
Satish Verma
PROFILE About me Friends (3) Poetry (3844)

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 3 march 2013


When the hate began
where were you?

My clothes were on fire.
When you climbed the lips,
words were livid on tongue:
beyond the earth and sky,
water and air,

You stutter?
Speak not truth.
I don’t exist;
my flesh has become food
red meat,
dirty orchid!

I will forget me! !

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 6 march 2013


Difficult it becomes, the secret of
the judgement and metamorphosis of
the painted cotton into a stained truth.

To save the present tense. A dangerous
crowd of vowels to express the incomplete
moment of watery teeth,

so hung, while misspeaking painfully
in dyslexic manneo. I would not
understand the hour-glass proxy.

An undersized leash to walk
with a giant: the magnitude of tragedy
overwhelms the path!

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 2 march 2013


Standing on a beam,
holding a black dawn,

my phoenix roving on dark river.
The bell still clangs;
I hear the footsteps.

A weird thought
spreads out on peripherals,
makes holes,

the undone communiqué
of a war
between knuckles;

the blind eyes
lift the fallen globe
of light.

I move from tree to tree.
Who was left unburned?
The sky was overcast.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 8 march 2013


You catch what was convenient
for age of denial. The exit.
Not being for nothing,
a better half of a belief.

Dependence was increasing
on wounds inflicted on others.

I stop at the mid of road
to turn or not to turn.
For the lost parapharases of existence.

The myth of amorality
was getting a new title. I close
a chapter of non-committance,
walk along a wheel chair.

I am not limbs, not topless.
The toes are prodding on a green vein!

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 4 march 2013


They walk in dreams
spirits of nameless faces
staring without eyes.

The screams:
of a child
on whom you poured boiling water.

The screams:
of a girl made to wear only flesh, because
she ran away with a priest.

The screams:
of a wipped woman
who tasted the laughing moonlight.

Death makes a big hole
in a spooky silence!
Are you listening?

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 12 march 2013


A randon creation
convulsed by grief.
Death of a pendant was not able
to recall the cleavage.

Kosher scream, the grandchildren
will not know the fakes of
reality show,

pure as honey, then the
scratching starts: look the tiger
was sitting on the branch.

Miracles will happen again
when the prince manipulates
the throne.

The dust melts in the local crowd.
Amid droughts there was a rivalary
to pick up the left over grains in field
between urchins and squirrels!

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 17 may 2012


In longest night
of pitch-dark space
you disappear like an arrow.
No star brightens your face.
Rumor was cruising like a bat on streets
to capture the gullible victim
on winter solstice.
The snow was falling like

A little anxiety to taste the
dried out grapes
and listen to the hunger

You draw the lake
on a canvas
and then jump into it
with visible nakedness.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 5 january 2013


The road breaks here.
Give me something to heal the fractured earth.
Angels are too much for me, the
gash turns inward ripping apart
eternal vigil.

They head into the burning books
and then explode themselves
on wet sands, generating grids, blithely lethal.
Wired blind, the sun weeps.
A green catastrophe tears a huge iceburg.

Post-coitol emptiness. The sweet nothing
stops. He becomes everything, the world
was not. The clouds bleach, moon
strips to bone. The artist goes into
exile to find a fiction.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 8 january 2020


Blunt and bold were
the wet spots.
You bleed like me.
The seizure takes hold
of millions thoughts.
My sins are walking with me.
No annihilation of
the flesh. I was meeting
the spirits.
The face becomes pure
gold, when you
start burning the issues.
The years had survived
in slumber.
Death will not come to the hanged man.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 6 january 2020

Night Spots

Tonight the moon will sit
on the gazobe,
to have a look at the sea, rising.
On the night's shade
dewdrops will wait, till
morning glory blooms.
It was a long night.
My lamp starts to flicker.
I hurry up to finish my poem.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 12 january 2021

Losing Oneself

What would you give
when I ask for nothing?

A mysterious lineage
of the soul. It has no sequence,
no flesh, no body.
I was heading towards the edge.

Did you know the perfect
no home? It has no crumbling walls,
no hurting windows. The gray roof of sky?

The earth, the damaging
winds. An hour of awareness
in wait. You start
exploring jinxed mind,

hearing voices, but no words.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 29 january 2020

Phenomenal Defeat

A wine taster was
ready to begin the birth
of night.
A wrinkle displays
the absurd mediocrity
of the charter.
I will not play
in the hands of unknowable
I have my own map.
I am shedding,
my skin, my color. Only
a truncated god will speak for me.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 31 january 2020

Song Of Promotion

I am not going to touch
the meaning―
of nativity for unknown
A cameo appearance of some
god, does not take away the
most recent fears
of death.
The ghosts have their own
defences against scars,
bruises and unstitched
Give me a piece of unleashed
poem, my odyssey
has begun in

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 19 may 2020


To drink the sea,
spilled over
from your eyes was not an easy task.

It was getting
dark, outside.
Inside an eternal flame
of separation
was flickering.

About the consent
of owning
privacy of truth,
I withdraw
my comments.

Now no shroud was needed
to cover the naked body.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 31 august 2020

Compressed Emotions

I had met the flower
after a longtime.
The rose.

And its fragrance
hauls me to childhood
after the big dying.

A tender, scented dream
will touch me,
to become a poet.

Lying on dewed grass
you think, a promiscuous
microbial libido begins.

The explosion will eject
free verses, waiting in silence-
to witness- the April fall.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 21 may 2020

Will You Admit?

An indecent
exposure. It was not
a game, to kill
a panther, moving
around in search
of prey.

And the basic instinct.

The fundamental trait defict
was between hunger
and ecstasy, between beast
and man.

You will chase a
butterfly, not for pleasure
but to become
an animal.

This was the observer,
and that was observed.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 19 february 2020

Watching The Lethality

The blend of gene and name.
How you carry the
We are losing the war.
You are winning
the birds.
The sparrows have left
the nest of man,
in search of moving homes.
How do you spell the ruins?
I have never seen
a perfect shape.
Why did you try to
confront the wall?

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 28 march 2013


Those vicious strikes.
Beaten by sticks,
a panther dies on moon
in midstop.

Standing on a bomb
digging a tunnel
you pay obeisance to
the god of war.

This sweet revenge
for your forefathers?
Who could not walk straight
in the bastard crowd.

Spilling the sperms
O pimp of faith,
why are you selling
your poverty?

The heap of limbs
on the breast of a mother.
A hand of a child was cut
in every womb.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 29 march 2013


That yellow moon haunts me again
and overleaps my sleep.
I do not dare to walk in the graves
of your eyes. The palace
has broken.

Mere suffering was not sufficient.
You have to wince with pain
for a crucified secret,
dying for a graced truth.

Snatch me a tear from
the blind eyes.My precious rags
will make a sacred thread to wrap
you on your arm.

The bruised innocence does not matter
now.You walk like a prince in every dark
page of history. Light follows the
sounds of body.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 13 may 2013


Will you save me
when I take the call of the lake?
The swishing depth was inviting me
for a plunge in the purple pool.

How deep was the pain of a mountain?
The domain was again ailing
with subtle rumors of
a massive landslide.

An escaped love of a thorn
was splittimg open the embrace
of me and my mask. Totally denuded,
a face was dusting off all the self-made
marks of inflictions.

Will you walk with me now
up to the stormy night, where I have
a house of candles keeping a vigil
for a coffin of unflowered seeds?

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 1 june 2013


From the blank book can I
lift some questions for the lofty hopes
when I lost myself near the home?

The fear was darting inside the white sores.
Keys were lost for the answers
and truth fell castrated.

The magic was fading from the cusps
of designs, unconceived thoughts were
seeking proportionate punishments.

Congeniality drifted from the
architect of hominid species. A nameless
storm plays havoc. Humble peaks bow

before the unmeasured meteors. You
can shut the orphanage now; no
bombs are bound for the wet crypts.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 9 december 2016

Somalia Calling

I met a talking moon 
on the road of death. 
What easily comes, goes easily with winds. 
I was counting the ribs of 
my dying child. He went into the 
woods to fight the unknown wars 
of hunger. 
Bunker: it went into flames 
sailing into brilliance of space. 
I am going to inherit the black grains 
of molten day. How I will confront 
the night tainted with bonfires 
of sunken eyes? 
God particles in tiny fists spreading 
the spun cotton, intitating a 
revolution of thoughts. A bumpy 
argument. The icon denies the guilt 
of mass killing. I want 
to remain unsung.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 14 november 2016

Blind Alleys

A nascent cry 
demands the signature 
of space. 
I will start the self destruction- 
clawing back 
on the land of 
The rule of sky was at stake. 
Trees were burning 
and the birds 
want to grasp 
the stark reality of notional violence. 
In dark hour 
I know not words 
to lift the eyelids 
the cloud, the flowers, the blood!

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 12 may 2022

Weird Dreams

Will ask hibiscus―
in twilight, to let moth
live its one night.


The bougainvillea
leaves, falling one by one,
always frighten you.


Bends like a bow,
the sickle moon, to pick up
its child in water.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 21 february 2015


This kitsch
makes you hollow,
You become blind in green
ready to make a dumb leap
from tall cliff.

Contempt for climactic throats.
The man walks on water
to meet death in icebox.

Pink torch like royal command signals,
black white moon enters a sober cloud
beyond the vibrations.

Now was the chance to kill
the light, fixing the graves.
One day the laughter was alive.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 17 february 2018

A Pilgrim’s Woe

Strange. You want to protect 
the house after the attack. 
Debunking the grammar. Take 
a look at the cavernous eyes. 
Do you find any rains? 
Refresh drops. You will 
need them, once a while. 
The life. Hides many grudges. 
It was scorching. A country 
of cantos in politics. The- 
language keeps on changing. 
What was next, nobody knows. 
The trees were there, the birds 
there, but there were no leaves.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 27 september 2017

The Final Call

Answers remain elusive. 
Stains were on shirt: 
You went on wiping- 
away the mirror. 
biologically, he wanted 
to get it changed. 
The pecking order. 
You were trying to 
move away, 
from yourself. Death 
was the missing link. 
Was it indecent 
to start the self-inventory? 
You start dancing 
on the inaudible music.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 5 december 2017

Looming Large

The art of losing the 
core-hurts, standing in deepest 
You want to see, what your 
prefrontal cortex thinks. 
The suffering: the debris 
fall on the eyes. 
Vast Greenland melts. 
The terror strikes. You 
inherit the barren land. 
I start talking with the 
spirits. In the shoe box, lies the 
past. The water was rising 
in eyes. The scent of moon 
sometimes misses the earth. 
The butterflies, sometimes 
come, declare the deadline 
for garden prayers.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 28 february 2018

Not Quite A Prayer

You had placed floating 
garden on the crest 
of five-headed white cobra. 
The hooded death, 
strikes; when you were 
tending to bonsai. 
Over to moon, 
you send the message. But 
The book was incomplete. 
On the way to 
tiny thoughts, an odyssean 
task to put the right words. 
I will go and 
stand on the edge, to 
watch the glorious senset.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 13 february 2018

A Sneak Preview

Hold your saliva. 
The kissing syndrome, 
is on prowl. 
A threat looms large; 
over the face on the face 
of most beautiful eyes. 
Are you fascinated by the- 
picture of shedding the skin? 
The reptile was most venomsus. 
Strikes, when you are 
sleeping. Floats into your house 
when it is dark. 
A remake of the horror 
of holocaust? Will it 
affect your lips?

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  10 - 30 - 100  

Other poems: Over Your Dream, Watching A Miracle, No Complaints, Between Whips And Tether, Travesty Of Truth, The Saga Of Breakup, The Saga Of Breakup, Playing Chess, The Trial, Leaves Are Changing Colors, Broken Bridges, Misty Memories, In Temperature, O Trinity, Studying Life, Nonetheless, I Write With Red Ink, Everything Is Black, Tangerines Sing, Touching Everywhere, Taking Revenge, Poetic Justice, Suffering Was Right, I Was Lost, Dogmatically, Justice Pure, Amnesia, Compromised, By Kisses, The Entity, Quartz, The End Starts, Echoes Travel, Picking Relics, To Dying Muse, The Voyager, Itinerant, Between Done And Undone, I Remember, I Am You Are, Greek Thoughts, Unseeing You, The Man And God, Savagery, Waiting For Flames, Deep Voices, Jumping The Wall, Beside The Truth, Bifurcation, In Deep Dark, Humanized Pain, It Is Getting Dark, Wearing The Crown Of Thorns, Good Bye, Unstable, You Deceive Yourself, Not To Annihilate, Virgin Defeat, The Pain Was Not You, Art In Dying, I Will Survive, Nameless Agony, Flagellation, Repeat Sins, Pencil Eyes, Clear As Water, Getting Solace, Knowing Myself, When You Had Left, Past Actions, Another Harbinger, Black Masks, Missing Words, Falling Man, I Ask Nothing, No One Survives, Going Into Space, The Essence, Abrasions, Unsung, Celestial, Divine Revelation, Departing, Don't Touch The Black Sun, Noiseless Murder, Nothingness, Parting, Not I Not You, Deceiving Self, I Go Outside Me, Absolute Being, Silver Moon, Believing In Myths, Where Do The Sprits Go?, I Was Unknown, Searching Peace, Holiest Dilemma, My Vision, The Crescent Moon, Quiet Introspection, Untraced, Sisyphean Ambition, Stalking The Spring, Motionless, Convulsions, Convulsions, Blood Prints, On Naked Paper, Curtain Call, Like Memes, Seeking Peace, Embracing Dark, Whispering Clouds, Into Dark Abyss, Talking To Spirit, Art In Pain, Raw Dreams, After You Left, Naked Truths, Searching My Voice, Prayer's House, Released, The Walls Are Rising, Inheritance, Prerogative, Summer Solstice, Fairy Dance, Dark Circles, Song Of The Sky, Vision And Vibrations, Vision And Vibrations, Of All Time, Don't Die, Gospel Truth, Predicament, Learning You, Thought To Thought, Trembling Vibes, At The Edge Of Life, The Madness, Your Empathy, Sad Protégé, After Thoughts, Blue Sunstroke, Blue Sunstroke, Empty of Answers, Were It You?, Changing Name, Multicast, No Regrets,

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