Tyreesha, 16 october 2012
This is the reason why i love you
When i first met you i really thought you were just like all the others, but you are not
the more i got to know you the more i flt like you were apart of me that i have been looking for. when you are around i feel safe and i feel warmth.
My heart has been divided into peices and lost, but ever since i met you they have been starting to come back together again
But the number reason is the way you hold me
when you hold me it like i can feel you heart beating at the same pace mine is
Tyreesha, 27 september 2012
I am alone in this dark room
waiting for the sunlight to appear
but its obvious it won't
i am living in a dark world filled with dark people
the sky is dark the houses are dark
my life...........is dark
who am i ?
well they always call me the queen of the dark
because i am a dark person as i write this i realize
the sun should not come because i love the dark
i breathe it, i live it, i smell it, and feel it
so i say to the sun stay where you are
because i love my life filled with darkness
Tyreesha, 23 january 2012
Two friends were walking through the desert .
during some point of the journey, they hadan argument: and one friend slapped the other one in the face.
the one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything wote in the sand.
Today my best friend slapped me in the face they kept on walking, until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath.
The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, But the friend saved him.
after he recovered from the near drowning he wrote on a stone.
Today my best friend saved my life
The friend who had slapped and saved his friends life after i hurt you you wrot in the sand now you write on stone why?
He said when someone hurts us we should write it in the sand that way the sins of forgiveness can erase it away.
But when someone does something good for us we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it
Learn to write your hurts in the sand and carve your benefits in th stone
they say it takes a minute to find a special person
an our to appreciate them
A day to love them
But then
an entire life to forget them
Tyreesha, 18 january 2012
They say as you get older you get wiser and thats true because
as I have grown I have noticed a change in myself
i have a different outlook on life
the things that I use to do I dont do them no more
i've realized that its not about nothing
and that it's time out for foolishness....you only got one life to live
better take advantage and live it right'
Quote from Tyreesha Smith
Tyreesha, 18 january 2012
I tried
to be there for you
I Tried
to be a good woman
I Tried
to love you the way i should
You keep pushing me away
You keep putting me down
You keep saying I need to do better
You keep hurting me physically and emotionally
Now today i have stood up for myself
Today i have spoken my mind
Today I have freed myself from the hurt and pain
And im here to tell you I am a survivor
fighting the good fight of faith
Tyreesha, 18 january 2012
Im alone in a room
its just me and you
i feel so lost
that i don't know what to do
now what if i choose
the wrong thing to do
i feel so afraid
afraid of disappointing you
so i need to talk to you
and ask you for your guidence
especially today
when my life seems so cloudy
guide me until im sure
I'll open up my heart to you.
Lord show me how to lead the way
don't let me make the same mistakes
over and over again
I'll open up my heart to you
Tyreesha, 13 january 2012
This is the 3rd time i have waited on you
you always say'just trust me this time
and i promise i wont let you down'
And like a fool i believed you and
and you didnt show up at all
im tired of your games
i loved you in everyway
and its a shame that when i think of you
i think of a lie your about to tell ne
im tired of living like this
i have made my decision
when you get home
your bags and shoes
will be waiting for you at the door
i guess you thought i wasn't serious but i am
the girl that always believed
every word you said is gone
and im a new person
nice knowing you
This poem goes out to myh exboyfriend
who thought i could live without him
but im still living and i have moved on
Tyreesha, 13 january 2012
i am so upset with you
how could you do such a thing
i have done nothing
but love you
and i did whatever you wanted me to do
after all i have done for you why would you do me so wrong
i loved you
and you know i did
but apparently you didn't love me back
so you can do whatever i don't care
but when you get through messing around
with other girls
you will start to think
and you will realize
that what those girls have or did for you
is nothing compared to what i have done for you
and you will start to miss that
and you would want to come back home
and think i will let you in
well....think again
because you are not welcomed in my life anymore
so im just letting you know how i feel
this goes out to the person i thought loved me
but apparently he could care less about me: (
Tyreesha, 13 january 2012
My Love i give you all of me you deserve my love for all
eternity your kindness touches my soul when i think of you i feel at
peace i feel happy i feel whole you are so dear to me your love is
worth more than gold although you give it for free there is nothing i
wouldnt do for you i always want you to be happy you are a delight
and the prize that is in my eyes whatever you ask of me you know i
will give you give me joy and hope a reason to live and i love you
for nothing is imposs ible and for you i will.
Tyreesha, 12 january 2012
The conscience you had was
abandoned by your brand new way
a new way of living the purpose i planned for you
has made a detour you've changed
changed from who you are
and who your to be
how could you simply forget me
i gave you life
it means nothing to you
gave you my hand
the rock that you clinged to
i was here first
and i'll be here when they all leave
so please don't forget about me
Remembering back to
the time when it seemed you were lost
you were lost and alone you called my name
and thats promised i came amd saved you
now i have a question
can you tell me
where would you be if not for me
i gave you life
it means nothing to you
gave you my hand
the rock that you clinged to
i was here first
and i'll be here when they all leave
so please don't forget about me
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