Jon Hark, 9 december 2011
Something works its way into me
Squirms till it finds a comfy place to fester
Infecting me at my core, imposter that just wont bleed
I'm turned away by my self, it multiplies, lays in clusters
Where is it taking me, from and to?
Why am I just letting it tear me from my golden idols
What am I, but a ghost to do?
And all I have is my bag of souls
Not worth there weight in copper
Mea culpa, or maybe. sorta. kinda, something kinda like, um.
Fuck this Life, its got a leak, and I have no stopper.
My own little nirvana built in rot, as I go Numb
Jon Hark, 9 december 2011
As the sky cried its tears of blood.
The dirt below my head washed me away.
The one last kiss that would never bleed.
And I loved to look down at her cloudy sway.
There could never be another heartbeat like it.
An openly Splayed Chest, to bear none else.
With every absurd shard, Its been tampered.
To which all shrapnel have chased, and crushed.
Burnt by Broken, and withered dreams.
Cultured from old soggy winter climes.
And I rake my hair with the trees.
Simple splinters too cracked to bind.
All the hurt pours to a river that floods.
Making that trampled, unforgiving day.
While not sprouting from my seed.
And as I keep in mind to not give way.
I come to know the flame you once lit.
But even now my iceberge melts.
I wished so much that you wouldn't have faultered
This broken oath would steal my rib, leave me brused
The weight of a stare could split my seams
Then i forged my own little lies
Yet why do I shake my leaves.
I supose I hope for my wings to let me fly.
Jon Hark, 7 december 2011
Red moon shines
down blood stains
in clouds
Light covers Twilight
a still lake
a comforting embrace
gentle embrace
of one and one
to make crimson wake
The water is cleansing
Heart so pure
seen through perfect eyes
her beauty is infinite
so is my love for her
Jon Hark, 6 december 2011
Ethereal Eye
Toward the sky
Seeing all there was but
Not what can become
A blind God
Did he not see?
We are just puppets
We cut our strings and
Love is a diseased joke
And yet I feel like I need
To catch this sickness
To understand this riddle
Life is Chaos
Hold me still my love
Take me back to Grace
Jon Hark, 6 december 2011
Listen When I talk to you.
You should really hear what I've got.
I'm full of an odd wisdom.
So tell me something.
Some things I cannot Forget.
It doesn't matter how hard.
Your words hit me
as in a way I can't perceive.
Then maybe I won't still believe
in things that bleed.
Just like you and he were
and myself, and we.
We're happy, I guess
you were as me.
However, what I've got is.
A better day
Then you've ever had,
than I've forever known.
But thank you
for breaking me.
And for tearing my
old ways out of that
Freaking box, that's dead
and now is gone.
But as always, I'm still
simply laying totally still.
Feeling very ill. in a chilling
manner that's killing.
My inner childs
kidding spirit
Hope is mirrored in
cloudy skies
pierced by mine
only eyes, I did have.
Now I'm here
your gone.
End of the something
beginning of my anointing
Is what I'm simply left with.
I'm left simply with
redundancy, I pray for prayer.
Jon Hark, 6 december 2011
Dark clouds bring storms
Like the human mind brings wars
Born in hate we
Must learn to love
Our hearts eroded by life’s
Lies but what’s truth anyways
In our hopes and dreams
We find greed and lust
And Hate fills the most peaceful Man
Till He gains his desires or loses his life.
The human error is
Humans are an error
The Problem to be solved
Where’s the answer.
Our minds, Cloudy
Like a dark stormy Day
We Rain upon the earth and she is dieing
Crying, Bleeding, Screaming, Get off
But human nature says never give up
We fight back, she dies
We fallow
Like a parasite following the host
To the end, when will we learn?
To help and not to hurt,
To love, and not to hate
To give, and not to take
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