| Rhumour |
PROFILE About me Friends (3) Poetry (18) Prose (1) Photography (7) Graphics (4) Video poems (1) |
Rhumour, 8 july 2012
The real world is different for those born within strife,
if they are lucky they may grow to become husband or wife,
but for many, boy soldiers is what they were forced to become,
only eleven years old, but still their burden is to carry a gun.
How many live long enough to know that there are other ways,
within another country they wouldn't have been made military slaves.
Are there men with the courage to stop all the rape and slaughter,
does no one there value the lives of their son and their daughter?
We live in one world though still can remain worlds apart,
some wracked by fear and anger, some blessed with a heart.
There are no quick fixes for those slaves of bomb and gun,
they can't change overnight, they can't call on their mum.
Whole generations are destroyed by such ravaging hate,
can we blame their parents, no, the wicked ways of the state,
conflicts started in some distant past can blight generations,
driven by the blind hate between tribes, faiths or nations...
The futures of so many children lost before they were born,
just when will some chance come for a peaceful new dawn?
Be it Africa, Asia, or the Middle East where they live,
they cannot do as they want, they cannot learn how to give.
Yes we live in one world, but will they ever know ours,
where we watch from a safe distance, news on 24 hours,
they cannot see our fair reality isn't some fairy tale,
their future ever measured in blood splattered gun hail...
United Nations talk while more bodies are found in the street,
murdered by armies of those that they would never once meet,
death by strangers that seek to spread bloody terror to all,
resistance ain't futile, but it must come from everyone's call...
Don't wait for those sick battles to kill ever more,
children and mothers abandoned to die by the score,
peace won't ever come while power rests with evil men,
those with greed that freezes their hearts once again.
Talk has been never been cheaper than when liars speak,
they will say what we want to hear, while killing the meek,
ruling by terror must now be condemned to the past,
along with the leaders that murder the rest of the cast...
June 7th 2012
Rhumour, 8 july 2012
On that hidden island where we long to be,
nestled as it is in a pure warm azure sea,
where there are no sharks to flee away from,
just young dolphins leaping out for our fun,
afore blowing bubble rings to toss around
underneath the waves that bring a pleasing sound.
The moon is never hidden on the nights it comes to shine
and rainfall will only glisten if your loving hand's in mine.
Shall we trip along the soft shore of fine bleached coral sand,
catching eight inch butterflies that seem to understand,
we'll never try to harm them or take away their food,
so they will stay contentedly, while they are in the mood
We'll sing of our great good fortune,
baritone and conch shell for trombone,
then when the music runs dry, maybe we'll shout
"There's no one home - they all went out"
And other nonsense that will maybe echo
while we never miss any nagging phone falsetto
Such dream places we could perchance still find,
An idyll that lures some corner of my mind,
that seeks safe haven from this harsh run world
and holds hope one day to have fair sails unfurled,
to venture forth with loves energy by my side,
escaping the clutches of pesky memories that hide
all hope of peace and soft romantic scenes,
that may even yet exist outside of dreams.......
August 8th 2010
Rhumour, 28 february 2012
Good Dreams, Bad Dreams
Dreams drifted freely through the atmosphere,
not knowing who would reach out to hold them near,
a random spice of vivid scenes there for all to view,
I wonder which were at one time picked by you?
Good dreams we flavour with images of our own,
making them personal as if by some seamstress sewn,
embroidered with pictures from our real life past,
are those randomly inserted, or picked for the cast?
Deep in those subconscious thoughts that permeate,
our sleeping minds with moments of both love and hate,
we may have some choices that we don't usually make,
those can make us smile or trouble us enough to wake...
Dark thoughts and great terrors can be vivid indeed,
waking us in a sweat with a most desperate need,
for comfort that once our mums used to provide,
but if alone are not so easily shaken - I've tried!
We may reach for the light switch, and look all around,
are there any strange shadows, or some creepy sound?
If nothing disturbing is seen in a minute or two,
do you go straight back to sleep, or maybe do as I do ?
For I like to make notes before all those images melt,
which will be used in a poem that tells what I felt,
and once all those thoughts are expunged in some lines,
I can drift back to sleep with nowt to trouble my mind...
February 22nd 2012
Rhumour, 16 january 2012
One planet, one people,
one last chance to survive,
if we don't work together now,
just how will our children thrive?
Take a fresh look at the facts,
and think hard for a while,
it makes sense to adopt peace,
so we can all eat and smile.
There's nothing hard about sharing,
we just need to put aside all the junk,
that's destined for the dustbins,
before underground it's then sunk.
Can we plant seeds over that landfill,
could we trust any crops that did grow?
No, let's go back to sturdy milk bottles,
rather than plastic ones made to throw...
January 14th 2012
Rhumour, 15 january 2012
An Oldie I've dug out from 1974....
The End...
The voice of hate
I've heard of late
Has sunk me down in terror
A crippled ship
I drift the depths
Of navigators error
Once bathed in light
I'm now undone
Left struggling in the dark
My memory turns
To days far gone
When the voice was of a lark
So tortured life
Now ends in strife
I gasp in vain for breath
Just left alone
Froze to the bone
I'm shaking myself to death.
©Rhumour 1974
Rhumour, 15 january 2012
My arms will enfold you under soft candle light,
your eyes glow and sparkle as we savour this night,
a time for two people to share as they will,
with many a moment to treasure and thrill.
Two people in love will always seek out such times,
away from the world with it's nickels and dimes,
no hunger that they cannot sate in their den,
with a warming log fire and a rug just for them.
If true love was all that we ever did seek,
then the world might indeed belong to the meek,
for lovers don't wish to take power over all,
as there is only one person they wish to enthrall...
January 15th 2012
Rhumour, 9 january 2012
One hope I have for my children
No hunger or fear in their lives
Every parent wants this, so that's no surprise
When will the world meet in honesty
Openly plan an end to all poverty
Remove the crowns from the commerce kings
Let morality stand proud within all our tradings
Don't let it take too long my friends
Seek friendship and sincerity through deeds
Open dialogue so we can know each others needs
Only when we understand each other well can
New beginnings be made that will go to plan
August 11th 2008
Rhumour, 7 january 2012
When the poet calls to you will you answer,
will his many lines of rhyme be enough?
Will he capture your heart with a wordy net
or retreat when he learns of your rebuff?
Oh the passions that a poet can harbour,
may be deeper than many men know,
or perhaps they are just more evident,
as his poetry can be seen to show...
For so many men keep their tongues tied,
or bypass all emotion to declare,
that their woman should be happy to have them,
quite forgetting the need to express care.
Yes the poet may be fullsome of romance,
he may bring out the depths of his soul,
I can't claim that it makes him the better,
for possessing her heart's still his goal.
It is ever the judgment of the lady,
who may choose to run with the 'cad',
as they find some attraction in danger,
and who am I to say that is mad?
November 25th 2011
Rhumour, 7 january 2012
She seemed so decent,
she seemed so kind.
Only time told the truth of it
and quite nearly took my mind.
Naive to such depths of deception,
despite my grey and my lines.
Her favourite pet a chameleon,
she too changed colour at times.
And with those many changes of hue,
were bizarre dips into her lost youth,
reaping little more than shades of blue,
abandoning the last vestiges of truth.
Cans and bottles, long papers and pills,
way beyond my capacity to take or comprehend,
those tales from work and whispers of ills,
not only jobs gone, but finally lost friends.
Take the money, and all your future lies,
no more need to keep those pretences up,
I've had an over full belly of surprise,
just be sure to pack your magic poisoned cup.
May 2006
Rhumour, 7 january 2012
Distance is a cruelty many lovers endure,
it saps what can otherwise be so very pure,
but the bond between soul mates can rise above all,
so that those love pangs we feel become very small.
Live each day with the knowledge that love is alive,
and with your depths of passion, it will ever survive,
so marvel at those feelings that arise from within,
as even over great distance, true love will still win...
December 24th 2011
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