Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 8 november 2012

Poem: By His Grace

By His grace, we are wonderfully saved;
know that we shall live… beyond the grave.
Through Salvation’s gift, our sins are waived
and upon His palms, our names are engraved.

Faith doesn’t spring from human nature,
nor is it something that we can nurture.
In His efficacious grace, we can be sure -
for Truth is borne out, within the Scriptures.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Eph 2:8-9; Isa 49:16

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2012, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 1 november 2012

Poem: Field Mouse

An unsuspecting, little, field mouse
committed a simple mistake one day;
it unwittingly entered my rented house,
not knowing my cats wanted to play.

My feline buddies, Hijinx and Mischief,
decided to live up to their spirited names;
sadly, the field mouse was offered no relief –
for the boys had a live prize to claim.

By its tail, my cats had live entertainment;
although they’re allowed to have their fun,
from this one deed, my cats will never repent;
for they again had disobeyed - rule number one.

Since their English is not very good,
their one restriction they tend to forget;
so it’s not surprising they misunderstood,
my rule of: “Pets are not allowed to have pets!”

So now it was time for me to intervene;
performing an unexpected “Animal Rescue”,
I now became a mouse catching machine
and watched him scamper away from my view.

A new retrieval approach, I had to posit;
with the boys closely monitoring my work,
I quickly chased him into a nearby closet,
hoping my cats wouldn’t impatiently go berserk.

Removing items from the closet’s floor,
and contending with this fuzzy foreigner,
I eyed the boys – to keep him from being gored.
Eventually, I trapped him in the corner.

By the time I reached him, he had died –
traumatized until his last heart’s rush.
Unlike my curious pets, I became teary eyed,
as this escapade ended… with a toilet’s flush. 


P.S. This based on a real event, that occurred when I was renting a small home in New Jersey.

-Joe Breunig
January/February 2012

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 1 november 2012

Poem: Golden Rule

I’m gently reminded of an old lesson,
that takes me back to Sunday School;
something, we’ve seem to have forgotten,
is living by the Bible’s “golden rule”.

For walking in God’s, true Love
towards others is always fashionable.
Remember! He has promised us strength
to operate under His “Christian label”.

When abiding by the principles of His Word,
we are able to treat others properly.
Desiring to be our brother’s keeper,
should assist us to more easily see…

faith’s operation within our lives.
Actions demonstrate what we believe;
so do what is right, because of the…
Love that we, have already received.

A real consequence of doing good,
is that our souls naturally profit;
know that you’ve lived a Godly life,
by honoring the Law and His prophets.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Matt 7:12; 1 Chr 16:11; Gen 4:9;
Psa 28:6-8; 1 John 4:15-19

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2012, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 1 november 2012

Poem: God Within

Though Life can be extremely difficult
and experiences can deeply traumatize us,
we can learn to control how we respond -
as demonstrated by our Lord, Christ Jesus.

For He alone is the hope of our glory;
when we show genuine, jubilant enthusiasm,
we naturally exhibit that “God is within”;
thus, we’re able… to bridge sin’s chasm.

This separation from God can be overcome
with daily prayer and faith’s resilience.
Become intimate with your “Identity in Christ”
and continue to reflect the Kingdom’s brilliance.

Having energetic and vibrant attitudes,
we see more opportunities brought to our door.
Via God’s Love and abundance principles,
His blessings upon us… continue to pour.

Remember! We’re blessed to be a blessing;
prayerfully develop your mission’s vision.
Search for personal solutions within The Word,
while reducing the likelihood of… bad decisions.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Col 3:18-25; Eph 6:4-9

Enthusiasm is defined from a combination of Greek words: “Theos” means God, while the other two words are “En-Tae”, which implies within.  So enthusiasm actually means the “God Within.”  It is the shining source of goodness and respect for one’s self and others.

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2012, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 25 october 2012

Poem: Transforming Power

The foolishness of Jehovah is…
wiser than the intellect of Mankind.
The overwhelming evidence is available,
by examining the thoughts of His mind.

Some may ask: “How is that possible?”
By reading and studying His Holy Word.
The Scriptures were divinely inspired
and in the hearts of men were stirred.

Love conquers all, from the “inside out”,
by the piercing of the human heart.
For Love requires deliberate action
and not interpretations of a star chart.

The challenges of life are before us;
principles and truths can be our strong tower.
Victories are promised when we chose…
to unleash God’s transforming power.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
1 Cor 1:18-25, 3:19-21; Psa 61

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2012, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 25 october 2012

Poem: Toxic Doctrines

Are your ears being tickled?
Is your soul’s carnality being fed?
Are you running on the wrong path?
Are you blindly being led?

What is your theology?
What do you really believe?
Where will you spend eternity?
Does The Word match… what you perceive?

Continually, out of your mouth,
the desires of your heart flow;
understand your true motivation;
move beyond the Church’s status quo.

Be humbly filled with The Spirit
and receive God’s holy unction;
ask for your vision, insuring…
that your gifts properly function.

God is examining your heart,
against Truth’s only baseline!
Are you devouring the Scriptures
or feeding on some… toxic doctrines?

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
1 John 2:18-27; Matt 12:34, 15:11; Ecc 11:9;
Psa 51:17; Heb 4:12; Luke 6:45

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2012, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 25 october 2012

Poem: Intellectual Postulations

Sadly, there are many intellectual postulations
that are well meaning, but fatally flawed.
One can only end up with an unholy mixture from…
combining Man’s religious views with God’s Law.

Beyond the constraints of the mental realm,
the human template of thought cannot contain God.
Yet after more than two thousand years of Church,
lessons are still not learned; so it’s not odd…

to see a skeptical world, groaning and grasping
for rays of hope and light and salvation.
God’s truth can stand on its own, not needing
to be couched within feeble human traditions.

The multitude of meaningless rhetoric
will ultimately reveal the heart of a fool;
this idea demonstrates that the Church really needs…
Christ in its heart to reign and to rule.

It’s shameful to see an inability to ‘walk in love’;
unfortunately, it seems to appear everywhere today;
stop ignoring the basic, Biblical truths, for…
Christ declared Himself to be the Life, Truth and Way.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Prov 10:19; Eccl 5:1-7; Prov 20:15

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2012, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 18 october 2012

Poem: These Earthly Things

Lord, the possessions of Earth
have no permanent grip on my soul;
help me to focus solely on You,
knowing that everything else will fade…
into the background, from my view.

Lord, the knowledge of Your Kingdom
has been slowly seeping into my spirit;
my heart longs for new songs to sing.
Help me to absorb more of Your ways,
while I forget about… these earthly things.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Col 3:2

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2011, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 18 october 2012

Poem: Vastness of the Kingdom

How can mortals completely envision heaven?
Exploring the fullness of what we’ll see,
will surely take many human lifetimes,
in order to take in… all things of eternity.

Whatever God has prepared for us -
conceived from infinite possibilities,
the sight of its beauty lies beyond our mental grasp,
whose description, exceeds one’s vocabulary.

What is the secret name reserved for me?
Can one take a swim in the glassy sea?
How large is the throne room of God?
How many angels and cherubs will we see?

Can we exist beyond the third dimension?
Will we be able fly through the universe?
How long will it take me to memorize all Scripture
and the subtle meanings… of each and every verse?

How many new colors, will we experience
that shine within Jehovah’s heavenly dome?
How much gold will stick to my feet,
from walking around my eternal, new home?

What are the capabilities of our immortal bodies?
How much knowledge, from our lives, will we retain?
What will my first feelings and thoughts be,
when standing before… the Lamb who was slain?

Great are the rewards of Kingdom living.
Among the redeemed, no one is viewed the fool;
His great family will be overcome with joy,
knowing that everyone submitted… to His Sovereign rule.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
1 Cor 2:9; Rom 14:17-18

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2011, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 11 october 2012

Poem: Oasis

O Lord, my spirit is weakened and parched,
from trudging through this present wilderness.
Send down on me Your abundant showers,
which are scented with Christ’s righteousness.

Transform the dry soil of my life;
please renew my strength and sustain me;
let my joy bloom once more with Your splendor;
keep my eyesight focused solely on Thee.

Rescue me from the encroachment of ignorance;
permit my weary, inner self to be consoled;
bestow on me an everlasting crop of faith
that springs forth, exceeding one hundred-fold.

Set my feet on Your “way of holiness”;
drench my being with Your latter rain;
allow my life to have meaning, while I’m…
singing Your praises via heavenly refrains.

In understanding my true identity,
I’ve found the heart of my life’s emphasis.
Never to be thirsty again, I’m imbibing on…
the rich, living waters of Your holy oasis.

Author Note:

Loosely based on:
Psa 68:9; Isa 35:1-35; John 4:4-26

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2011, All rights reserved.

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  10 - 30 - 100  

Other poems: Poem: For the Birds, Poem: Clinging to The Cross, Poem: Heart and Soul, Warmed, Poem: Not In Haste, Poem: Morning’s Dawn and Dew, Poem: Unseemly Faith, Poem: Carrying Our Sins, Poem: Another World, Poem: Tethered Lambs, Poem: Failures of Self-Righteousness, Poem: Spiritual Earthshine, Poem: Unknown Future, Poem: Circle of Inclusion, Poem: You, the Moon and Me, Poem: Prayer of Repentance, Poem: In No Other, Poem: Human Expectations, Poem: Empty Rhetoric, Poem: Without Agendas, Poem: Hold On, Pain Ends (HOPE), Poem: Trencherman, Poem: Repentant State, Poem: Derailed Victories, Poem: Punishment and Pain, Poem: Evangelize, Poem: Remaining Sin Conscious?, Poem: Quiet Heart, Poem: Applying Practical Faith?, Poem: Tears Into Joy, Poem: Spiritual Abstractions, Poem: Dissections of My Soul, Poem: Experiential Reality, Poem: Atonement, Poem: Waterfall, Poem: Unlettered Poet, Poem: Upheld, Poem: Contact With The Divine, Poem: Unneeded, But Wanted, Poem: Confirmation Bias, Poem: Life’s Complacency, Poem: Wasting Your Wilderness?, Poem: Objective Morality, Poem: Shalom, Poem: Elective Ignorance, Poem: More Than I Imagined, Poem: Ever Glorious, Poem: Wheat and Tares, Poem: Eternal Dialog, Poem: Pain and Disappointment, Poem: Poetic Elegance, Poem: Guilty and Forgiven, Poem: Divine Mask, Poem: A Clearer View, Poem: Subtle Maneuvers, Poem: A Taste of Psalm 1, Poem: Confessions of My Brokenness, Poem: Connected to Hope?, Poem: Unveiled Faces, Poem: Facing Adversity, Poem: Tranquility, Poem: Crumbs, Poem: Mannequins, Poem: Can I Love… What God Sees in Me?, Poem: This Side of Salvation, Poem: Now is the Time, Poem: Live Fearlessly, Poem: Led By Love, Poem: Embrace His Grace, Poem: This Broken Road, Poem: Rooted and Grounded, Poem: Prayer of a Heavy Heart, Poem: Congregation of the Dead, Poem: Prayer of a Heavy Heart, Poem: Rise Up, Poem: Obstacles in Life, Poem: Moral Regulations, Poem: Let Them See, Poem: Raised in Glory, Poem: Darkest Moments, Poem: Pascal’s Wager, Poem: Haters Gonna Hate, Poem: Staying in Peace?, Poem: Still Doubting Yourself?, Poem: Behind Every Difficulty, Poem: Let Us Live, Poem: Better Than a Sermon, Poem: Now, That is Faith, Poem: Wild Flowers, Poem: No Reserves. No Retreats. No Regrets., Poem: The Shape of Love, Poem: Walking Worthily?, Poem: An Ease In My Soul, Poem: On The Cross of Calvary, Poem: Hurt by Unyielding Truth?, Poem: Unsearchable Things, Poem: A Glorious Man?, Poem: In Dawn’s Early Light, Poem: Broken Bread and Whine, Poem: Within This Circle, Poem: Happiness Will Be Realized, Poem: The Human Condition, Poem: A Privilege of Prayer, Poem: Promises Fulfilled, Poem: In the Direction of Joy and Hope, Poem: Joy is Possible, Poem: Bond of Peace, Poem: Pray. Read. Speak., Poem: Why Do We Bother?, Poem: With a Clear Direction, Poem: Gateway of Hope, Poem: Hallelujah!, Poem: Dear Doubt,, Poem: A Taste of Psalm 8, Poem: Tarnished Halos, A Taste of Psalm 50, Poem: Religious Ideologies, Poem: My Heartfelt Benediction, Poem: Capacity for Love, Poem: The Lens of Christianity, Poem: Shadows of Shame, Poem: Undeniable, Poem: Baptism, Poem: Blessed Solitude, Poem: For My Heaviness, Poem: Walk Through The Fire, Poem: No Escape, Poem: Human Candle, Poem: Never in Jeopardy, Poem: Religious Brands, Poem: Finding Holy Ground, Poem: Y-O-L-O, Poem: Moral Disposition, Poem: Invite, Thank, Trust and Serve, Poem: Imagine. Believe. Achieve., Poem: Unfettered, Poem: Greater Things, Poem: Intimacy with God, Poem: Turned Inwardly?, Poem: Untroubled Heart (II), Poem: The Kingdom of God, Poem: Unedited Truth, Poem: Intellectual Pollution, Poem: Continue to Be Still, Poem: Committed to Him?, Poem: His Love of Words, Poem: Having a Swell Time?, Poem: Saintly Seeds, Poem: The Grace of Giving, Poem: Generating Thirst in Others, Poem: Lacking Peace?,

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