Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 11 october 2012

Poem: Chaff Removal

Oh my Lord, once again I’m before you,
begging that You sift my heart.
Insure the chaff of my life is blown away,
while allowing the kernels of Your truth
to be planted in me, for the purpose of bearing…
spiritual fruit that delights You.
The door of my heart has been unhinged;
You may enter my threshing mill anytime –
even if You need to wake me.
Lift me up and shake me without ceasing,
until the day I’m stored in Your granary.

Author Note:

Loosely based on:
Job 21: 17-18; Zep 2: 1-3; Matt 3: 12

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2011, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 11 october 2012

Poem: The Full Beauty of Thee

Lately, life has been rough and coarse;
how have I strayed off course?
Be my light and show the way,
for You alone are Love’s real source.

O my Lord, please touch me
with Your spiritual purity!
Open my eyes, that I may see…
the full beauty of Thee.

Cure me of my blindness,
as I wander in this wilderness;
meet me where I am,
with Your loving kindness.

O my Lord, please touch me
with Your spiritual purity!
Open my eyes, that I may see…
the full beauty of Thee.

I’m not wanting more excuses,
to explain away how my sin oozes;
lift me up that I may find
the holy joy true faith produces.

O my Lord, please touch me
with Your spiritual purity!
Open my eyes, that I may see…
the full beauty of Thee.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on: John 9:8-11

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2011, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 4 october 2012

Poem: And God Spoke!

Frankly, it’s still seems quite odd
to debate the religion of Science
with regard to the existence of God.

Within the vacuum of deep space,
we know that there was an invisible force
that caused the “Big Bang” to take place.

Calculating the Universe’s starting point
can’t explain “why” we’re here on this planet,
despite pretty charts and graphs of datapoints.

Principles of Science can not contest
the presence of Jehovah on Earth
by using its logical series of empirical tests.

In the “Genesis Account” of creation,
we’re told that God is the catalyst of life
and not some random result of chemical reactions.

Faith requires no scientific proof
or many pages of computer analysis –
Certainly it’s no theoretical hoax or goof.

When Truth is no longer concealed,
and God’s secret knowledge is finally revealed –
His Love will cover us, as a lasting shield.

So jump on your Facebook account and give some pokes
to your friendly, neighborhood physicists
while offering the Biblical phrase… and God spoke!

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Gen 1:1-5; 2 Peter 3:8; John 8:32; 2 Cor 13:8; Eph 1:17

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2011, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 4 october 2012

Poem: Embryonic Ideal

How can I change the World that I see,
unless I’m willing to begin with me?
Sharing the Word via the use of Godly platitudes
fails to work with the wrong heart’s attitude.
As human, we’re all inherently flawed;
we all need God’s grace and to not be judged by His law.
Although the world is in a hurting mess,
there's help available for these times of distress.
We have within us the ability to find
solutions for the battles of our minds.
It’s certainly possible to make Change real –
Embrace this seed of an embryonic ideal:
See the embodiment of God in others,
since we’re the keepers… of our brother.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Gen 4:9; Eph 4:23; Rom 8:6

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2011, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 4 october 2012

Exerpt 1 (from my unpublished manuscript of Honku poetry)

For more information, including the origin of Honku, please visit the official website:

Clogging traffic flow

twin, brake riders in the lane,

they’re really a pain.

America’s love –

Unsupervised car racing

on our new highways.

Rubbernecking state:

Welcome to Connecticut,

spend more time on road.

Suggestion only?

Painted lines are optional

for lane straddlers.

Forget the roadkill!

Rubberneckers demonstrate …

Lust for dead bodies.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 27 september 2012

Poem: SATOR Squares

It’s very surprising that “SATOR Squares”

seem to appear everywhere

the mighty Roman army had gone;

can they together, really belong?

Can anyone else see

inside this puzzle’s mystery?

It’s been learned that it’s not a game

and a truth, always remains the same.

Known is the square’s earliest evidence –

Can it be a mere coincidence,

that it was found in a retired soldier’s home?

From one who had faithfully served Italy’s Rome.

The Naked Archeologist cracked this riddle,

by playing around with the letters of its middle.

Fairly revealing were some of its words,

whose interpretation were not fully obscured.

From analyzing all 5-lettered Latin palindromes,

it became clear; this particular grid stood alone.

The hidden phrases are now, no longer lost;

PATER NOSTER, “Our Father”, forms a cross;

The leftover letters include “a” for “The Alpha”,

while “o” represents “The Omega”.

The last secret, discovered inside this puzzle’s framework,

informs us: “The Alpha and Omega holds the wheels in work.”

For with Jehovah, nothing is impossible –

when we see that “Jesus makes God’s work possible”.

Author Notes:

Information for this poem was gleaned from a video presentation of Simcha J., who is known as the Naked Archeologist. The first SATOR square was found carved on the wall of a retired soldier's home; he had served the Roman army and his name was Paquio Proculo; it's been dated around 79 AD.

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2011, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 27 september 2012

Poem: Way of The Cross

Tis important to remember,
the holy Standard that was set for us!
Its purchase was selflessly made
by our beloved Christ Jesus.

Upon Calvary, this single sacrifice
of Jehovah’s perfect, atoning Lamb
completely demonstrates the truest form of Love
from our God, the Great I Am.

Lord, we may not entirely comprehend,
how Your ways are superior to our own,
but we need to realize that we’re called
to reach towards Your Kingdom throne.

From the cruel spilling of Your Son’s royal blood,
the ransom for Humanity was fully paid;
and the foundation of Heaven’s eternity
has been utterly sealed and forever laid.

Author Notes:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2011, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 20 september 2012

Poem: Enabling Success

God’s heavenly desires and ways
are much higher than our own.
Spiritual maturity is required
to reach towards His holy throne.

Hidden within the Scriptures
is a common, universal theme –
Application of Biblical principles
is needed to achieve our earthly dreams.

Under guidance of the Spirit,
prophets captured God’s intended plan;
laid out to see was Yahweh’s vision –
for the true success of Man.

The written Word of God
can be our scriptural soap;
regular cleansing of the mind
reveals the promise of our hope.

This collection of ‘love letters’
is connected by a ‘scarlet thread’;
Christ’s fulfillment of the Law was sealed
by the redemptive blood that He shed.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Isaiah 55:8-9; Isaiah 11:2; Proverbs 3:1-26; Romans 12:12;
Ephesians 4:22-23; 1 Corinthians 1:18-25

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2010, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 20 september 2012

Poem: True Contentment

Know God and know peace,
leaning not on your own understanding.
Earthly troubles will never cease -
Use faith to quell the inner longing.

Regardless of your circumstance,
you are empowered to be an overcomer.
Rejoice in the midst of difficulties;
in His Presence, find holy favor.

He has promised to supply our needs!
Things can not fill the hole of one’s heart.
Cleanse your mind with His Word;
desire Truth that only Jehovah can impart.

Forget fancy words, clichés and obsession
with the rhetoric of sentiment;
wholeheartedly seek the face of the Lord.
Find for yourself, true contentment.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
1 Timothy 6:6; Philippians 4:11; Hebrews 13:5

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 20 september 2012

Poem/Song: Just a Word, Lord

Just a word, Lord…
is what I desire today.
Often I devote quality time with Thee,
hoping to learn more of your Holy ways.

Just a word, Lord…
keeps me moving forward with You;
embrace me with Your Presence,
in everything that I say and do.


Just a word, Lord…
provides me with Everlasting Life.
Being focused on You,
reduces the noise of earthly strife.

Just a word, Lord…
completely captures my heart.
My longing for You flows as water,
that sates the thirsty hart.


Just a word, Lord…
brings me out of the wilderness.
Hear and answer my cries to be
clothed with Your Righteousness.

Just a word, Lord…
lifts and inspires my weary spirit.
Cover me with grace continually,
in anticipation of Your heavenly junket.


Open the eyes of my understanding;
remove the spiritual blinders on me!
Always keep in my remembrance…
Your sacrifice on that accursed tree.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Ezekiel 7:1-8, 1 Kings 6:11-13, Ezekiel 12:1-2, 26-28, John 6:47, Galatians 6:8

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

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  10 - 30 - 100  

Other poems: Poem: For the Birds, Poem: Clinging to The Cross, Poem: Heart and Soul, Warmed, Poem: Not In Haste, Poem: Morning’s Dawn and Dew, Poem: Unseemly Faith, Poem: Carrying Our Sins, Poem: Another World, Poem: Tethered Lambs, Poem: Failures of Self-Righteousness, Poem: Spiritual Earthshine, Poem: Unknown Future, Poem: Circle of Inclusion, Poem: You, the Moon and Me, Poem: Prayer of Repentance, Poem: In No Other, Poem: Human Expectations, Poem: Empty Rhetoric, Poem: Without Agendas, Poem: Hold On, Pain Ends (HOPE), Poem: Trencherman, Poem: Repentant State, Poem: Derailed Victories, Poem: Punishment and Pain, Poem: Evangelize, Poem: Remaining Sin Conscious?, Poem: Quiet Heart, Poem: Applying Practical Faith?, Poem: Tears Into Joy, Poem: Spiritual Abstractions, Poem: Dissections of My Soul, Poem: Experiential Reality, Poem: Atonement, Poem: Waterfall, Poem: Unlettered Poet, Poem: Upheld, Poem: Contact With The Divine, Poem: Unneeded, But Wanted, Poem: Confirmation Bias, Poem: Life’s Complacency, Poem: Wasting Your Wilderness?, Poem: Objective Morality, Poem: Shalom, Poem: Elective Ignorance, Poem: More Than I Imagined, Poem: Ever Glorious, Poem: Wheat and Tares, Poem: Eternal Dialog, Poem: Pain and Disappointment, Poem: Poetic Elegance, Poem: Guilty and Forgiven, Poem: Divine Mask, Poem: A Clearer View, Poem: Subtle Maneuvers, Poem: A Taste of Psalm 1, Poem: Confessions of My Brokenness, Poem: Connected to Hope?, Poem: Unveiled Faces, Poem: Facing Adversity, Poem: Tranquility, Poem: Crumbs, Poem: Mannequins, Poem: Can I Love… What God Sees in Me?, Poem: This Side of Salvation, Poem: Now is the Time, Poem: Live Fearlessly, Poem: Led By Love, Poem: Embrace His Grace, Poem: This Broken Road, Poem: Rooted and Grounded, Poem: Prayer of a Heavy Heart, Poem: Congregation of the Dead, Poem: Prayer of a Heavy Heart, Poem: Rise Up, Poem: Obstacles in Life, Poem: Moral Regulations, Poem: Let Them See, Poem: Raised in Glory, Poem: Darkest Moments, Poem: Pascal’s Wager, Poem: Haters Gonna Hate, Poem: Staying in Peace?, Poem: Still Doubting Yourself?, Poem: Behind Every Difficulty, Poem: Let Us Live, Poem: Better Than a Sermon, Poem: Now, That is Faith, Poem: Wild Flowers, Poem: No Reserves. No Retreats. No Regrets., Poem: The Shape of Love, Poem: Walking Worthily?, Poem: An Ease In My Soul, Poem: On The Cross of Calvary, Poem: Hurt by Unyielding Truth?, Poem: Unsearchable Things, Poem: A Glorious Man?, Poem: In Dawn’s Early Light, Poem: Broken Bread and Whine, Poem: Within This Circle, Poem: Happiness Will Be Realized, Poem: The Human Condition, Poem: A Privilege of Prayer, Poem: Promises Fulfilled, Poem: In the Direction of Joy and Hope, Poem: Joy is Possible, Poem: Bond of Peace, Poem: Pray. Read. Speak., Poem: Why Do We Bother?, Poem: With a Clear Direction, Poem: Gateway of Hope, Poem: Hallelujah!, Poem: Dear Doubt,, Poem: A Taste of Psalm 8, Poem: Tarnished Halos, A Taste of Psalm 50, Poem: Religious Ideologies, Poem: My Heartfelt Benediction, Poem: Capacity for Love, Poem: The Lens of Christianity, Poem: Shadows of Shame, Poem: Undeniable, Poem: Baptism, Poem: Blessed Solitude, Poem: For My Heaviness, Poem: Walk Through The Fire, Poem: No Escape, Poem: Human Candle, Poem: Never in Jeopardy, Poem: Religious Brands, Poem: Finding Holy Ground, Poem: Y-O-L-O, Poem: Moral Disposition, Poem: Invite, Thank, Trust and Serve, Poem: Imagine. Believe. Achieve., Poem: Unfettered, Poem: Greater Things, Poem: Intimacy with God, Poem: Turned Inwardly?, Poem: Untroubled Heart (II), Poem: The Kingdom of God, Poem: Unedited Truth, Poem: Intellectual Pollution, Poem: Continue to Be Still, Poem: Committed to Him?, Poem: His Love of Words, Poem: Having a Swell Time?, Poem: Saintly Seeds, Poem: The Grace of Giving, Poem: Generating Thirst in Others, Poem: Lacking Peace?,

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