Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 26 marca 2013

15 Seconds

What type of game are you playing, my friend?
I have been there for you to listen........
Now, I hear dead silence on the other end of the phone......
Are you the same person I knew
Lack of words, you are too busy to even talk to me?
Or is this a crazy little dream...
Hurt comes from anxiety, none of which I have felt for so long
Now, you avoid me; I can only guess.........
And guessing is not the answer......
PLease explain yourself; I so hurt; I will not try again.......
You have made a mockery of yourself, not me......
I feel abandonded, used a little, and lied to a lot.....
I will not bow down and keep your ego in tune......
You can take all those words you said to me back
It is like writing on the wall.......
I am very brittle; but do not brake easily.
I will never write about you again...
Try and say something in your defense, I am not your prosecuter
You cannot take someones feelings and put them on display
Only 15 seconds of your time...that is all I had asked.....
Now I ask nothing...nothing at all.......     

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 18 marca 2013

My other side....

I see you as not an asset to my life
Why will you not listen to a thing I say.
Because you want things your way?

I am not a mean person ;however you have become an ogre......
I will not live my life in a bubble for you are anyone else.
It makes me sick, as sick as you.

My freinds are scattered everywhere, I go to sights to vent by writing poetry, that you were never interested in-My ire and anger started to flow and now it is like a sleeping volcano

Why don't you just let me be.......Because you don't know who you really are.

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 25 stycznia 2013


She rides the bus each morning; wishing she had a car
The smell of the fumes are overwhelming, but she has no choice
At each stop someone "New" or the daily person gets on
Most of the time she gets a seat but when it is crowded she holds on to the upper bar
Once in awhile someone nice will ask if she wants a seat
She looks around to see all the different colors and patterns
Shoes, Coats, Dresses, Briefcases, Suits, Umbrellas
Someone talking louder than all the others
The Bus Driver looking in the rearview mirror.........
Seeing what there is to see
She thinks to herself.......
Driving must be better than riding the bus?                

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 24 grudnia 2012


There are so many people feeling hopeless-Today
There are so many people feeling hungry-Today
There are so many people dying from addiciton-Today
There are so many people feeling lonely-Today

Let us start a new era as the New Year approaches that we make an attempt to smile at one person-Today
Let us do a good deed for another starting-Today
Let us pray for the forgotten-Today
Let us all remember our troops-Today

May we find peace in our hearts-Today
May we find love in another person-Today
May we have the ability to see good in someone-Today
May we not stumble in prayer-Today

We must do these things Today as we do not know if we have a Tomorrow........

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 22 grudnia 2012

Ms. Matika

Ms. Matika works in the grocery store with her high hair and I call her POOF
She resembles a porcupine gone wrong-with her hair sticking out on top like that
She has shared many secrets with me; it was like that from the beginning
It was just fate that we met in aisle number one, she was busy having a panic attack and I was looking for potato chips.
Stocking shelves and trying to breathe must be terrible
I decided on sour cream and bar-b-que and she ask me how to stop 
having the darn thing
It seemed as if she was in the middle of a hurricane right then
I preceded to speak from experience and told her to be in the moment
Instead she took a Xanax
You cannot help people that don't want to be helped
Ms. Matika has shut down completely and told me that the Xanax is working
I told her that she is masking her problem
POOF quit her job and is living on disability.........

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 16 lutego 2013


He loved her green eyes; they told him so much
Her wild and tameless hair blowing in the wind
Will it ever stop, he wondered, that unbrideled spirit she has?
Her long muscular, but lean legs, her tempting rosy, red lips
He longed for her, he ached for her; she was unique
Like a wild animal; she growled a little moan at times
She was always thinking of new and interesting things to do
And ways to do them........it made him crazy
He dreamt of her in his sleep; he dreamt of her while he was awake
Her perfectly poreless skin; so soft like a babies
He loved her so; did she know it, or was his imagination running wild
He could only see things in her green eyes
We all covet things we cannot have ; things we want so badly
But she was different, living next door was so hard
Seeing her daily, it was like a job
So, until he could find the words ; he would have to just look at her 
Beautiuful sparkling Green Eyes........

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 20 grudnia 2012

The Tree

I sat out on my patio and thought of her today; she lights up the sky
Is that star her, or is it just my imagination
Where would I be in this whirlwind of life had it not been for her
Lost in my own confusion and mindlesss choices
Her tree is very tall now-8 years grown, like her passing
It looks a little withered like me; as I walk by her house
That the new people live in, they are very nice, but it is her house
I asked her daughter yesterday if she would move the tree to her place and she said "NO", you NEED IT......I do; I miss her so
But Paradise is her new home and her Golden Trees do not need my care; I will continue to water this one
I cast the sawblade to myself weekly just by going to that tree; but it is my duty to see that it has many branches, an extension of her life
Legacy, to follow the leaves as they fall into the winter night one by one
She is telling me she is here with me now

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 10 marca 2013

Broken Places

The world breaks everyone and afterwards, they are stong at the broken places.........E. Hemingway

Love everyone-the alcoholics, the drug addicted, people living on the street.

For they are also you Mothers and Fathers, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles.......

Love all people of every color; for color sees no color and You see color.

Love those who despise you; for they hate themselves and the world they live in.......

Love thy neighbor, for you may need their kindness and they may need yours..........

Love everyone; for you are God's child

The Lord came to us saying  "I have loved you with a love that lasts forever.  So I have helped you to come to me with loving kindness"     Jeremiah 31:3                  


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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 6 marca 2013


My thoughts encompass me, surround me
The sincerest form of gratitude to an unknown stranger
The passerby who asks for a cigarette
And your smoke is long gone
But your kindness prevails, even though you do not have one
How do you measure one's worth, by the number of acts they do
Or do you not count, because you do not want that vanity
I see myself as someone who is random but consistent in so many ways
The world could use some serenity-humility
Pray, people, pray

For GOD said:
For God puts down the man with pride;but he saves the one who is not proud- Job 22:29
So stand up today, stand proud, tall, kiss a loved one, say hello to a neighbor
But Beware........

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 22 września 2012

Our Oddessy

I tried to talk to you today, again
It was like an echo coming 'round and 'round
Why is it so difficult to get through to someone
You are always in the attack mode
Waiting to pounce and pronounce
I live in a world of sequestered silence and lonliness
A world of your treason; but I never turned my back on you til now
It has been 14 years of head games but you rolled the dice on me
Being with another woman broke my heartstrings; as you are not with me
Why must you urge the pain to surface so horrifically
Ane when ask, say a simple sentence to try and quench my need for knowledge
I don't know if you have a heart at all
You glide over things , like water glides over a rock
The pain has become to much to bear, I feel hollow
Longing for an easy out; no way to get in anymore
No trust, a factor that should provide safety
Please let me wander;  for my heart can take no more

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