
Satish Verma
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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 30 stycznia 2020

With No Apology

On the mount
a broad-leaved tree was preparing
for self destruction.
It was too cold
under the sun.
A small Christmas tree
with its needle leaves
waits for the snow,
to draw a self-potrait
in bitter winter.
Snow fall makes it
gold, when rain comes
and my hand knives the moon.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 20 lutego 2020

Show Me Your Jewel Box

Not reaching somewhere,
I was not today,
what I was.
You seek a hand
for a handshake, and I watch
the dirt gathering
on the nails.
Sky does not give you
an award.The soot
collects on the windows.
The blue skulls dance
to defy the earth.No forehead
was formed.How would you
read the destiny?
I swear, I did not fathered
the deity in a-
monotheist gathering.
A black hijab covers
the moon.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 27 stycznia 2020


It was not mental,
when you said, ―
in solstice, the body
and the physics of ashes become
one, the duality is lost
and indentation removed.
This fall it was a freak
weather. The tangerines are
covered with accusing ice. The
insomnia has set in the trees.
No body was sleeping
in gray.
Do not forget the prayer.
Retroactivily you can be pardoned.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 17 grudnia 2015

Full Stop

I allowed you to tread on me unflinchingly.
My mind on pause,
ungrieved you turn back the clock.
Enough to stun the century,
I take cognisance of divine’s club foot.

I did not believe in self-pity
but I was racing against time
to avoid a jealous path running with me.
Yet I was sleeping on bushes of estranged thorns
without locking my golden age.

Tulips are no more my favourites.
You have to dig deep to plant the bulbs
and wait. When death opens the door for me,
I wanted to be free from any commitment
and ready to walk in, like a foot soldier.

This cosmos is mine, body is for you.
It no more obeys my command.
No more commas are needed,
a final full stop will do.
I am returning back to my home.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 25 listopada 2015

Ending Of Time?

The identity moves ahead
of the shadow of truth
I search for the absolute
in vain. Can I remove the emptiness
and talk to myself?
The core feeling is same.
We flow in our own separateness.
I want to outlive my brethren
and eat my death alone.

Mindful I watch the kernel,
swaying tree is silent
I am here due to a fault in the genes.
Grief is not my skull house.
Each night I sleep with dry lips
dreaming a lake.
My pillow floats like a chopped moon.

Silence of anonymity
in the heart of a storm.
It is a curious apparition.
The vibrations of distant whispers
fill up the lungs,
ripping apart the veins.
My inside blood utters
a shrill sob.Where to go?
We cannot return back. Ending of time?

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 27 czerwca 2012


A golden cave was afraid
Of a blue thrust.
Hands were not able to console
the mirror.

Let us step back for a
last laugh. You were talking
to yourself when the canary was
set free from the house arrest.

Ah, the paradise, after all, was
a myth. You had to beg for a violin
for democracy and stoop to pick
up a horsehair bow for playing the anthem.

You had cut your fingers in a fake war
with the moon.It was a miracle
knocking out the stars. A self-made
wound will never need the sutures.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 12 maja 2022

Weird Dreams

Will ask hibiscus―
in twilight, to let moth
live its one night.


The bougainvillea
leaves, falling one by one,
always frighten you.


Bends like a bow,
the sickle moon, to pick up
its child in water.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 12 stycznia 2021

Losing Oneself

What would you give
when I ask for nothing?

A mysterious lineage
of the soul. It has no sequence,
no flesh, no body.
I was heading towards the edge.

Did you know the perfect
no home? It has no crumbling walls,
no hurting windows. The gray roof of sky?

The earth, the damaging
winds. An hour of awareness
in wait. You start
exploring jinxed mind,

hearing voices, but no words.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 31 sierpnia 2020

Compressed Emotions

I had met the flower
after a longtime.
The rose.

And its fragrance
hauls me to childhood
after the big dying.

A tender, scented dream
will touch me,
to become a poet.

Lying on dewed grass
you think, a promiscuous
microbial libido begins.

The explosion will eject
free verses, waiting in silence-
to witness- the April fall.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 21 maja 2020

Will You Admit?

An indecent
exposure. It was not
a game, to kill
a panther, moving
around in search
of prey.

And the basic instinct.

The fundamental trait defict
was between hunger
and ecstasy, between beast
and man.

You will chase a
butterfly, not for pleasure
but to become
an animal.

This was the observer,
and that was observed.

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10 - 30 - 100  

Pozostałe wiersze: Over Your Dream, Watching A Miracle, No Complaints, Between Whips And Tether, Travesty Of Truth, The Saga Of Breakup, The Saga Of Breakup, Playing Chess, The Trial, Leaves Are Changing Colors, Broken Bridges, Misty Memories, In Temperature, O Trinity, Studying Life, Nonetheless, I Write With Red Ink, Everything Is Black, Tangerines Sing, Touching Everywhere, Taking Revenge, Poetic Justice, Suffering Was Right, I Was Lost, Dogmatically, Justice Pure, Amnesia, Compromised, By Kisses, The Entity, Quartz, The End Starts, Echoes Travel, Picking Relics, To Dying Muse, The Voyager, Itinerant, Between Done And Undone, I Remember, I Am You Are, Greek Thoughts, Unseeing You, The Man And God, Savagery, Waiting For Flames, Deep Voices, Jumping The Wall, Beside The Truth, Bifurcation, In Deep Dark, Humanized Pain, It Is Getting Dark, Wearing The Crown Of Thorns, Good Bye, Unstable, You Deceive Yourself, Not To Annihilate, Virgin Defeat, The Pain Was Not You, Art In Dying, I Will Survive, Nameless Agony, Flagellation, Repeat Sins, Pencil Eyes, Clear As Water, Getting Solace, Knowing Myself, When You Had Left, Past Actions, Another Harbinger, Black Masks, Missing Words, Falling Man, I Ask Nothing, No One Survives, Going Into Space, The Essence, Abrasions, Unsung, Celestial, Divine Revelation, Departing, Don't Touch The Black Sun, Noiseless Murder, Nothingness, Parting, Not I Not You, Deceiving Self, I Go Outside Me, Absolute Being, Silver Moon, Believing In Myths, Where Do The Sprits Go?, I Was Unknown, Searching Peace, Holiest Dilemma, My Vision, The Crescent Moon, Quiet Introspection, Untraced, Sisyphean Ambition, Stalking The Spring, Motionless, Convulsions, Convulsions, Blood Prints, On Naked Paper, Curtain Call, Like Memes, Seeking Peace, Embracing Dark, Whispering Clouds, Into Dark Abyss, Talking To Spirit, Art In Pain, Raw Dreams, After You Left, Naked Truths, Searching My Voice, Prayer's House, Released, The Walls Are Rising, Inheritance, Prerogative, Summer Solstice, Fairy Dance, Dark Circles, Song Of The Sky, Vision And Vibrations, Vision And Vibrations, Of All Time, Don't Die, Gospel Truth, Predicament, Learning You, Thought To Thought, Trembling Vibes, At The Edge Of Life, The Madness, Your Empathy, Sad Protégé, After Thoughts, Blue Sunstroke, Blue Sunstroke, Empty of Answers, Were It You?, Changing Name, Multicast, No Regrets,

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