,
creation is simply just mimicked and cloned.
With all of the paintings and all of the words,
none can replace nature’s flowers or birds.
I search, and within me, I find that great art -
comes from creation through a humble heart.
So never take credit, profits or fame -
for next to creation, our work is a shame. 
©2009 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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louis gander

louis gander, 26 grudnia 2012

A Poet's Prayer

"Father," I pray as I walk along,
"give me the words that would flow like a song.
A poem of promise, of hope and of love
that would focus lost sinners on You up above....

The moon's shining bright from behind an oak branch,
but it's cold here tonight on my dear humble ranch.
I'd be so happy if I was a tree,
for they stand much taller, much taller than me.

Their tops are much closer to Heaven I know,
and they just get closer, the more that they grow.
There's no clouds in the sky - but if so, they would be
joyously singing up there with Thee.

The stars in the sky seem much brighter tonight.
They must be so close they reflect Heaven's light.
The gold, alabaster - the pearls and brass
I bet shine like prisms through diamond-like glass.

Oh, to get closer to Heaven - one peek....
could give me the thoughts that would make these words speak.
The sights would bring words and to earth I would bring
the poem of poems - itself it would sing.

Instead, here I stand in the shivering cold,
a mindless numb man who was late getting old.
But here, down on earth, I'll perform every task,
and faithfully do everything that You ask.

I know that these people will not have a clue,
because this small poem cannot describe You.
So quickly this world forgets who You are,
They miss (as they're sleeping), the bright Morning Star.

I know that the God of Love's heart had to grieve,
when Heaven's gates opened to let Your Son leave -
to die on a cross that folks want to forget.
They just do not care - not one little bit.

But because of Your grace and faith, I believe.
You're the Great Poet and me You don't leave.
You live deep within, so I'll faithfully start -
for the greatest of poems come deep from the heart.

©2009 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 4 listopada 2012

An Old Abandoned Cabin

Nestled in a valley in a clearing of large oak,
while sunlight touched but treetops where the baby robins woke,
stood an old abandoned cabin that had seen some better days,
had once seen better fam'lies and had once seen better ways.
A little stream meandered by with water clean and pure
that seemed to say, "Come drink from me. Your problems, I will cure."
And sparkled bright, the diamonds that had glistened in the sky,
as did the dew on God's green earth that blessed the patient eye.

Hither, yon the squirrels worked and did what squirrels do.
They shared their ample spacious trees where little finches flew -
where trees wore brilliant yellow, red and golden colored suits
where leaves had wiggled in the breeze among leftover fruits.
But when the sun had cleared the hill and peeked between the trees
exposing all the guilt of man and sin that Heaven sees -
it brought to light the darkness deep inside those timbered wall,
where dust and cobwebs fought a war and won man's mighty fall.

Now just a second, let's step back and tell me how they can -
how tiny little spiders beat the big and mighty man?
Just maybe, man with ego big, was thought too big to fail -
and now the dust and spiderwebs own every board and nail.
That cabin once was filled with 'men', with love and life and health,
but now sits there abandoned and long gone his pride and wealth.
I once knew well the fam'ly who had lived inside those walls
of that abandoned cabin where our Savior's voice still calls.

If mighty man's big head was pulled along with his conceit
from clouds so he'd descend back down and settle on his feet -
then maybe he could still enjoy the cabin in the trees
and persevere through patience with the autumn colored leaves -
that dance above the cabin roof, that seem to taunt en mass -
to each and every one of us until possessions pass -
that man was beaten down by bugs who haven't any clue
that God is still in full control over me and you...
©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 14 marca 2013

The Little Kitten

A tiny little kitten
whose feet were very sore,
wandered through the drifting snow
and right up to my door.
The weak meowing stirred me,
and drew me when she cried.
I crossed my room with aging feet,
inviting her inside.
She shivered and was hungry,
was frightened, very weak.
Confused, she wasn't trusting,
her future somewhat bleak.
Now even though I loved her,
I saw a troubled sign.
I thought about it for a bit -
compared her life to mine...
As she warmed up to me a bit,
I let her eat and rest -
but ran, she did, if I came close -
afraid of me, I guessed.
Now I was like that kitten,
and it became quite clear -
that I was frightened, ran away,
when Jesus got too near.
Then as the days kept rolling by,
she finally did prefer -
to be around and close to me.
She knew that I loved her.
Before I learned that God so loved,
my life was very grim.
And though He loved me very much,
I had no faith in Him.
Knowing that I love her so
and take good care of her -
knowing that I listen when
I hear her prayerful purr -
defines a word called "faithfulness",
defines a true belief -
not wandering out aimlessly
in blowing snow and grief.
So now you'll find her in my lap,
a tiny ball of fuzz -
but she had taught me faithfulness.
I know it's true because -
I once roamed like this kitten,
where snow and drifting harms,
but now I lie in pastures green -
with Jesus, in His arms.
©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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louis gander

louis gander, 20 lutego 2013

Judgment Day

You float above your body,
ascending into sky.
You hear the angels singing.
You're really not sure why.

You hear them a Cappella,
for just a song or two -
and then the instruments chime in
which take all breath from you.

Tall, massive sculptured columns
hold alabaster beams -
high above your stature.
It, overwhelming, seems.

The granite steps are pure as glass.
The huge and massive doors -
now open up, reveal in full,
the warmest parquet floors.

A bright light draws you hither,
between the velvet walls.
You hear those massive doors go shut.
A hollow echo calls.

But you have done no walking.
You simply float along -
until you enter room that holds
ten thousand angels strong.

The ceiling seems a mile high,
with walls a mile wide!
There is no time to make amends,
there is nowhere to hide.

Intimidated by this all,
in center of the room -
with bulging eyes, your jaw has dropped.
You hear a massive "boom"!

You're stripped of all possessions.
You're standing there alone.
The gong still echoes in your ears -
and God is on the throne!

Your earthly life, you quick relive.
Oh, what have you achieved?
Exposed and feeling guilty now,
have truly, you believed?

You knew that judgment day would come -
but why was it so soon?
You've missed your last vacation
and it is now 'high noon'.

Lightning cracks with thunder!
You think it very odd -
but then you understand it all.
It is the voice of God!!

Your mouth still hangs wide open.
You cannot even squeak -
and then begin to wonder -
will Jesus stand to speak...?

Oh, one more chance, you wish you had -
but it will never be -
for you are reading this right now -
and yet, you cannot see -

nor hear Him knocking on your heart,
the door to your own soul.
However, if you let Him in -
then He will make you whole.

Not even you can be so bad
that you have lost all heart -
for Christ had died for everyone -
including you - so start.

Two thousand thirteen years ago
it took a real Man
to sacrifice Himself for you.
Repent in tears. You can.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 18 marca 2013


In despair,
we'll sometimes be.
At these times can we cope?
Yet always free,
if we can see
the One who offers hope.
©2011 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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louis gander

louis gander, 23 lutego 2013

If I Could Say...

I think about her every day
and also all today.
If I could say some words to her,
well this is what I'd say:

If we should meet, our hearts would beat
together right in time -
as music notes our thoughts would float
in harmonizing rhyme.

We would not fear for truth is here.
Our minds will not be crushed.
The air above holds perfect love
and it will not be hushed.

Some day we'll see that patiently
our worlds will become one.
That day the birds will sing these words -
"Their lives have just begun."

I think about her every day
and also all today.
If I could say some words to her,
well that is what I'd say...

~gander Copyright 2013

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louis gander

louis gander, 19 lipca 2012

True Love

So many things in body / soul
are empty, undefined -
but read this poem carefully,
and answers you may find.

The knowledge of the Love of God,
comes through in loving stages -
so see if you can find a clue -
within this couple's ages...


The couple faced each other close,
while standing toe to toe.
The clear new day was very young.
They had no place to go.

His right hand held her left hand and,
His left hand held her right.
He slid a daisy through her hair.
She was a pretty sight.

The springtime breezes did not quell
the sun's most warmest rays.
As ocean waves kept rolling in,
they held the longest gaze.

Her face was like a sunshine's glow.
Her toes sank in the sand.
Her hair flipped in the open breeze.
Her fingers squeezed his hand.

Some folks had paused and stared a bit
when softly came the kiss -
but never would a moment pass,
a moment quite like this.

And with these two, that special time
would never go away -
for faithful is that one true love.
There is no better way.

So scenic was the sandy beach,
so beautiful, the pair -
yet only God creates true love
that I saw perfect there.


Now just in case you're wondering,
what ages they could be...
Well, she's but two years younger than
his age of eighty-three.

So if assumptions, you had made -
in poem told above -
then you have also missed the mark,
of true Agape Love.

Therefore, question all the writings,
discovered here and there,
that often miss the God of Love -
the hearer of each prayer.

And don't have shallow notions or,
wear blinders to 'believe' -
or come to some conclusion that
some well-known 'experts' weave.

Sometimes we think we know it all,
when all the facts we weigh -
but we do not create the God
who loves us every day.

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 17 lipca 2012

An Obvious Need

“Dear Lord and Savior, hear my plea.
I've one request - wait, two or three....
This time though, I'm in a fix,
so maybe there'll be five or six....

Please answer quickly, hear me now
and I'll pray daily - that's my vow.
Unlike before, please don't postpone,
for really Lord, You should have known.

I've sacrificed so much for You,
for years been nagged by 'you know who'....
The children too, yell at the spouse -
we really need a larger house....

My boat is bleached from Your hot sun
so I really need a brand new one.
My wardrobes full - but can't wear those -
for Heaven knows I need new clothes.

You know I just went out to eat,
‘all I could eat' - wow, what a treat -
topped it off with cream and cake -
so take away my stomachache.

I've tried so hard to lose some weight,
from all this fat that You create....
I feel so tired and weak somehow,
so give me strength - I need it now.

Well, thank You for my new guitar,
my brand new camper, one more car,
but vacation's what I really need -
roller coasters, lots of speed.

You are so great. I know You care,
so answer now - my simple prayer.
These aren't mere words, these are my needs
and if You grant, I've more good deeds....

There's so much more I'd ask of You,
with credit cards long overdue....
But you, dear Lord, must surely know,
the fish are biting - I must go.

I only ask for what I need.
These are not 'wants' so please proceed.
Stay close to me - I'll call again.
Please grant me what I need, Amen.”

©2007 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 3 marca 2013


Oh, I remember back, when young -
the pirate tales from grandpa's tongue -
where peg-legged men with but one eye
had sought their treasures, chanced to die.
Now Captain Pirate had a hook
and he cared not from whom he took.
He boarded ships and stole their goods -
then hid his treasures in the woods.
And on the ship - he had some men -
who helped him rob now and again.
At times they partied and they drank. -
If one was rude, he'd walk the plank.
Now this old pirate wasn't fair -
and got so drunk he didn't care.
It didn't matter who he killed -
just so his humor was fulfilled.
A wee bit close, I happened near -
lost both my boots and lost my gear.
They tied me up that very night -
my wrists had hurt, the rope was tight.
Then one pulled quick, his shiny sword -
and threw me on that weathered board.
The ocean deep, the water black,
I felt his sword pressed to my back.
So I stepped out - again, again,
with nudges felt from earthly sin.
The steps I took were very short
but that old plank gave me support.
I thought quite quick but took some pause -
reflecting on life's silly laws.
So blinded by life's codes and rules,
I had nothing - them, the jewels.
Hoping here on earth I'd stay,
I stepped through life from day to day.
And this I knew, could not pretend -
this plank was short. There was an end.
My weight pushed low the outer ledge.
My toes could feel the very edge.
No turning back, what's done is done -
no place to turn - no place to run.
Our bodies end with earthly goals
as all life ends, but not our souls.
Emotions quake, as body shakes,
but after death, the soul awakes.
Oh, they held truth (though they got old)
those pirate tales that grandpa told,
but futile is a life that's wed -
with both the soul and body dead.
©2009 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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louis gander

louis gander, 3 października 2012

Where Are You God?

Early mornings, I talk to You.
I pray until the sky is blue.
Faithfully I do my chores -
for You are mine and I am Yours.

I read the Bible, every verse -
but yet the world grows worse and worse.
So where's the bounty? Where's the fruit?
Did You get lost along our route?

Tell me now - where are you God?
You should be here. This is quite odd.
Do You just sit there on Your throne,
and leave me down here all alone?

A mustard seed - my faith exceeds.
I live a Godly life indeed.
I pour out Christian love each day -
spreading seed along my way.

So tell me why You're way up there.
and leave me here in such despair?
Please tell me, why are we apart?
Could I have followed my own heart?

Could it be, I followed me -
I never listened, couldn't see?
Yes, maybe I had took a turn,
because I didn't want to learn...

You are there and I am here -
Now I shall follow and not fear.
Early mornings, I'll hear You -
so guide me Lord, and lead me through.

©2009 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 6 marca 2013

A Toad

I'm just a toad who had thought he'd been kiss-ed,
but then had found out that no princess exist-ed.
But how was I (a wee toad) to know -
that I hadn't changed as of yet and so -
don't ever think that your prince, by you, rode -
for deep down inside this bright armor's a toad...

~gander  Copyright 2013

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louis gander

louis gander, 28 września 2012

His Hands

"I've cried my eyes out every day.
My burdens, I've out-poured
in never-ending prayers to You.
Why can't You hear me Lord?

"Oh Lord, the stinging hurts me so.
They smear my wounds with salt.
My mind is scarred and You know why.
These burdens aren't my fault.

"And physically, I'm also scarred.
Each hurts a different way.
So tell me... once again I ask,
'Do You hear what I say?'"

"As days go by, I cannot cope.
Will nothing ever change?
If there were different burdens Lord,
I'd happily exchange.

"I'd trade all mine for other ones.
This pain is just too great.
Please let me trade my burdens in,
if it is not too late."

And then I saw my Savior's hands,
cupped high above my head.
He slowly lowered them to me,
and this is what He said.

"If you wish, then I will trade.
Your Savior understands.
I'll take each burden you don't want.
Just place them in my hands."

So collected I, my burdens.
They numbered as the stars.
And just before I threw them in,
I saw those nail scars.

Instinctively, I held them back.
Now I was at a loss...
I cannot trade my burdens for
His day upon the cross.

"Oh come, my dear and troubled child -
come rest in my embrace.
Have faith that I will vanquish them
and I will show you grace."

So once again, still weak in trust,
and hesitant, I feared -
but one by one I set them in
and each one disappeared!

Now I have grace... And burdens? None!
No cross of any kind!
I gave to Jesus everything -
and now have peace of mind.

©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 28 września 2012


Tattoo's ink smeared everywhere,
with piercings by the score -
and color-copied rainbow hair,
how can we handle more?

To get a little self-respect
our clothes must have a label.
Our auto's must be perfect,
or we appear unstable.

Eye lashes must be fastened on.
Scent squirts out from sprayers -
liner must be perfect drawn
with powder caked in layers.

Our jewelry we can wear with pride
and aging spots can cover -
the wrinkles we can try to hide
so no one will discover.

Through remedies we dig and dig.
We make a real fuss.
But apply the lipstick to a pig -
it's surface, surface, surface!

We try to conquor blunder,
we think we've conquored dull,
but what I have to wonder
is, what's inside our skull?

Man can't look beyond the skin,
Man looks at the face.
Man sees only fat or thin.
Man sees only 'race'.

God sees through all shallowness.
God sees through the skin.
God sees down inside our heart,
God sees deep within.

Some day man might teach our youth.
Some day man might feel.
Some day man might learn the truth
and hopefully get REAL!

©2009 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 13 lutego 2013


With waves that crash upon the beach,
my love rolls further in to reach -
and further up, they roll some more -
I haven’t loved like this before.

I never thought I’d fall in love,
but you’re the one I’m dreaming of.
I close my eyes in your embrace,
and still I see your lovely face.

I kiss your lips and hold you close
but never get my final dose.
We hug so tightly for so long -
in arms of love we both belong.

I peer into your pretty eyes -
oh, please don’t love the other guys.
Their love for you can’t be this strong -
and can’t be tear-filled for as long.

Each time I think about your pain,
I cry but it is all in vain -
yet nature knows the sun won’t shine,
until her raindrops fall with mine.

So when it rains just think of me,
my tears of love will always be.
With every tear of mine I cry.
I’ll wash your pain and hurt good-bye.

I’ll kiss each sore, each scar, each kind -
until your smiling face I find.
I’ll kiss you often and so deep.
Please tell me that I’m yours to keep!

The rain will end and will succumb
to colors when the rainbows come.
And as the sun shines bright above
it will expose our perfect love.

When we’re apart, I’m very blue,
I just can’t get enough of you.
Your lovely hair, your pretty nose,
your perfect legs, your tiny toes…

As every wave keeps rolling in,
I cannot hold my love within.
My thoughts run quickly – run so deep,
but you my Love, I’ll always keep.

Your beauty cannot be replaced.
Your silhouette, my memory traced.
You are so perfect – know it’s true.
Oh, please believe that I love you.

My love is soft and does ignite
a cry for you each lonely night.
There’s something special deep inside
which you and I can never hide.

You stole my heart. It’s all yours, but
it’s very fragile - delicate.
So promise me, that you won’t break
this tender heart, if you should take.

For if your love, away should fly,
my soul would shriek and I would die.
The earth would shake. With stomach curled,
they’d hear me scream around the world.

I’d get so sick and turn away -
I’d die a million times that day.
I love you more than you could know -
So never, ever let me go.

The water’s vast between each shore -
but this is true - I love you more.
My waves of love keep rolling in.
Together, may our lives begin?

As I need air – I so need you -
so please, my Love - please love me too.
Tell me yes and not just maybe -
be my Princess, Barbie baby.

If there are tears, I’ll kiss them dry,
so smile with me and do not cry.
Walk close with me on golden sands,
forever always, hand in hand.

©2010 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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louis gander

louis gander, 25 stycznia 2013

Summer Day

There is nothing more fine on a warm summer day
than lying in grasses of clover and hay,
where breezes make music through all of the leaves,
and birds do their singing among all the trees.

A butterfly zig-zagged here hither and yon
busily flapping as I had looked on.
I raised my eyes up at the vastness of space
and wondered what God thought of His human race.

Soaking up comfort in all that I saw,
lying there silent, in skeptical awe -
pouring His beauty in nature below,
oh, how did God start it so long, long ago?

He continues to bless us year after year -
and why does He love us? It isn't too clear.
Now God did create us - all different kinds,
so what does He look for in all of our minds?

My horse wandered over and nuzzeled my head.
He wanted me up in the saddle instead.
I sat on his back, took a minute or two -
and pondered the question, pondered a clue.

As I kicked his haunches I knew as I grinned
that he would obey as I leaned to the wind.
He faithfully galloped with all of his might -
the answer revealed as I rode out of sight.

©2009 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 20 stycznia 2013

Prayer Of Love

Dear Lord and Savior, hear my prayer -
help me comprehend and share...

...please touch my eyes, that I might view -
in ways a blind man might see You...

...please touch my ears, that I might learn -
in ways a deaf man might discern...

...please touch my nose, that I might smell -
Your perfumes where Your flowers dwell...

...please touch my lips, so I can speak -
so bravely bold, yet ever meek...

...please touch my hands, that I might show -
Your awesome works to souls below.

...please touch my feet, without delay -
so I can walk - what others say...

...then touch my heart, from there above,
so I can give - and others love.


©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 10 października 2012

Hopelessly Helpless

I woke up from sleeping and found myself eating
a piece of old barley bread.
While feeding on breakfast, I thought it most unjust
that yours was a warm one instead.

Though willow branch bends, it cannot make amends
to a place that I'm sitting between.
A rock and a hard place that's hopeless to face -
and torment, the greatest I've seen.

My great sacrifice just wouldn't suffice.
These shoes that I wear aren't by choice.
"We can't refinance" was the bank's 'song and dance'
but who would hear my little voice?

Despite life-long effort, they're selling me short,
my business at such a great cost.
The bank never spared because they hadn't cared,
hence millions of dollars were lost.

So don't store up treasures for everyday pleasures,
in things of this earth that will rust.
The great love of money has never been funny,
for only in God should we trust.

It's so disconcerting my children are hurting,
yet hopelessly helpless I am.
Despite expectations to pay obligations,
I now can't help any of them.

I sit in the shade of these problems they made.
This willow tree weeps with me too.
The moral of story is not really gory
if we've learned a lesson or two.

Those decades of years bring me sad lonely tears
for they took everything that I had.
But what greater loss - than was Christ's on the cross?
I maybe don't have it so bad.

©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 23 stycznia 2013

Stalking Us

You follow me and haunt me
in terrorizing ways.
Your silence keeps me guessing here
in my most frightened gaze.

Sometimes you stalk me from my left -
and sometimes from my right.
Sometimes you're right in front of me -
or just beyond my sight.

Sometimes taller, you appear,
intimidatingly -
and every day I see you here,
I simply want to flee.

To add some distance, I sometimes
accelerate my pace.
Yet matters not, my quickened step,
I can't increase the space.

You march 'lock-step' along with me
and blatantly impede -
my privacy and liberties
exacting my same speed.

I get enraged and shake my fists -
but you make your fists too.
Once and for all, I'd be so glad
to rid myself of you.

You hang around me mimicking!
I plead with you - just GO!!
I find myself at my wit's end
escaping my own shadow.

Oh yes, just like our shadows,
temptation follows us -
stalking us where e'er we go.
That's why we need Jesus.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 4 października 2012

Yellow Stained Page

I sat in my room with Bible in hand,
trying to fully, to best understand;
But as I looked down, all I could see -
was a yellow stained page, staring back at me.

I turned my mind to another thought,
became discouraged, became distraught;
I concentrated - but all I could see,
was a yellow stained page, staring back at me.

I peered at times out the huge windowpane,
and knew that I shouldn't at all complain;
So I glanced back down but all I could see -
was a yellow stained page, staring back at me.

The big, red sun was settling down,
and longer shadows grew around;
I refocused my eyes but all I could see,
was a yellow stained page, staring back at me.

For quite some time I sat and thought,
for hours and hours my eyelids fought;
I pushed them up, but all I could see -
was a yellow stained page, staring back at me.

I stayed up half the night it seems;
then went to bed with the weirdest dreams;
Against dark blackness all I could see,
was a yellow stained page, staring back at me.

For many years, I sat at a loss....
I failed to fully understand the cross.
While I had eyes, I just couldn't see -
but the yellow stained page, staring back at me.

Yellow stains? You ask me why?
Teardrops felled from saddened eyes.
My vision blurred - I couldn't see,
but the yellow stained page, staring back at me.

By grace alone, I know my God.
He comforts me - His staff and rod.
And now through faith, no longer see -
a yellow stained page, staring back at me.

©2007 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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