
Scott Clark

Scott Clark, 10 june 2012


When will we walk
About auburn arenas
Showing shorn sheaves
Tightly tickling touches-

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Scott Clark

Scott Clark, 10 june 2012

Complex Nature

Environmentally and Envelopmentally Influenced Simple or Simple to Complex Positional Adjustments relative to a particle or mass within an uncontained or containing environment involving a base centric influence.  The Centric influence is the adjustment of a particle to be centrally positioned within (... więcej)

number of comments: 0 | rating: 2 | detail

Nguyen XIII

Nguyen XIII, 2 june 2012

The Monster and the Protractor

Once upon a time, there was a monster in a local village; he was a very lonely monster because he had done many things in the past. Many of those things he had forgotten while others were engraved into his mind like it was just yesterday. He always felt that he was alone in the world because he never (... więcej)

Tyler Lundgren

Tyler Lundgren, 1 june 2012

A Bug in The Eye Is Worth Two On The Shit

How long can someone keep one eye shut? I mean, the world record? A gnat flew into my left eyeball this morning. Right into my iris! I heard my cornea scream out from the back row as if it were some b rated horror film and it wanted it’s money back. The gnat died on impact, my only sliver of silver (... więcej)

number of comments: 0 | rating: 4 | detail

Tyler Lundgren

Tyler Lundgren, 1 june 2012

The Drugs Won't Cuddle

Yes, I know these converse shoes will hide the holes in my socks; mismatched as they are. And these oversized 50's glamour glasses will hide last night’s sleepless tirade from bar to bar. But makeup can't shadow the teeth marks born of an x pill's dance through our bloodstream... or (... więcej)

number of comments: 0 | rating: 1 | detail


Icedawan, 29 may 2012

The fate of Beauty - II- marriage

" where's the music come from ? who's playing the string ?" I stopped my step.

" Miss, you don't know ?" My servant replied with astonishment.

" The lord has guests here. One of them is a handsome gentleman, who is talent and intelligent. It's he (... więcej)

number of comments: 0 | rating: 4 | detail

Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 26 may 2012

Dreamt Dreamer Dreaming

dreaming of the dreamer
dreaming the dream
dreamed by the dreamer
dreaming the dream dreamt

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Celine, 23 may 2012


Sweating a little, but still a little bit awake in the humid air, I walk down to the parking lot, my too-small sneakers squishing the muddy, sloppy ground beneath my feet. Avoiding the larger puddles, I stare down at the dark green grass, and the mud revealing itself with a dull, shimmering glow, from (... więcej)

number of comments: 0 | rating: 5 | detail

Harihar Patel

Harihar Patel, 21 may 2012

The Soul

By nature I am just devilish; I am nothing if not 'self'ish.

My words are a lot of hot air; I too am abreath of air.

I am nothing-granted; but I am here.I am just energy- no mass-

 only frequency.There is a sea of energy surrounding you like air or 

or water- readily available (... więcej)

number of comments: 0 | rating: 20 | detail


wordwulf, 18 may 2012

~angels run away~

~drifting down that rat hole~
~he don’t want to go there alone~
~so he invents superman~
~trades women sex for drugs~
~gets the boys that way too~
~the world is his his stage is his world~
~everybody wants to see it~
~make him run~
~run away~
~die rockstar die~
~angels run away~
  (... więcej)

number of comments: 0 | rating: 18 | detail

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