
Tribhawan Kaul
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Tribhawan Kaul

Tribhawan Kaul, 27 april 2012

Seek Within


Someone( call it soul, call it supreme power or call it inner consciousness) always keeps us warned and guide us throughout our lives....but do we listen and follow.. that is the million dollar question.
IT tried to awaken, I kept sleeping
Jolted out of slumber, I kept brooding.
IT spoke, I became deaf
IT tried to reason, I admired self
IT asked me to pray, I became dumb
IT goaded me to act, I felt numb.
IT showed me a path, I created deviation
IT pointed my faults, I made my decision.
IT even caught my finger, pointing destination
Got totally lost in the labyrinth of emotions.
IT made me aware of omnipresent vice
Yet I managed to acquire , at a heavy price.
IT monITored my actions, issuing warnings
I simply ignored for worldly yearning.
Awakened ! Now what is the use
Couldn’t see the truth in time, behind every ruse.
Life is like that, what matters more
Seek IT honestly, IT opens the door.
copyright Tribhawan Kaul

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Tribhawan Kaul

Tribhawan Kaul, 8 april 2012


 Hope ,don’t betray me
clinging, I survive.
Hope ,don’t overpower me
Clutching, I overestimate
Hope, don’t be an illusion
Chasing, I get shattered.
Hope, don’t raise

Setbacks, I can’t endure.
Tribhawan Kaul


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Tribhawan Kaul

Tribhawan Kaul, 30 march 2012

True Love

 A true love is
Neither lust nor greed nor

It is divine building of emotions
Standing tall with
Foundation of trust
Bricks of feeling
Cement of sensitivity
Pillars of grace
A true love flourishes then
Bearing fruit
It is evolution
And evolution evolves
Birth of a new creation.
Copyright 2010 Tribhawan


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Tribhawan Kaul

Tribhawan Kaul, 28 march 2012

A Girl Child

infanticide, sex-determination tests and malnutrition to which the a girl child
is subjected to is not uncommon in India though the things are fast improving

A female form
when comes out of womb
is questioned
on her existence.
thrown in the garbage bin
poisoned or abandoned
some, who are retained
to face the cruel world
to shatter the myth
we care for the girl child.
Brave survivors face
social injustice
educational stagnation
gender bias
apathy of kith and kin
maltreatment and malnutrition.
Considered a social liability
treated like a glorified maid
till she attains maturity
to be married off
before reaching puberty.
Sometimes sold and resold
her miseries remain untold
thrown before social wolves and sharks
trying to snatch a living through the dark
for her own sake or for her family
or for the sake of her siblings
her plight is never ending.
If she fights, she fights alone
no one cares, she dies a lone.
When exposed it becomes a news
everyone competes to share her views
beating the bush, discussions galore
downplaying reality as TRPs* soar.
One who gives the man
his own identity
is always tormented by him
what an irony !
Shouldn’t we fight for her rights?
shouldn’t we make her present and future bright?
shouldn’t we give her joy and happiness
making her life worth living day and night?
Television rating points.



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Tribhawan Kaul

Tribhawan Kaul, 25 march 2012

Tamasha (The Show)

takes its own course. Justice is blind. Media’s role is felt wanting.

Standing at a crossroad
looking for her would be
from another caste
he came wearing a hooded cape
shot her point blank
and escaped
stunned onlookers
left aghast.

The police searched motives
fought over jurisdiction
but arrived at conclusion,
“ the deed was lover’s envy
it was open and shut case
she was done to death due to

So her lover was caught
Who denied the charge
media thundered,” why such haste ?”
And wrote stories not in good taste.

Political connections were sought
every Sohan, Mohan and Devi fought
though there was no coup
the police was put in soup
media smelt a scoop.

Investigations followed
local police to CID* and to CBI*
questions were raised in Assembly
creating din at center
hue and cry in the city
some suggested ‘RAW’*
what a pity ?

Political fallout was great
putting in turmoil every state
demos, rampage and destruction
hartal, rioting and arson
taking heavy toll
with no rhyme or reason.

Several were dead
numerous maimed
a few tried to surrender
but shot in encounter
and all this for
just for one murder !

Ps :
after six months of lull
a man caught
in a cheating case
owned responsibility
having killed her
*Secret service agencies of India
copyright Tribhawan Kaul

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Tribhawan Kaul

Tribhawan Kaul, 13 march 2012

Love Love Love

Love is bonding between
sisters and brothers

Love is sharing by husbands
and wives

Love is caring of parents
& children

Love is emotional with
everyone else.

Love is potion on the bed
Love is ocean and never dead
Love is in our hearts and in

Love is in blood and in our

Love happens, can’t be

Love is compassion, can’t be

Love is smile, makes us

Love is deluge, can’t be

Love is not showing your

Love is different from
bloody lust

Love is not possessiveness

Love is what you give the

Love is not in your eyes
Love is not on your lips
Love is never demanding
Love which is true, never

Love makes you to sacrifice
Love makes you to survive
Love can’t be gauged by

Love makes a dead to revive.
Love knows no frontiers
Love knows no religion
Love has no caste
Love has no region.
Love is passion, love is

Love is forgiveness, love is

Love is power, love is faith
Love is prayer, love if true
never cease.

Love makes you feel wanted
Love makes you get mated
Love makes you feel seduced
Love never makes you

Love is everlasting relationship
not infatuation
Love is everything
but punctuation.
Love is not give and take
Love is what you do for
other’s sake

Love makes you feel stronger
Love is God makes you live

Love is inferno, experience
its pangs

Love is jealous within the

Love is life, smooth but coy
Love is rain, indulge and

Love is grace, blessing our

Love is exhilarating, ending
our agony

Love makes us positive,
negating the negatives

Love is symphony bringing
the harmony.

The concept of love can never

be defined
It is so vast and too refined
Love is eternal and never dies
Love makes human sane and wise.
copyright/Tribhawan Kaul

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Tribhawan Kaul

Tribhawan Kaul, 29 february 2012

A park amidst highrise

Mornings and evenings witness
commoners of differentshapes
caste, creed, colour & age
jog, walk, yoga or meditate
groups of female folks assert also
with warlike maneuvers
learning the tricks of  karate & judo
and the joggers’ park
shines in the form of oasis
amidst the concrete desert.
 Giving eyes a treat towering residents
wowing the architectural marvels around
but devoid of health concerns
keeping their windows open
simply to crane and watch
the images of dwarfedmoversbelow
pondering upon advice of health gurus
yet thinking it a total waste
 being on high pedestal, boasting
‘ they arn’t missing anything ?’
Introspection brings them down
to feel and experience
the smell of freshness
the chirping and tweets
the sound of breeze
the rush of blood
the rustle of leaves
the peace of mind
the romance with nature ofdifferent kind
new awakening dawns.

Surrounded by faceless concrete high-rise
the lush green park rejoices
watching homo-sapiens
respecting its existence
for their own existence.
Copyright reserved by Tribhawan Kaul

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Tribhawan Kaul

Tribhawan Kaul, 27 february 2012

Operation- an arostic poetry

Operation scheduled for today postponed for the next day

Patients anxiety could not be weaned away
Experts came again to check their specialised part ofanotomy
Rating the patient fit for the surgery
All of a sudden OT activated to the brim
Tension mounted on paramedics and the nearest kin
In the OT patient was ushered without time to waste
Oxygen was administered with emergent haste, but
None could stop the soul to exit to rest in peace above.
copyright reserved by Tribhawan Kaul

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Tribhawan Kaul

Tribhawan Kaul, 23 february 2012

Life Graph

The way I perceive the life
shrouded in the mystery
its up and down curves
none can guess but destiny.

Challenges, the hall mark of life
paint it with red or green
acceptance of failures gives direction
success gives a sheen.

Biggest philanthropist, the life is
providing opportunity at every stage
those who grabs it with bothhands
ink their name on every page.

Life graph is never smooth
and should not be so
death is defined by a smooth line
a beating heart must know.

Vagaries of life draws its graph
So never pity it and destroy
bonded, life can never be
crib not dears but enjoy.
copyright reserved by Tribhawan Kaul

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Tribhawan Kaul

Tribhawan Kaul, 16 february 2012


She wakes upTrembling, frightened, pale
faced and humiliated

Day and night

When humans become inhumane

And shame has no place to hide.

Hunted before the crowds

Molested behind the bushes

Raped in the moving cars

Relatives, friends, goons,
terrorists or

By political czars.

Mentally mauled, physically

Everyone looks on but never

Nightmarish moments never
out of sight

Living dead or deadly living

Soul and body always in

Tender age matters to none

Everything she dreams, is

In a flash, everyone jumps

To encash

Her innocence, her trauma,
her conscience

For five minutes of fame

Putting even THE GOD in

copyright Tribhawan Kaul.
The poem was selected for publication in book 'How to prevent rape & molestation' by Dr. Aroona Reejhsinghani.

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