
Tribhawan Kaul
PROFILE About me Friends (4) Poetry (41)

Tribhawan Kaul

Tribhawan Kaul, 16 july 2012

A morning in an Indian village

 Rising sun in the horizon
a fireball in space
like a bride of first night
blushing and gushing
blossoming sunflowers matching its pace.
Triangle of birds
wave after wave
chirping in symphony
flying in harmony
towards the crescent
a sleeping beauty in space
fading slowly with heavenly grace.
Tillers out in fields
sowing seeds
and hopes for millions
their women bending backs
cutting weeds
small babies crying in shacks
drawing attention to have their feed.
Village children in open space
waiting for initiation
to the world of education
listening to the teacher
with not so rapt attention
Milkmen competing to deliver
small vendors crying hoarse to sell
the sun shines bright on everyone
grandpa has many stories to tell.
Flowing stream creating music for soul
baying cows and rumbling of goat chimes
joining the chorus
beggars with begging bowl
street dogs have no mercy
so none thinks of village security.
Temple, mosque, gurudwara and a church
inviting everyone with open arms
so many faiths
truthful and straight
mornings  in a village has its own charm.
---------------------------o-----------------------Copyright/Children of Lost God/ Tribhawan Kaul 

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Tribhawan Kaul

Tribhawan Kaul, 12 july 2012

God....where are YOU ?


Searched for HIM  near and far
in  temples, mosques, churches and vihars
Browsed  Gita, Bible and Quran
peeped into the pages of Vedas and Purans.
Questioned the learned ones, scholars and sages
journeyed  in this quest  sacred places.
Meditated seeking HIM in lap of the Himalayas
Praying for HIS presence through chanting of mantras.
Sages and savants, answers, could’nt satisfy me
my hunger for HIM, felt, beginning to betray me.
Finding of God particle raised my hope
soon to vanish by another stroke.
 Instrumental in forming the Universe, it was revealed
but who made this particle , mystery yet to be unveiled ?
Arn’t we the God particles in the true sense ?
What use this universe without inhabitants ?
Eureka ! I have found HIM within myself
HE is in everyone, bother to seek within self.
He is in us, in every human being
in good deeds, love ,service & pious thinking.
So why search HIM here and there
Universal love marks HIS presence everywhere.
Copyright reserved by Tribhawan Kaul

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Tribhawan Kaul

Tribhawan Kaul, 10 july 2012

Death of an Activist

Various activists try to expose nefarious activities carried out by the mafias throughout the world at great risk. India is no exception. Since last one year number of such activist lost their lives in India.

Harbinger of pain, anguish, frustration and agony
not limited to mortals only
footprints to be found everywhere
in the guise of
corruption, crime, scams and adulteration
tentacles are spread in the society.
Except cleansing of conscience
 no cure in sight
some take the fight
against the might
one who dares to bare
death stalks everywhere
ultimately cancer wins
time and again
poor one  transforming into flowered frame
 rich tributes become a front page game
soon to be in oblivion
situation remaining the same
till another one dares
Alas! None cares.
copyright reserved by Tribhawan Kaul

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Tribhawan Kaul

Tribhawan Kaul, 30 may 2012


Yesterday my second book of poems in hindi ' Mann Ki Tarang' saw the daylight.

Poet within
experiencing  writer’s block
warned to quit me.
Brain threatened to go barren
launched searched for fertilisers
couldn’t afford the misery.
Happenings around fertilised the land
emotions  and feelings sowed as seeds
inked the saplings for its feed.
Flowered every seed in various genre
reaped the harvest for everyone to read
the greatest consolation.... SATISFACTION
Copyright  Tribhawan Kaul


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Tribhawan Kaul

Tribhawan Kaul, 25 may 2012

Banyan Tree

 Now a days trees are being cut right, left and centre to pave the way for concrete jungles. Yet when I see this tree from the balcony of my house daily in the morning standing with all its grandeur in the park below, It sooths my soul. I have grown up watching this tree going from strength to strength.

Banyan tree, banyan tree
that century old banyan tree
standing grandeurly for us to see
banyan tree, banyan tree.
Cool breeze passing through
seeking blessings of banyan tree
branches shaking in approval
banyan tree, banyan tree.
Glassy green with majestic trunk
 touching the earth, not breaking free
shelter home for different birds
banyan tree, banyan tree.
Yellowish streaks, some with reddish tinge
welcome every season with a glee
symbol of eternal life
 banyan tree, banyan tree.
Shedding leaves, like tears falling
a grandfather lamenting on its knees
new plants cuddling around
banyan tree, banyan tree.
Lord  Buddha became its buddy
meditation was the only key
peace you get underneath
that is why it is banyan tree.
Banyan tree, banyan tree
wish fullfilling, it is banyan tree
just pray here and let you see
Banyan tree, banyan tree.
A life giver and just for free
Banyan is my national pride
 preserve these at any cost
don’t commit a homicide ?
 God blessed us with banyan tree
heat absorbing banyan tree
has healing powers this banyan tree
banyan tree, banyan tree.
--------------  X   --------------------
copyright/Children of Lost God/Tribhawan Kaul
All rights reserved


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Tribhawan Kaul

Tribhawan Kaul, 23 may 2012

Cruise Control

One who knows  how to control his/her life is a sure winner.


 Like a boat
Inspite of warnings
wandering in sea
In choppy waters
rollercoaster ride
high and low waves
of expectations, aspirations,
omissions and commissions
trying to steer clear of
miseries and illusions
bogged down by
wavering & dithering decisions
 sailing to set destination
 yet drifting to unknown
anchoring to gauge
and wriggling out of
self created mess
by self control

and meditation
directing the ship
to desired destination.
copyright/Children of lost God/Tribhawan Kaul
All rights reserved



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Tribhawan Kaul

Tribhawan Kaul, 21 may 2012

A couple on the beach

A lost poem retrieved from lost diary. Written 19-08-2007 at Kashid Beach (140 km from Mumbai/India)
 I spotted a couple on the beach. Strange as it looked, sun was setting one side and the full moon was rising from the other side
The phenomenon was catchy enough to pen my thoughts.

Two frail frames

 male and female
walking hand in hand
leaving imprints
waving imaginary magic wand
giggling, teasing, running
throwing caution to wind & rolling
on ever welcoming golden sand.
Making Castles
on the sand
in the air
who cares
when these disappear
moments only to cherish.
 Their feet into the calm sea
  feeling the touch of cold warmth
  bending to gauge under current
  watching it to rise slowly from its slumber
  thousand lions freed from their cage
  appearance of full moon
  powered surfs into rage
  never afraid of opposition
  assuring and reassuring each other
  of their bondage.
they don’t talk
silence smiles
understanding perfect
just a gesture,
she goes resplendent
wrapped in orange red
 the sun,
beginning of the union on the sand bed.
Stampede of sorts
waves surged to have glimpse
those two mortals
oblivious of crazy waves
buried under the sand
wake up with a start
as blanket of water washes
their misadventure of sorts
they glance at each other,
smiling discreetly
hand in hand, drenched

walk away from the heat
copyright/children of lost God/Tribhawan Kaul
All rights reserved



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Tribhawan Kaul

Tribhawan Kaul, 19 may 2012


RAC (Reservation against cancellation) is a routine term for undertaking train/rail journey in Indain Railways wherein a traveller holding RAC ticket has to wait for allotment of his permanent berth against cancellation of any reservation. Till then he /she has to sit and wait.
 Death is inevitable. No one can escape it. It is a matter of waiting. We all are like RAC ticket holders. As soon as a vacancy occurs above(theory of re-birth of a soul), we get a call to fill up that slot. Till then we have to live life with all its glorious uncertainties according our own KARMAs (actions).

A journey
From present to unknown
Must be worth its salt
Final destination alias last halt.
 Lo !
Karma forces one to wait
Screams the fate
Life span always been a guessing game
Death never seems to be a good looking dame.
RAC now
Cry or wow
Journey till end gets more fascinating
Waiting to be berthed, for no more waiting.
Enjoying ultimate destination
Depends on one’s karma & attitude
Show HIM or not
Any gratitude.
Copyright / Children of Lost God/ Tribhawan Kaul
All rights reserved

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Tribhawan Kaul

Tribhawan Kaul, 13 may 2012


Happy Mother's Day: Wish you all a very happy Mother's Day
A knight in armour
shielding her baby
from vagaries of life
getting herself embroiled
in hassels of bringing the baby up
 weathering all storms
in the process
enjoying no recess.
copyright/children of lost God/Tribhawan Kaul

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Tribhawan Kaul

Tribhawan Kaul, 1 may 2012

The Lure of Tinsel Town

The world of cinema is alluring. Thousands flock Bollywood to gain entry. Maximum of them languish hoping to have a brake. Those few who have Godfathers in the industry survive. Others are simply exploited in every way. Yet to enter film industry remains a dream for thousands.

A lass lands in a big city
metropolitan and cosmopolitan
arriving from a small township
to make it big
like every other fellow
numerous dreams in her kitty.
She finds herself
midst concrete jungle
where no one cares
for others
harsh reality
soon dawns upon her.
She encounters
selfish, biased, brutal and deceptive
qualities making an urbanite captive
no Godfather is around
merit also has no ground
no one dares to be receptive.
Here, one’s chance is another’s death
one gets choked, another gets breath
perish or leave, tricks of the trade
most of them fail and fade
survival of the fittest is ‘ gurumantra’*
by hook or crook ,have to learn this ‘antra’.**
Bewildered and confused
realisation makes her sad
everyone on his own
in this ocean, she is all alone
sympathies, if there, are not shown
not getting her moorings, makes her mad.
Her ambitions, desire and aspirations
to make it to the top
dashed to ground
she takes to vices
or compromises
mentally and physically
gets unsound.
The luring tower gulped thousands
still her flock makes daily appearance
at the station
at the ports
at the bus-stops
at the air ports
to soon play an act
the act of disappearance.
copyright Tribhawan Kaul

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