
Satish Verma
PROFILE About me Friends (3) Poetry (3844)

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 10 august 2019

Matter Of Fate

While ascending throne, 
you cover up your tracks― 
by putting up the somber demeanor. 
I don't find myself happy. 
No stings visible. The world 
is savagely beautiful, always 
indulging in finding a goat. 
Can you see through a person? 
Wooden legs cannot take you very― 
far. What you need was your intent, 
to scramble and make a kill 
of a subtone. 
The crowd goes in a tizzy. 
Tortoise in a bag, was moving 
faster than the man.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 4 august 2019

Speaking Stones

When there was a cloudburst― 
it was time― I thought 
for the soul search. 
Again I turn back to― 
our complexity, in religion, 
caste and lineage. 
The prairie was giving― 
way, for a volcano to erupt. 
Can there be a drive from the back seat? 
A prisoner of one's own 
follies, you would wait till― 
the sky comes down and liberates you. 
The illegitimacy bursts 
open, when you claim that 
no child was left behind.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 3 august 2019

Holed Up

You are becoming a 
frozen leak, the violet 
Ultra was not going beyond 
the zero. Here the― 
journey ends. 
Dispersion of light was 
increasing, the surface tension 
between me and religion. 
Again you are deflecting, 
taking an oblique route 
to find the truth. 
Who was the father 
of an unborn lie? 
I was not expanding any more.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 2 august 2019

Times Are Changing

Addictive in shambles, that was 
cognitive decline― 
amidst wars of life, 
with a right to death. 
The gold dust falls 
from the dead, colliding stars, 
after the violence of giants. 
You may not need stem cell transplant now. 
Like a gamma ray burst― of 
cataclysmic events― to start 
the creation of verse. Were you 
ready to hear the inner voice? 
The urge to go up, was very strong 
without grit. My burden will 
increase if you are― 
reluctant to propel yourself.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 23 july 2019

The Daphnia

The truth of my blood 
at the mensal 
without prayer and anguish. 
Will you be able to 
heal the rift between color 
and smell? 
The other face― 
offering the tears in 
cupped palm. 
The slant eyes will 
never know, the end of― 
the day under the shadows. 
The endemic fugue― 
tilts the balance of angels. 
The bay tree sends the condolence.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 24 july 2019

What Hospice

Becoming unsteady 
at points of darkness. 
Tinged with blue 
I am ready for the unspoken departure. 
How to reach out― 
for a situation, which was not? 
You sleep on the floor 
to hear the earth’s agony. 
A helix― surrounds the 
imperfect creation of unsavory thoughts. 
Abusive was the creator, 
The evil had a beauty in destruction.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 25 july 2019


was becoming unborn, ― 
untaught. Very fluid state. 
You could transgress the boundaries 
like the sea spreading over, 
on your land. 
My ankles giveaway. I cannot― 
walk incognito. Moon will 
not open the door. Nightshade welcomes 
with open arms. A climber 
with purple flower holds my hand. 
I may stumble. Almost done― 
disconnecting with present― 
and past. 
This is the sun. This is the 
sky. Circumcising becomes an 
escape, to cut off the bondage with yourself.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 26 july 2019

The Prairie Wool

The trapped body 
will not listen to baby fugue. 
The perception will find― 
the writing on the flute. 
For Neptune, the liquid 
carries your voice. 
The fugacity will find 
the tongue of eternity. 
The sea has divided 
the land. Water sends the wreaths. 
The future will keep an eye 
on the scavenger, time. 
There were signs. It was going 
to become a predator.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 27 july 2019

Violence In A Cup

The winged sex of the 
module/wants to stay naked. 
Everything backs it up 
to become a suicide bomber 
on the beach. 
A cactus will not bloom tonight. 
A shirt was loaned to the 
tortured torso without head and limbs. 
She was possessed by a 
black spirit of a squirrel, 
which was killed by a hatchet. 
Bit by bit a moth was eaten alive 
by the ants. Only the dry wings 
were clapping.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 28 july 2019

Confronting The Unknown

I walk for a short while― 
talking with the moon and 
thinking about the zero― 
and spirit and water― standing 
my ground, I ask the earth― 
tell me, whose fear was greater than mine. 
If god was blind, then why 
so many planets and moons? Is that true 
that between good and bad lives a shaman? 
There was something 
behind the walls. A lot of noises coming― 
out, as if nobody was perfect. 
The realization itself was hurting. 
The day I started sweating, 
reaching the icy peaks of understanding.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 29 july 2019

Seeking Carefully

Where do you stand― 
in the crowd, for the love of a cause― 
your feet cannot measure the ache 
of the earth, respecting the rhythm 
of a lone survivor. 
Can you believe in the fall of a titan? 
Stranded in accuracy 
for a salt lick for 
a zipless mouth wide open. 
what the flesh would not say. 
And I keep standing by the midriff to see the face.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 31 july 2019

After Meeting God

You should not be present― 
everywhere, O God. Pull down, 
all the shutters of your temples. 
I am mortified, of a 
hidden hand, that gives 
spurious― sugar coated hymns. 
A hometown crowd 
assembles at the door of the― 
palace to hear the arrival. 
What was the natural 
descent made of? A cyber attack 
was the most desirable thing. 
A crypt sets you free― 
from the engraved sermons. 
All night I will sit on the vigil, for a vision. 
The book was blank 
for a goodnight deal. I will 
not cross any unwritten poem.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 1 august 2019

Till The Ceremony

I accept, my defeat― 
in the hands of Ariel. 
You start hiding from your 
own chrysanthemums. 
Trying to merge the agony 
with the diminutive flight. 
The tale of a big fall from 
the height of assimilation― 
I will go all the way to 
challenge the unknown fear. 
The passage was full of 
bumps, slowing the pace of kisses.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 11 august 2019

Frost Was Setting In

No moon tonight 
I had to find― 
my path along the hedges 
by fireflies. 
The river was in haze, 
not wearing any scent. 
Some invisible hands were 
rowing a boat in midstream. 
At this time a god jumps― 
in, to sort out the memory of dark nights. 
Not dementia. But I will 
try to remember your face in moonlight. 
Once I had lost my way 
to your home. Now my 
home has lost me for ever.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 12 august 2019

Sheer Expanse Of Tragedy

Staring into nothingness― 
the body clicks. 
Smells the pungent fumes and/ 
cedes the suspension of tears. 
Quenchless, you drink 
the white phosphorus, glowing 
in dark, of 
stark reality. 
The barrenness will put 
up a Harappan seal, 
to come back. 
The stomata bleed. 
The blue salt was naïve. 
Will not leave the ocean. 
You cannot swim, 
you cannot drown.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 26 august 2019


The hunger was scouring 
each house― in utopia― 
daring you to open the door. 
Weavers were ready for― 
the moment― of encounter― 
to spin the corona. 
As if an asteroid was heading 
towards the silent ariel, 
to destroy its integrity. 
Beyond good and bad, there 
was an effigy of a designer― 
in dancing mode. 
It was a jinx in your 
speed. You would not climb on a 
walk without a rope.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 27 august 2019

Before The Sunset

I am trying to do my bit, 
nonpareil. A soundproof doer, 
erasing the palm from the painting― 
drinking the nitrogen from the air 
starving myself. 
Cannot bequeath my eyes, 
my thumb vision. You were always 
asking about my sadness, emptiness. 
I will not tell about 
the acid times. 
That killing instinct was not 
there. I will give you the 
unborn poems, that would not wear 
the death mask, my unspoken 
thoughts, peeling after the darkness and 
I will let you go to find your path.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 28 august 2019

The Atrocities

Friends and foes 
would have a scuffle 
about, who was going to pluck the lymphoma. 
A rainbow deflects, 
from your eyes, making 
me grasp for the breath. 
Seeks apology, while 
talking to trees, on boil 
was the language, under the poverty line. 
It does not make any sense. 
The rain catcher was on trail 
of a fugitive. 
The sun. Always hiding 
behind the veils of massacre. 
I am not going to face the moon.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 29 august 2019

Interlacing To Catch A Theme

With the tip in the center, 
this is the circle of an iron will 
undoing the circination. 
You are moving in a straight line 
now. The knots in the chest 
will take you to surrogacy. 
The needle's eye was watching 
you― gauging your grit. 
Can you take a prick? 
Without blood? From an 
urn you lift a red string to tie 
on the hands of unborn thought. 
You miss a line, a word 
an image. Still it happens deep 
inside. An angst constricts you in 
pythonic grip. A poem becomes you.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 30 august 2019

One Turmoil Deep Inside

Resisting your wisdom 
I want to remain, thoughtless. 
Not bargaining, I come in the crowd, 
to negotiate a stunt. 
The awakening, 
the trepidation. I pay honour 
to the great stress angler― 
my poverty of cruel jokes. 
Like a fox to reignite― 
the identity. I will move away 
from the body of blood soaked denials 
standing alone, against the genocide. 
Was still hungry, eating 
your violet-red― plums. Not was whole, 
the controversy. Somewhere a 
forensic evidence will say, mask was not real.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 1 september 2019


In fever, I will 
always see butterflies 
landing on your nose. 
White, yellow, black. 
They come and go and I am 
sitting under a cherry blossom tree. 
Stroking you, cajoling you 
to drop the wings. 
In grass the sun waits 
in a dew drop. 
The moon was not a poor thing. 
Will come in white robes 
to preach.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 2 september 2019

Shadow Boxing

Find an auspice today. 
The moon was coming back 
after an abdication. 
Lurching on cobblestoned stretch 
of blue-black clouds; paring 
the tall conical trees of 
royal pines. 
Heaped with roses, a man 
with no-war slogan, lies 
in the open earth. 
You will not perceive― 
any smell of smouldering pen and knives. 
The body turns without 
a comma.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 3 september 2019

Sound Bites

The plaques were being 
attached to the wall. You would not be able 
to go for refusal. The right to say no 
was inherent in yes. 
Accepting the exorcism and self― 
flagellation, exonerates you from the guilt of 
giving away; which was not yours. How 
can you claim that you are your own master? 
You tie a knot on the thread, hang it 
on the weeping tree, throw back your head, 
and wipe out all the questions, I wrote 
on your forehead. 
Peace― it will be mine.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 4 september 2019

Moon Burning

I become again a fakir, 
but not on alms. 
A giver wants nothing 
after a knife thrust. 
Take away as many as 
you can, my thoughts, my limbs. 
There is no language 
of charity, in the black hole. 
You are the one, who 
does not need any ladder. 
Sitting on the beach, watching 
the waves collapsing. 
One day you will move 
away from the walkway.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 25 august 2019

The Dumps

The words had started to fail me. 
There was always an ‘if'― 
before every war of hunger. 
The candlewick has burned 
out. I am collecting the― 
wax from the eyes. 
Wrapped agony, now lifts 
the dead bird from the 
rose bushes. 
The frosted god 
will melt to bare a 
black stone. 
I am not luck 
I am not the future. 
You know where this path leads into?

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 23 august 2019

Why A Poem

Unfazed you stand in― 
a drizzle, to locate the 
moon nestling in clouds. 
The speed of bite was fatal, 
showing the movement 
of incompleteness. 
I searched the identity― 
of one anonymous, who 
had fathered an illegitimate eunuch. 
I wanted to make a 
confession, looking at the 
blue sky, about my waywardness. 
The crazy thing of mixing 
the flowers, winds, moon and birds 
with serious chores of life. 
Unmistakingly a poem.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 13 august 2019

A Fracas Goes On

Remarkably steadfast, the 
mighty oak was standing up, as 
the thick rain was pounding at it. 
I had come a faraway to unleash 
the tenacity. 
The flesh and the moon. 
It was the anniversary of ropes 
and shackles. You should not have 
adored the distant dreams 
without touching them. The transcript 
was not ready. No template 
was perfect. 
I would not know most of you. 
That was a bliss. In blue and dark― 
I will sail for nothingness. No more, 
no less. The chirping, synchronized trill 
of crickets, encourages to stand still, I listen 
without hearing. 
I have come back to zero.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 14 august 2019

Sting's Betrayal

Not settled anytime 
between a beast, an angel and the man: 
who was indebted to whom. 
A cyclic ritual it was, to pay the debt 
to the eternal dancer, who 
was, harbinger to catastrophe. 
Not wanted to be judged. 
Fatherless, a shadow moves― 
in the womb of justice. 
Why do the moon was in distress? 
A catmint will improve― 
your vision. 
No artificial insemination was― 
needed. The pungent smell 
would put you off. 
A taste of triangle, lying 
next to the moon 
in bed of water.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 15 august 2019

Dog Days

Why do I give you the bliss― 
of my poverty? 
The burden of asking, was light. 
Not like the unquenchable 
thirst of a desert. I will be a 
night blooming cereus. 
In exile, I will remember 
your sky, tying the stars in 
my poems, to recall your shades 
when the moon moves away. 
The sunlight throws the voiceless 
profiles of clouds, motionless 
suspended, waterless― dead. 
There is no traffic, no history 
of any scandles. The corners of 
my prayer book have― 
become dog-eared.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 16 august 2019

No Demagogue

This was not a witch 
or witchcraft, striking 
a pose to entice the sleep. 
The grass will not― 
listen the earthly 
eavesdropping on moon. 
Some extra neutral 
wine for a resilient poet 
who will refuse to die. 
My color was not black 
nor white. It had the 
golden hue. 
Your nails were very sharp 
digging for a *Digambra 
on my bare chest.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 17 august 2019

Old Maxims

This was a twisted ladder 
for reduction of poverty, 
which climbs the steps during 
methane breach. 
An absent presence will 
snatch away, your unconscious 
surrender. The scent had 
made a wall of its own. 
A summer fall incites the 
book makers. The naming was 
a secret bet. The dead will 
never recall the skeletons. 
Spawning an army of robots, 
will you go to the volcano mount 
to offer a living bait?

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 18 august 2019

New Invasion

Nestling in the arms of 
blue sky, a young moon was asking 
the questions―like the pages of moth-eaten 
book― why did the blood ties 
are ripped apart with the passage of time? 
Of the same poles, at the 
axis of rotation― two celestial bodies― 
would not come near each other? 
Following the heels of the 
hunter, a small dog star sniffs at 
the earth, a pale blue existence? 
The entropion overwhelms. The 
lashes were scarring the 
The all was not one. I am 
still standing at the gate, 
bleeding like sun.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 19 august 2019

Taking The Odds

An amniotic fluid initiates 
the moon to the thunderstorm― 
as you climb the tide. 
Like a stag― opening the 
summer, browsing on 
the daisies. 
It takes sometime 
to sink. This was― 
the peacock hour. 
A finch will land― 
on my shoulder and 
look into my eyes, ritualizing it. 
The glow was real 
in your hair, 
borrowed from the sun.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 20 august 2019

For The Heritage

For the beasts and men, 
a transition will not work. 
This was explicit cap― 
the polar ice was melting. 
He will not take the slights 
for the moon. He will 
not go far from the eyes 
of stars. 
Not enough, the astringent 
microbes were peeling off 
your mask. Sometimes you want 
a frugal strangulation. 
Incredible. The words 
were making a mound, out― 
of the space, left by 
the departed fever.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 22 august 2019

Be The Human

Not giving or taking. 
I will share you― 
in water. 
Believing was not significant. 
I was holding you 
to implode. 
Not your words, not 
my script, will translate 
the thumbprint. 
A time comes, when 
you become your own father, 
to carve out the pure truth. 
The duality bothers 
a lot. You want to convert 
the myriad into one.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 6 september 2019

Seeking Carefully

Where do you stand―
in the crowd, for the love of a cause―
your feet cannot measure the ache
of the earth, respecting the rhythm
of a lone survivor.
Can you believe in the fall of a titan?
Stranded in accuracy
for a salt lick for
a zipless mouth wide open.
what the flesh would not say.
And I keep standing by the midriff to see the face.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 3 june 2019

A Sombre Moon

This is for the 
smaller gods sitting 
in rains, seeking asylum in 
Nobody knows the 
fate of sunken erotica 
when the glacier 
A wild rose 
sends the thorns to 
prick your conscience. 
Let the death walk 
in sleep.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 16 june 2019

Scattered Thoughts

Coming to an end the 
consecration. The land will 
not give you any god. 
Only the demons will come in your dreams. 
If it were window, the 
street will send the black 
noises in your house. 
I will not wait 
for snow-melting. 
The slum was going to be 
sliced off. 
Wet from the rainfall, 
the grain cannot be milled 
and you will not eat my sprouts. 
I cannot sail now. 
It must be very dark 
and the glossary 
very foul.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 18 june 2019

Will You Leave Me?

I did not mean to hurt. 
Do not try to flute― 
drinking the lianas, 
wearing a fatigue. Then comes― 
the shoot. Like a scarecrow 
I sway― the slug― passes through me. 
You ask me to turn over― 
the death mask― 
giving a smile. There was no 
reprisal. Must bring under reins― 
the pounding heart― I cannot talk. 
Alone to mend my grief, the 
scaled loss of bliss. Do not want to 
use any metal. Poverty becomes 
my strength. Fears will stand with me. 
I am empty like a glass.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 19 june 2019

No Message

You have kept the 
script― to age in dark, 
silent night. 
Drawn into the upheaval, 
of grains― 
ready to strike the mouth. 
Nameless wheels were out 
to carry the gay pride. 
I am not amused of the day. 
Who was naturally― 
born― breathlessly, holding 
the flag, to spite the clan. 
A pink window was 
stolen from the green house. 
The light now burns black.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 20 june 2019

Change Of Life

Becoming wise to 
your faults. I will not wear 
any talisman. 
No fireworks were needed 
to celebrate the return 
of the sane fakir. 
Standing up― was the biggest 
ideal of the oppressed. I 
repeat the act. 
Taking the helm― without 
retribution― was a challenge 
thrown by the dark. 
I have come to be reborn 
in the name of symbols 

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 21 june 2019

Virtually Untrue

Lethal mix 
of blood ties― before 
a fugue delivers its tremors. 
A rage visits with the dark voices... 
Reverberating in death chamber. 
Heat seeking― the missile 
goes straight into the heart of the Himalayas. 
I am still recovering― 
from the eternal fires― of biligual nights. 
I am transfixed― 
in my shoes― facing shoulder 
fired― a sentence ejecting its hate.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 22 june 2019

Where The Road Ends

Since you knew, ― 
it was going to cast a shadow. 
I let the question hang in air. 
Death was known, ― only to man? 
My suffering begins today. Adding― 
my two cents, I go wild. Too few 
white blood cells cruising in the veins. 
Like lightning strike― I put myself 
in harm’s way. 
Bright yellow― 
the gold and fire, absolutely opaque 
decimating the drooping primula. 
Impulsive, ― I raise the lid 
of blazing rage. A divine exposure. 
A millennium melts 
beneath the carpet of snow.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 24 june 2019

His Or Her Majesty

That inner probe― 
and access― was the need. I 
promised myself, not to 
sail on the waves. 
It was difficult― the way 
of birth, to deliver the truth. 
You must invoke― 
the legacy of the reals― against the fakes. 
Factuality, your image 
will not suffer. I will witness 
the ultimate happening. The 
testament will not be written on the beach. 
Between ” I “ and “you” lies 
the gulf of ancestry. The 
unknowing will make it 
easy to understand the glacial fall.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 25 june 2019

Night’s Song

Grazing on the clouds, 
moon was moving 
in a daze. 
Someone will milk it 
for the poor, who will not 
sing for the inevitable. 
Witch hazel will stop the 
bleed of unholy wars 
between the diminutive fidelities. 
This was the beginning 
of a dialogue― meant for 
the deaf― who will listen with the eyes. 
There was no consolation 
for a man who lost his finger 
while searching his ring.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 26 june 2019

Earth Is Moving

It is pouring. 
You can feel, smell and touch 
the rain. A river of qualms― 
starts swelling. Watercress― 
will decide the fate of water. 
Do not consent to switch off 
the amplitude. You cannot drink the sky. 
Keeping the lexicon― of road map in order. 
The scope of communiqué 
expires, if you do not offer the apology 
for dousing the snow with 
conspiracy and setting it on fire. 
A daring attack takes place 
to avenge the insult of mountains.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 15 june 2019

No Saviour

Out of ambit― you resume 
the surfing again― on 
yellow tulips― 
in misting valley. 
One who will not bless 
the seed― will sit 
in shadow of hunger. 
Do not touch the― 
impossible blue of the 
eyes, unhunted by the tears. 
Snare or be snared. If 
there was a flint and 
the steel― do you think the 
spark will be faraway? 
In silent night, I will open 
the crypt to have a look again― 
at the wornout cloak of a paragon.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 14 june 2019


A freak hailstorm of 
proposition, makes you― 
deaf and mute. The sex 
orientation― will not remain the same. 
It was not pink― it was not 
blue. A thunder breaks the 
roof― of calligraphy. A 
beautiful face― goes manic. 
About the harvesting― I 
would say ― it was all 
humbug. You can wear a gem 
in your eyes― and still not go stone blind. 
The prayer will have a 
summer wedding. All the― 
lavenders will bring all the 
blues and all the mauves.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 4 june 2019


How much you can carry, 
carving a deep gorge 
during last rites 
of a river? 
It was a skunky remain 
of the civilized terrain 
gone berserk. 
Oh pilgrim, don’t come 
again to wash your feet 
in the snow of 
painted storks. 
Hiding behind the tattoos 
my raw galaxy perspires 
climbing the graveyard 
of old songs.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 5 june 2019

Sheared Off

How much you were honest 
with you? 
The poems had singed 
the eyebrows. I am filled 
with salt. 
Would you know what was 
missing between the lines? 
Afterlife will not bother me. 
My image and me 
will not superimpose. 
An apology for extradition 
of my agony. Trapped, my 
mirror has broken. I 
will tear off the moon 
from the window, when the room 
is dark.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 6 june 2019

I Am Not Afraid

There was a road to landslips. 
Why would the mountain break 
for consanguinity? 
You had spurned the hovering 
clouds altering the means 
of communication― 
by adopting the lightning 
for jousting with new gods. 
As the thin cobweb flies before the eyes― 
I go for insomnia to talk 
with invisible in dark. In 
moment’s lapse I become grey. 
A life’s learning makes a 
fool of me, hurting myself 
in moonlight. The 
abandonment brings fear 
of me. I am ready to go 
to a sheepeater carnivore and lie still.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 7 june 2019

After The Snow Storm

It tumbles down. The real. 
Heels start hurting. 
Once upon a night, there 
was a red moon, which used to hang 
on your head and I 
would watch something beyond. 
No outburst of profanity 
will take place, when you were 
dissecting a triangle― 
of rainbows. I will not 
assemble the waist of a tall tree 
after the fruit fall. 
Gone with the snow, my 
temple, my god. I am now 
waiting for the looters of rings.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 8 june 2019

No Love Song

In black midnight, 
the white moon, like a nun 
sits stonely. 
The sliding moon is toxic 
and you are not ready to 
die for the theme. 
The high priests will 
weave the faux mantras to 
invoke the goddess of wealth. 
The debt pervades in every 
relief. I survive the ignominy 
of not touching a yogi. 
And you, little brown bread, 
will not feed the thousands 
who come clamouring for a bite.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 9 june 2019

Rising Rage

After the blast, the 
morning gets wise, and 
does not spill the sun. 
And the dead will not 
come back to celebrate 
the dark after the rage. 
There, on the white peaks, 
the splattered blood will 
draw the face of assassin. 
Do not enter the dome of 
seething screams. The priest 
hangs by the bell. 
O, my brother, why we 
have become coldblooded after 
thousand years of pilgrimage?

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 10 june 2019


Shedding the knowledge 
I was aware of emptiness, 
that will allow me 
to watch from afar― 
the message coming from 
the locked doors. 
Getting nearer the gorge 
you want to look at your spitting image― 
in water. I hinge an old frame 
to find me in baby face. Did you 
see your future visits to 
cauldron of life? 
You never wanted to become 
a god of wayfarers. A tinge 
of stupidity was evident to renew 
your faults to remain human.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 12 june 2019

The Dancing Tale

I do not remain happy 
with noises of wisdom. 
Time was running out on me 
to know myself. 
No sensory cognizance. I 
touch you with my invisible 
hands, stroking the hair 
to dislodge the moon. 
Ashes lay strewn. River 
was overflowing from the 
banks of limbs. I will not 
come near the unfathomable 
depth of a chasm, between 
good and bad. Out of the bed 
of roses a snake uncoils. 
Praise the dark. It in night.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 13 june 2019

The Dancing Tale

I do not remain happy 
with noises of wisdom. 
Time was running out on me 
to know myself. 
No sensory cognizance. I 
touch you with my invisible 
hands, stroking the hair 
to dislodge the moon. 
Ashes lay strewn. River 
was overflowing from the 
banks of limbs. I will not 
come near the unfathomable 
depth of a chasm, between 
good and bad. Out of the bed 
of roses a snake uncoils. 
Praise the dark. It in night.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 27 june 2019

Irony Of Gist

The finger and a ring― 
a story of bonhomie; 
if you live precariously. 
Difficult when you are perceptively nimble. 
I would like to take off― 
any clinger. 
If you live in a crate, ― 
there is no escape. 
The pollination has stopped. 
The washed bees will not go anywhere― 
in this rain. 
The bumbler will strike 
when you are eating the poem.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 28 june 2019

Take Up Your Book

After the apocalypse, 
the fiefdoms were growing― 
buttercups― with golden flowers, 
Anemones and hellebores/ 
aconites and clematises/ 
famed for making lethal― 
poisonous seeds. 
So much went through us. 
A billion years after― there will be 
no life/ on earth. But we 
have become lifeless now― 
the poems incomplete. 
It was getting smaller― 
and smaller― the tall man.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 12 july 2019

Future Tense

The reflection was never 
I was trying, was trying 
to understand me, 
in absence of you. 
Looking into the persona 
making a saint― 
out of sexual surrogacy. 
The human gene― 
transcripted, on the borrowed womb? 
Will you now speak for the fear? 
I will never know you 
in dimlight― 
of suspicions. 
Are you a complete man now?

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 13 july 2019

A Discreet Failure

A midnight darkness― 
threatens the purple moon, 
standing in awe. 
There were two poems― 
in your hands― which you 
wanted to read in my face. 
One for the asking― 
and one for the moral defeat. 
Do you have anything else to narrate? 
A thunderbird makes― 
a landing in my insomnia― 
to scatter the dreams. 
The insane world returns 
the gift of the pagoda tree. Buddha 
will not come back.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 14 july 2019

Again A Sheep Walk

I will be kissing in proxy― 
at the dark side of 
the moon, where my twin crashed. 
The cracks had emerged 
in the fiery zone― the flames 
reaching the zenith of blue, killer sky. 
A tamed hematoma, 
speaks― for the ripped open brain. 
There was nobody left to be whole. 
Survivors were the gift 
of miracle. A saint starts 
abusing the stars. 
The god’s temple lies― 
in ruins, buried under the sand, 
debris and the dead faith.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 15 july 2019

A Riddle Unsolved

Something novel: 
a good augury― 
creeping to augment, 
an esoteric fall. 
I repeat the mistake of knowing too much. 
Submodified. The man― 
still wants to bite the tongue 
on the name of truth. 
It was very unpleasant 
to see a hummingbird 
becoming a sphinx. 
No need to commit a suicide after homing, 
to a blazing icon in the urn.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 16 july 2019

Through The Ashes

Outside, a discreet moon 
was rising, breathing― 
dark. I was wary of strange clouds 
of unknown scents. 
Like a blue absence of nothing, 
from nothing to emptiness. 
The religion of unspoken 
prayers― I start the journey, 
to void. From there a turbulence will begin. 
Blinking eyes― will find 
the answer to a no-question, at 
the end of the conflict― 
when the face is lost to sadness. 
You will not take off 
your shoes.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 17 july 2019

A Space, A Dot, A Line

The hesitant― 
dawn cracks, as the 
river of darkness squirms. 
The moon― 
was in last, to leave 
the howling bank. 
It looms large, a ― 
brain-dead future. I think 
I am forgetting my age. 
You must face the 
dying earth― sustained― 
on prayers only. 
This is the height 
of dilemma. Why― 
poems were hungry?

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 18 july 2019

Skirting The Book

This was man made, 
the blue-chip― 
changing the landscape. 
Fanatically you cling to mother 
terra firma like a baby primate. 
I am going back to look 
like my fathers, 
with twisted contours. 
Forward― facing, but looking behind. 
I climb up the blue, 
to unsolve the murder and go 
into deep meditation to reject 
the gods. The gold mine was flooded 
by unprecdented rains of hands and footsteps.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 19 july 2019

The Benevolence

Borderless pain was 
said untold. I am writing 
a new chapter of night. 
The somatic scent― 
does not rise now, for the peaks 
dissecting the snowy falls. 
Racial climbdown 
brings friction amids the uniqueness 
of downtrodden dolls. 
There was an intense― 
urge to rip open the endless sky― 
to find the secret of blackness. 
The fabled light, 
fails to distinguish between 
eyes and ears. A blind man 
will not find the shape 
of truth by noises.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 20 july 2019

Cracked Open

Living my own way 
like flint, 
you will not read 
my cosmology. 
We two, keep quiet in― 
the same book― I 
want to read some 
hidden message from you. 
A day slips into night. 
What a consumption of will. 
The train stops at the terminus― 
without a traveler. 
Stepping out, from the 
grave of body― you will throw 
a reflection, of the nerves, 
in a wreath.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 11 july 2019


The space in between― 
the mayhem and spiritual hour; 
was not much, but a spitting image, 
of swapping with sun bites― was 
evident without remorse. 
The ice storm was raging. 
Blueberries hang from your 
eyes, to bluff me. I draw the curtain 
and lit the fire to bring in― 
the bride of vengeance. 
A charitable act, to clear 
the needles from the doll: No black 
magic will work now. I am clean 
and pure, will not cut a 
slice of breast, for the red milk.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 10 july 2019

The Sorcery

I can do it, hold the wasp 
in my palm― without grains 
and short of fructose. 
Layer by layer eggs 
will leak― wetting 
the vibrating stigma. 
Neat abuses, will suck 
the milk of nodding thistle. 
No marrow comes out to save the elixir. 
The hoofers, without 
stirrups were running blindly 
after the fallen apple. 
The sage sways sadly 
in the passive winds. It’s aroma 
enters the stream of sex.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 29 june 2019


First listen to your heart. 
No poetry will walk tonight― 
without fear. 
Sometimes you will find― 
words will not descend/to heal 
your ache of unslept poems. Hovering/ 
like the obsessive hawks. 
The migratory, adjutant/ 
storks, had not come to roost 
on the tall tree― 
naked as they are. 
Democracy always/sends 
erotica/to take off your mind 
from the trivial subjects. 
Fireworks resume the celebrations 
for the fugitive/who returned 
home after drinking absinthe.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 30 june 2019

The Right Moment

Tell me, 
how would you die 
when the call comes? 
A hollow skin― 
with no viscera― underneath. 
Will you cry― 
while breaking away from the earth― 
carrying your own urn? 
Elysian vision― 
was not very clear 
and Styx was full of bodies. 
There was no space left 
to celebrate the liberation. 
A parchment paper 
with your fading name printed; 
after the petition of right 
to exist, undying 
in deeds.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 3 july 2019

A Paragon

Like a starfish― you are 
not a star, always opening 
the shells― with your tube fest 
to find the pearls. 
Predator― you will attack 
in a crowd― when it is dark― 
coming out of your skin. 
Flesk for flesh. It was your dynasty. 
I cannot reconcile. I cannot 
play the game of chess― 
and checkmate the opponent. 
Will wait for a nemesis. 
Unorthodox. The nature 
reveals its move― in the galaxies. 
The earth is in― 
mid-life crisis.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 4 july 2019

Against Nobody

Do you need a divine witness― 
if I abdicate a claim 
on you, saluting the dark? 
Drawing the ire of a void, 
the violence becomes visible― 
when earth starts dying. 
The completeness― will give 
you a rude welcome― after 
you were landuishing in wait. 
An intern surrogacy― 
defies the sexual assault of the 
gimmick. Why did not you 
swear in the moon? 
In jitters. I start― 
making circles again― and again. 
Will I remember― 
who am I?

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 5 july 2019

Karmic Influence

Under surveillance, the vegetable― 
lives on ventilator. 
All doors were shut― for the 
dark― to remain inside. 
The spastic breathing with― 
rising chest, delivers the 
nuances of death. Are you 
sure― it was easier to live? 
Asking the destiny to wait― 
at the door. You can write 
your own epitaph― 
on the dust― for posterity. 
I am coming home to collect― 
your letters― you were 
writing to me daily― but 
never dared to post.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 6 july 2019

Negation Of What

in the wounds, 
like a gas dragged into 
the black hole. 
Bedeviling the light. 
There are no winners in this war. 
Corona will not sit 
on any head. 
There was ambivalence 
in the robust thrust. 
The hard x-rays will 
burn the thoughts. 
Do not go on chasing the 
grazed genre. The style 
will bring back the questions 
which had no answers.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 7 july 2019

Gold Coins

A hate apart, living in embraces, 
one night― you find the 
bridge collapsed― in the 
forest of skins. 
In exasperation― I watch 
the face of the adultery. I 
will know― I am going too fast 
for the hypocrisy. 
Why you were becoming too 
cozy to the silence of the necks. 
The little feet are not― 
able to run for the morning star. 
Shutting the lamps. No moths 
will descend on the books― no 
bleeding of the verse, so 
you can become empty of arithmetic.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 8 july 2019

It Kills It Kills

Eaten up, by wanderlust― 
I started my sleepwalks 
cheating my dreams. 
The grace of knife was there... 
it did not open in daylight. 
Night was the brilliant host. 
When do I meet you― 
behind the moon― when stars 
were not twinkling out of fear? 
The rare gift of footnotes 
was sufficient to explain― 
the meaning of abstract pain. 
You will not treat the stings― 
very unkindly. They were 
meant to awaken you from letting it go.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 9 july 2019

After Meeting God

You should not be present― 
everywhere, O God. Pull down, 
all the shutters of your temples. 
I am mortified, of a 
hidden hand, that gives 
spurious― sugar coated hymns. 
A hometown crowd 
assembles at the door of the― 
palace to hear the arrival. 
What was the natural 
descent made of? A cyber attack 
was the most desirable thing. 
A crypt sets you free― 
from the engraved sermons. 
All night I will sit on the vigil, for a vision. 
The book was blank 
for a goodnight deal. I will 
not cross any unwritten poem.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 21 july 2019

An Awakening

Profiling the flaws 
after the ignition, starts 
the outrage. 
A stoic will assume a 
secret. The mute testimony 
against my naked walls. 
Your gifts are lying unseen, 
unused. I have gone, O tormentor― 
beyond your reach. 
When you would try 
to annihilate the vision, I will 
check the bleed of eyes. 
If the bell rings; 
somebody will arrange the table 
for anaesthesia.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 7 september 2019

Great Defiance

A smear campaign starts
against the ladder, which permits―
the ascension, but leaves the spaces in between,
of dark. You stand still.
The hunger becomes the mouth―
of rags. I will come and collect
some numbers.
It was useless to hunker―
after the game. The fear will ultimately
start a monologue.
On bees, I will build a
synopsis. The sleuth always falters
when the moon hides.
A canned script draws the
scorn. The player had become grey―
in dark.
A bunch of mushrooms,
like tall girls, standing
in wind, gossiping.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 26 october 2019

No Explanation

How difficult it was to
remain a simple truth,
as passive grass
with no frills.
I was ready to talk
heart to heart.
You cannot stand all the ink,
writing, simple verse, furtively.
What was eating you up,
I asked the milkweed.
"On this summer, monarchs
were not coming to breed"
it said.
I felt the unease. Grappled with the
amount of pain, at tiny thoughts.
The scale and brutality
of the times, the throats slit open.
Like a clam you shut up.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 7 november 2019

A Keyhole Surgery

Sometimes, I want to write
a folk poem, without name.
Anonymously, you want to
postpone the commitment
to accept the murder
of yourself,
the griever.
The towering belief―
that there were skeletons
on the grains, as the words
become verses.
A snowy virgin
will take a knife, to bring
down the stars
when you sing centuries
of love.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 9 november 2019

Of Innocence And Black Magic

The evil city? You
become the smallest
The lamb did not save
the godman. I was
praying loudly.
It was falling apart.
The concept, the belief
the palace.
Years roll by. Until
the priest was shot down
on the street.
You marvel at the
turning of the mountain.
How do you climb down the salt?

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 12 november 2019

Endless Yearning

The thirst will know,
the river was there.
To lie on the grass was ultimate.
It was not the green,
it was not the blue,
but desire had the keyhole to look
at the fine sands,
where you stand to find the
elixir of life.
A crackling of joint, awakens
you. You will not wait
for the rains to come and overwhelm
the permeable umbrella.
A fluttering butterfly
knows, how to become floppy
and dangle like a dead leaf.
The stream was
drinking its own water.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 14 november 2019


Trying to bring the change
with bleeding silver.
As it is/was, this world.
You may not agree to it.
The release of tension
from the cupped eyes? Will not
alter the secret deal.
There at the hemline,
bodies were scattered, slain
after the trespass.
The royal coin, flexes
its muscle. It will talk
through the muzzles.
Poorest of poor will become free.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 15 november 2019

Stopping The Wheels

It was a free fall.
A plot seems to thicken.
I would never know.
Perhaps I will not explain,
how the test tube baby
slapped the sky.
The fun of unknowing
the secret of
a cold-blooded murder.
Suddenly the streetlamp
goes off. Night cracks
open to release the animal.
How a godman
becomes a werewolf?
The shadows are hovering.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 16 november 2019

Ancient Echoes

Art of dying
comes, after
you listen to the siren song.
The intention
was to kill yourself,
non-violently, when
moon was hiding.
Man was changing the skyline. You can
redraw the landscape without hurting the grass.
Don't offer to sacrifice
the goat on the rock,
where the shipwrecks took place.
You burn that, what you
would not eat. The
assassination charges were true.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 17 november 2019


Unshackled, the pallor moon
was lying still, in a white-
shroud of clouds, only face
visible, staring-
down languidly.
I have come afar,
from the whispering dark,
to annul my existence.
Your hands tremble,
carrying your name. The
magic of unsaid-
poems, working.
Life had been a Medusa.
The blues, the reds, the
greens, overbearing.
Scores will be settled
when moon,
goes down.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 18 november 2019

Demanding Answers After The Chemical Attacks In Damascus

I was not afraid of the clock, ticking,
dividing your attention. A guarded
withdrawl of the statement, had
brought a comic relief to the distraught
Caving on guns, the
mustard cloud could wipe out
the entire generation.
The tender bodies
wrapped up in white cloaks,
ready to be sent back
to mother's womb: earth.
Why a sun wanted to
pass out gingerly?

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 19 november 2019

Empathy With Tattered Cape

Weep every don.
All the translations were fake.
The yellow peaks do not burn the
sky, now at sunrise.
I am forgetting myself―
in the gathering of my foes.
The pilgrim's path is now dirty.
You cannot transcend the―
dead remains of ancestry. In
the hutment, that was the end of view.
Nightblindness. I cannot fathom
out the saint descending a great depth.
From beastkinds I swim back
to save an unborn epic.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 6 november 2019

Elusive Answers

The starlings will
not fly today.
There was a hole
in the sky.
The god particles will fall.
Drawing out
the blood of fallen―
angles, on the street.
Can you count
the sins of man?
We still celebrate the hate.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 5 november 2019


A butterfly
in a bell jar.
All I know, we understand
each other.
There was no sun
at midnight.
Only a blue black
dilemma of―
the sky, to burn
like human combustion.
I am ready to start
a journey with sunbeams.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 27 october 2019

The Ground Gives Way

To blunt the offence
of beautiful pain
you stopped remaining good.
This was a perverse phenomenon
wearing the straight jacket
you try to become
a beast.
The glowing eyes will
send the message to dispose off
the headless body of
a marbled saint.
Someone has taken off
the eyes. You will need
a transplant of religion.
I am very unhappy.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 28 october 2019

Not Accountable

A breast bomb,
makes a sudden lunge-
disfiguring the landscape
till your body was pulled out.
Your choices were very few.
Either you walk straight
or become a leaf of grass.
It will not work. A swift―
withdrawl from the controversial
marriage with ferocity,
as naked as moon. How
about the aspirant refusing
to sit for engraving in gold?
The salt bearers were coming
to act like gods.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 29 october 2019

Holding Back

The credibility
of an apple
becoming an icon.
It draws first
blood, when you―
were sleeping.
It still matters:
thinking of milt
but sinking your ferry.
There was no epilogue.
A midsummer night.
I will forget
your name.
Standing in a
queue, you should not
punish yourself
becoming unmatched.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 30 october 2019


I will not elaborate,
what I mean.
You have to dig out the treasure.
The puzzle was not new.
The memorial will be
buried in the sand.
A bloodbath will give―
the final touch to the
ground, less savoury now of inhumanity.
We celebrate the anniversary
to forget the world's
conflicts, man made.
Will you come in the
dark? The snipers are watching
out for the sparks of mercy.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 31 october 2019

Invisible Ink

I will meet the moon
on the terrace,
when the dust settles on the
lids, smothering
the uncharted barricades.
Life had been full of dresses
to play the lead in
conflicts of alliance vows.
Like untouched goodbyes,
you hover around the exit―
to seek the blessings of dark.
In the glasshouse, you cannot
walk nude. The wounds, the scars
the burnt-out fabrics
will tell the truth.
A priest will invoke
the mercy of the vessel.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 1 november 2019

Classical Entry

It takes billions of years
for ancient light to reach us and
rescue the trapped darkness.
You can hunt among rocks
in the palisades, behind
the ramparts.
There was an apocalypse.
Stem cells were ready
to repair the myelin―
searching ancestry.
It was a tense stand-off
between the headstone and a living dead.
Cannot repay the debt of blue
Sky, sending us
the warnings of catastrophy.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 2 november 2019

Not Water Proof

Stoned to death.
The rooted plants had begun
to climb the mountain.
Very hot here.
Difficult to breath in.
Why lesser flamingos were landing
on dry lake?
They enter via back door.
The multi-tuberculates.
Why the man was
running away from the orchids?
Strange, our lineage was
getting interrupted, by
smoke screens.

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Other poems: Over Your Dream, Watching A Miracle, No Complaints, Between Whips And Tether, Travesty Of Truth, The Saga Of Breakup, The Saga Of Breakup, Playing Chess, The Trial, Leaves Are Changing Colors, Broken Bridges, Misty Memories, In Temperature, O Trinity, Studying Life, Nonetheless, I Write With Red Ink, Everything Is Black, Tangerines Sing, Touching Everywhere, Taking Revenge, Poetic Justice, Suffering Was Right, I Was Lost, Dogmatically, Justice Pure, Amnesia, Compromised, By Kisses, The Entity, Quartz, The End Starts, Echoes Travel, Picking Relics, To Dying Muse, The Voyager, Itinerant, Between Done And Undone, I Remember, I Am You Are, Greek Thoughts, Unseeing You, The Man And God, Savagery, Waiting For Flames, Deep Voices, Jumping The Wall, Beside The Truth, Bifurcation, In Deep Dark, Humanized Pain, It Is Getting Dark, Wearing The Crown Of Thorns, Good Bye, Unstable, You Deceive Yourself, Not To Annihilate, Virgin Defeat, The Pain Was Not You, Art In Dying, I Will Survive, Nameless Agony, Flagellation, Repeat Sins, Pencil Eyes, Clear As Water, Getting Solace, Knowing Myself, When You Had Left, Past Actions, Another Harbinger, Black Masks, Missing Words, Falling Man, I Ask Nothing, No One Survives, Going Into Space, The Essence, Abrasions, Unsung, Celestial, Divine Revelation, Departing, Don't Touch The Black Sun, Noiseless Murder, Nothingness, Parting, Not I Not You, Deceiving Self, I Go Outside Me, Absolute Being, Silver Moon, Believing In Myths, Where Do The Sprits Go?, I Was Unknown, Searching Peace, Holiest Dilemma, My Vision, The Crescent Moon, Quiet Introspection, Untraced, Sisyphean Ambition, Stalking The Spring, Motionless, Convulsions, Convulsions, Blood Prints, On Naked Paper, Curtain Call, Like Memes, Seeking Peace, Embracing Dark, Whispering Clouds, Into Dark Abyss, Talking To Spirit, Art In Pain, Raw Dreams, After You Left, Naked Truths, Searching My Voice, Prayer's House, Released, The Walls Are Rising, Inheritance, Prerogative, Summer Solstice, Fairy Dance, Dark Circles, Song Of The Sky, Vision And Vibrations, Vision And Vibrations, Of All Time, Don't Die, Gospel Truth, Predicament, Learning You, Thought To Thought, Trembling Vibes, At The Edge Of Life, The Madness, Your Empathy, Sad Protégé, After Thoughts, Blue Sunstroke, Blue Sunstroke, Empty of Answers, Were It You?, Changing Name, Multicast, No Regrets,

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