Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom, 19 august 2015

He did long for the presence of His Father

The crushing mob
did push closer and closer to Him
before He could go back to His Father
and they wanted to see an innocent good man suffering,
wanted to feel His blood on their fingers
when they roared: “crucify Him!”
And Pontius Pilate did try to wash off his own guilt
and their abomination from his hands
when suddenly the sun did go cold
and darkness did come to the earth
when the creator God did hang on a cross,
did long for the presence of His Father
and did carry the sin of all humanity
and the populace did wait on a wondrous sign to happen
while the curtain in the temple did tear right down
and God Himself did die as a mere sinner.

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Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom, 18 august 2015

When I do think of you

When you were in my thoughts tonight
my heart could have jumped around with joy
or with the remembering
I could have drowned in a sea of tears
but between us there is more than just tears and sorrow
and now I want to think of you
with all of the longing and passion
that lies between a man and a woman.

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Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom, 17 august 2015

Just the two of us

Your smile is the summer sun
and just as hot
as it shines at high noon
and your eyes do sparkle
the open blue sky
when for moments I am lost in them
and maybe are looking much deeper than I ought to
and I see a lifetime lying in their depths
when your lips do flame of aloe
and an unsaid moment hangs between us
and in that short time that lingers
it’s only the two of us in the whole universe.

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Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom, 14 august 2015

I do fear that all love does come to an end

I do fear that all love does come to an end,
that for each piece of happiness there is oblivion
and the thought turns around and around in my head
as if each life is bound to a kind of darkness,
as if all things and people must go to naught
but then the realization comes
that the essence of love
goes much further than this earth,
that love hits with an own power and fullness.

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Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom, 13 august 2015

The holy Bible asks

The holy Bible asks
who can come into the presence,
into the dwelling place of the omnipotent Lord God
and it’s no riddle that a person has got to solve
as it is clear that he who is sincere
will see the Lord.

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Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom, 12 august 2015

Prayer of the bones III

Lord, the blood of the innocent trickles in the sand and clot
on the farms and in the cities of South Africa,
the beaker of the sorrows of Your people is running full
and I want to ask for deliverance and for much more than just mercy,
I am asking for Your peace and for true rest
as according to reports people are being murdered and robbed,
from the most distant northerly farm right up to the coast,
and some people flee and loose themselves under neon lights,
famous people are seen at objectionable places
while some people do pray to ancestral spirits and to rocks
and a future and a free life is much less than a maybe
as thousands have been buried with their shattered bones
and murdering shot after murdering shot is being fired
while people are begging and do wander through the land,
criminals do continually kill
and people do die without respect or mercy
It’s clear that a dark force is bringing evil over my people
and even at the church,
at government hospitals
crime and recklessness is being seen
and people do show signs to each other with their thumbs,
cellular phones and jewellery are being robbed with firearms
and factories are polluting the grey blue sky of the old Transvaal
while illegal shacks do stretch from hillock to hillock
and farmers are waited upon on Sundays and hunted down
from the Limpopo river to as far as flat Table Mountain
and at distant places and on farms robbers do strike at night
causing innocent people to die throughout the country
and passengers are threatened on train upon train
as if the police does not exist
while criminals use robbed medicine
to create their deadly drugs.
A politician tells naked lies and do excel in fraud
while robbers, criminals and murderers do never go to jail
and everyone that stands against these things is being seen as a rebel.
There are great abominations in the country like in the book Ezekiel,
people treat each other much worse than their animals,
some Afrikaners are rotten deeper than the core,
while black people dance naked to ancestral spirits in the veldt,
and a dark force is bringing its ungodly practices back.
Each criminal gang see themselves as soldiers,
some people are blindfolded against the walls of their own homes
and others dig holes for their own bodies
while most people are only searching for peace and a own life
and that You are going to intervene my Lord, is something that I do know
as like a David, I did also go through a valley of death
when communists wanted to destroy everything that is holy
and did suffer great losses against a much smaller army.
At the hand of foreigners Eugene Terreblance did die
and laws that oppress my own people are every day being seen
while municipal labourers do strike and rubbish heap up to the yard
and people without hope do visit dancing places and each and every bar
while those that do govern think that their dominance does last eternally
but you do notice the corruption that is being swept under the rosemary,
and You do see my scattered people and the bones of their struggle
as the Afrikaner does know humiliation, oppression, nemesis and pain
and thousands have being killed and lay in the grave
while the wind of abatement does blow continually and people do sob.
Lord, do hear the cries of them that are still following You
as some have become feasting places for the vulture and the crow.
and I pray for peace a place in the sun for everyone
from the rough back-veldt to each city,
and that Your bright light do splash down on the urban buildings of glass,
that everyone will reflect Your love, mercy and righteousness.

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Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom, 11 august 2015

The wind blew on the beach

The wind blew on the beach
and our hands were each in each
while our hearts did beat like one
and all of our yesterdays were gone
but the new morning was just out of reach
while the moments lingered and slowly time moved on.

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Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom, 10 august 2015

The Hands

The hands that hold all planets in the endless universe,
that control galaxies in stretched out space
is still busy building you, and me
is mightily folded around my insignificant life
and in nature time after time I see their work
as they are here close to fend off all kinds of catastrophe.
The thoughts out of which man and all animals did come,
that guides and controls all things from the time of creation
is still busy astounding me with intense love
and every man, animal and plant is still mended by that power
as continually that great mind is busy
and where all things do fail God is still working.
The Christ that no cat-o’-nine nails, nail or spear could keep in death
is continually providing my daily bread.
He is present in each daily stress, circumstance and distress
and the hart that trusts Him
does even in the years of old age find revival
and will rest in His soft omnipotent hands.

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Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom, 7 august 2015

When I did search for the meaning of the word love

When I did search for the meaning of the word love
I could nowhere find an inclusive perfect definition
and yet I do know that it’s something that binds two persons,
that it’s something that is a kind of blessing or a curse
and the deeper I did investigate it the more I became aware
that it is something with the power to destroy
and disillusioned like a mere child I did realise
that each person is a character in God’s script
and when I did look deep in your eyes
I did see something moving in your heart
but even though sincere and fond a person can be
and even if those emotions did look like love
I did realise that love is decision of the will
without the impact of disillusionment or fear.

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Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom, 6 august 2015

If I my God (Persian / Rubiyat sonnet)

If I my God, do observe Your heaven above me at night
there are white, green, yellow and blue stars that shine bright
and then for moments that linger I am astounded, and breathless
and I do wonder at Your great omnipotent might
and more in wonder I am by the knowledge that You do bless
each human being and that You do address
each problem and worry that does him befall
where by our own fall to sin we live in this great mess
that does encompass, our own world and all
that we do, that we feel and are, even if we are great or small
does bare great importance to You
even if we do not initially do hear or even regard Your call
and still You are present in whatever we do
to lead us back to the way that is good and true.

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  10 - 30 - 100  

Other poems: For now and for always, The temptation of being near to her, Your walking away is measured in watt, In the garden (ABECEDARIUM), Just for a moment it is there, There are people, Unknowing we may be living in a war zone, Holiday, I yearn for the secrets of nature (sonnet), At 52 the nuts of my country are stripped, A strange dream (triolet), The beach, the morning, Where star systems do disappear in the nought (sonnet), Come to my flower garden, Warriors of the civil service, This morning the sky glitters blue, You must not show any fear, My dear loving God, Sad tidings, Morning, Mirror image, The sun hangs orange red, Divorce V, Divorce IV (Espinela), Divorce III, Divorce II (cavatina), Divorce, Respite, At times we are only set on passing (American sonnet), The peach tree, The gardener, The old guitar (cavatina), Dear Lord God, Still life, Two sides to everything (cavatina), I have missed my country, The sardine run, He lies stretched out in the sun, Africa, There’s no other country, When death’s fingers do me touch, I wonder where is an untouched place that firmly does stand, You never came, I am afraid, The silent countdown, Without matter, Dare you character?, Once I wrote a kind of happy song (Orléans rondel prime), There is no other saviour, Alone we come into the world (for my mom on mother’s day), With hunger in your eyes, Please do forgive, Hoba West Meteor, When I do consider how my time is spent, I see him doing carpentry, When the two of us met, John Phillip, On Pretoria (Italian sonnet), Return, Cecil John Rhodes (Italian sonnet) (in answer to Rudyard Kipling), Afterwards, I walk in the veldt near to Majuba hillock, Vain are the words and deeds that are mine (Rubiyat sonnet), When I do find no place of peace (sonnet), Why I remember the Anglo-Boer war (John Dee sonnet), Lord, only in Your footsteps (Persian / Rubiyat quatrain), On a night, Far too quickly time rushes on (Persian /Rubiyat quatrain), Like any other person, She lives beautiful (sonnet), Where this world is but a grain of sand, On the day of my birth, The crucifixion of the Son of God, Today my heart is full of joy, A prayer (Sonnet), On my birthday, My heart has gone quite in me (Persian / Rubiyat quatrain), Come to me, Soldier: yesterday, At this place I have been before (sonnet), There had been a kind of loneliness, When the early the morning does begin (cavatina), Constantly I am astonished, When I hold you tight, Life is a gift, Bus trip at night, I have not seen the spark of life, Kamikaze, Lucifer at sunrise, The things in a town, When from me she is out of sight, How chilly like winter, Some times, I love you, Long Beach, As my eyes gaze into the dark night, I see her dancing gaily, Right against the morass, African September, A room in the past, The secret room, It had been a hell of spring with the sun hanging scorching, The marsh, For my darling, with New Year, The old year, Today people are not interested, South Africa is also my country, In this distant country, What fanciful lives we lead, As if they are beacons, You are my darling (sonnet), On Christmas, Last night I dreamt of you, Where are we now?, I had dreamt of you, At night the mind plays its tricks, Inside you and I dance, One Military Hospital, Something about a bird in a tree, While the year hangs skeleton, I gave my love to you, No other painting, Field of maize, The red arum lilies, Would my words, When the front door, At dusk, Child, Cry, Maybe 4, Maybe 3, Maybe 2, To be us, Photocopy machine, I do love Africa, While everything is turning brown outside, The crumbling man, My small Jack Russell dog, With self contempt I stand in the veldt, The fallen Cuban soldier, There is a time when night sneaks in, After the farm invasions in Zimbabwe, The small redbreast sings and dances, I love you, Walls, A child is a strange thing, Baby lies so fast asleep, It is a pitch-dark night, Hecuba, A pastor,

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