Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom, 1 september 2015

If love is selfless

If love is selfless
without the meaning
of power-play or greed
but do exist out of the simple
taking and giving between two persons
and is not bound to time or pleasure
but comes unequal and does flower as something
is identified as coming purely from the heart
then its has got a bond that is more noble and holy
than any other thing.

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Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom, 31 august 2015

Day of days

Such a day occurs, begin
when the flowers shower bees
and butterflies with sweet nectar
drawing them in,
in a celebration to spring
when the spring rain falls
with the sun shining bright
reflecting its light on every raindrop
and flowers, trees and grass
jump in length, growing as if by magic
when the yellow gooseberries are in fruit,
when every fruit tree bares to its capacity
and more than all of this,
when you are with me,
smiling as if your face is alight,
filled with its own hot rays, in a radiance
almost as bright a the sun,
when the sky is cobalt blue, or a darker hue,
when your eyes tell me that you are true
and the signs of love are everywhere
around me, around us
as if God Himself is walking on earth,
again treading among mere men
and all men act as each other’s brothers
and joy, happiness and sincerity
does blossom like the flowers.

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Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom, 28 august 2015

In the depths of a grim winter (cavatina)

In the depths of a grim winter when life
felt desolate
there was a fluttering, a twittering
at the front gate
when chilly the wind rocked the big trees.
I could not wait
to go to look and see what made that sound
and a little redbreast sang to all around.

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Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom, 27 august 2015

The Namaqua sand-grouse

(after T.T. Cloete)
When the Namaqua sand-grouse
does bring water to her children
she flies over the dunes of the desert to the river
where she jumps into the shallows
does whistle cheerfully
and splashes her breast, feathers, and fluff wet
before she carries water on her body
in her own kind of aerodynamics.
[Reference: “vleis” (“meat”) by T.T. Cloete.]

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Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom, 26 august 2015

I wonder if time does exist outside our world?

I wonder if time does exist outside our world
or does the gear-work of the universe just go on and on
with a own kind of aloofness
that stands loose from all earthly things?

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Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom, 25 august 2015

How can I want to say unheard things?

How can I want to say unheard things
when they lie outside the comprehension of most people?
Although simplicity comes with the naked truth
most people are disillusioned and astounded
when words and sentences flash with an own reality
and some thoughts they do turn over and over
and there are borders between people
and also a kind of darkness
that does disguise holy secret meaning
and people do wonder what I am really saying
when they cannot even grasp or feel the simplicity.

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Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom, 24 august 2015

I want to shower you

I want to shower you
with all the love I have got
to make certain that you will forget me not
and when the time of old age does come
that you will be the one to whom I come home,

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Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom, 23 august 2015


When a person visits the remains of the age-old city Petra
then you see steps that go up into the heights
and it does lie beautiful almost untouched as on a painting
but when you do at that place stand still for just a mere moment
and look at the city that was chopped from stone
you do notice a kind of curse
when you do look at the altars of a forbidding god
and then you do notice that everything in that city
is aimed at the sun,
that those tombs, temples and banquet halls
is in honour of the prince of darkness
and then a person does wonder why humanity does rebel
against a God that with compassionate love
does try to visit each person
and in silence Petra is still witnessing of its awful history,
of people sacrificing their children
to stop the vengeance of an evil god.

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Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom, 21 august 2015

Tonight I did think of you

Tonight I did think of you
and outside the stars were faint,
a streetlight did shine lonely
and the smell of rain was on the dust,
in the distance a thunderbolt did roar
and suddenly it was
as if I did sink away in thoughts of us
but when you did come out of the bathroom
all other things were gone and it was only you and I,
your naked beauty did enthral me
when in that moment nothing else could stay with me
and now your are turning around and around in the bed
as if you cannot come to rest
until you are lying right up against me.

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Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom, 20 august 2015

Somewhere in the African bush

The male lion leads the attack
and with help of each adult member of the group
they corner a female giraffe
against three thorny acacia trees
that grows together.
Nervously the giraffe jumps
and hooves flash past heads
while the giraffe is trying
to shake the male lion off.
More bodies hanging on,
the giraffe becomes heavy
and heavier still
and the added weight of the forth lion
pulls the giraffe down to the ground.
After ripping the giraffe open
and devouring as much as they can
the group of lions lay sleeping
in the shade of the acacia trees
while vultures, hyenas and a few jackals gather
around them at a safe distance.
Suddenly there is a commotion
and the male lion senses danger
while the vultures, hyenas and jackals scatter
and three younger adult male lions
come roaring out of the long grass
to challenge him
and in the blink of an eye the battle is lost
and death comes in the way
that life on the African plain is.

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  10 - 30 - 100  

Other poems: For now and for always, The temptation of being near to her, Your walking away is measured in watt, In the garden (ABECEDARIUM), Just for a moment it is there, There are people, Unknowing we may be living in a war zone, Holiday, I yearn for the secrets of nature (sonnet), At 52 the nuts of my country are stripped, A strange dream (triolet), The beach, the morning, Where star systems do disappear in the nought (sonnet), Come to my flower garden, Warriors of the civil service, This morning the sky glitters blue, You must not show any fear, My dear loving God, Sad tidings, Morning, Mirror image, The sun hangs orange red, Divorce V, Divorce IV (Espinela), Divorce III, Divorce II (cavatina), Divorce, Respite, At times we are only set on passing (American sonnet), The peach tree, The gardener, The old guitar (cavatina), Dear Lord God, Still life, Two sides to everything (cavatina), I have missed my country, The sardine run, He lies stretched out in the sun, Africa, There’s no other country, When death’s fingers do me touch, I wonder where is an untouched place that firmly does stand, You never came, I am afraid, The silent countdown, Without matter, Dare you character?, Once I wrote a kind of happy song (Orléans rondel prime), There is no other saviour, Alone we come into the world (for my mom on mother’s day), With hunger in your eyes, Please do forgive, Hoba West Meteor, When I do consider how my time is spent, I see him doing carpentry, When the two of us met, John Phillip, On Pretoria (Italian sonnet), Return, Cecil John Rhodes (Italian sonnet) (in answer to Rudyard Kipling), Afterwards, I walk in the veldt near to Majuba hillock, Vain are the words and deeds that are mine (Rubiyat sonnet), When I do find no place of peace (sonnet), Why I remember the Anglo-Boer war (John Dee sonnet), Lord, only in Your footsteps (Persian / Rubiyat quatrain), On a night, Far too quickly time rushes on (Persian /Rubiyat quatrain), Like any other person, She lives beautiful (sonnet), Where this world is but a grain of sand, On the day of my birth, The crucifixion of the Son of God, Today my heart is full of joy, A prayer (Sonnet), On my birthday, My heart has gone quite in me (Persian / Rubiyat quatrain), Come to me, Soldier: yesterday, At this place I have been before (sonnet), There had been a kind of loneliness, When the early the morning does begin (cavatina), Constantly I am astonished, When I hold you tight, Life is a gift, Bus trip at night, I have not seen the spark of life, Kamikaze, Lucifer at sunrise, The things in a town, When from me she is out of sight, How chilly like winter, Some times, I love you, Long Beach, As my eyes gaze into the dark night, I see her dancing gaily, Right against the morass, African September, A room in the past, The secret room, It had been a hell of spring with the sun hanging scorching, The marsh, For my darling, with New Year, The old year, Today people are not interested, South Africa is also my country, In this distant country, What fanciful lives we lead, As if they are beacons, You are my darling (sonnet), On Christmas, Last night I dreamt of you, Where are we now?, I had dreamt of you, At night the mind plays its tricks, Inside you and I dance, One Military Hospital, Something about a bird in a tree, While the year hangs skeleton, I gave my love to you, No other painting, Field of maize, The red arum lilies, Would my words, When the front door, At dusk, Child, Cry, Maybe 4, Maybe 3, Maybe 2, To be us, Photocopy machine, I do love Africa, While everything is turning brown outside, The crumbling man, My small Jack Russell dog, With self contempt I stand in the veldt, The fallen Cuban soldier, There is a time when night sneaks in, After the farm invasions in Zimbabwe, The small redbreast sings and dances, I love you, Walls, A child is a strange thing, Baby lies so fast asleep, It is a pitch-dark night, Hecuba, A pastor,

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