Marya Christina, 23 october 2015
Can’t figure out what’s wrong with me
I tried to warn you now, you see?
But you just want this game to go on
And I feel obsessed, too weak to let you go
Cause I enjoy to see you suffer,
I’m a haunted soul, rotten.
Can you blame me?
Keep provoking and you’ll see
I keep my promises, never abandon.
I promised to see you on your knees
It’s satisfying me cause I am sick.
Scream whenever you miss me,
Make me a better person
Just don’t look for other reasons
Don’t complicate this,
Just leave it as it is.
Marya Christina, 3 october 2012
A blank page is waiting 4 me
To write down a poem, but you see
My mind is empty, I can't think
Inspiration's gone for real.
So I'm staring at this page,
Hoping I could get a change
To find somethinf that it'll halp me,
So I think.....
"I can't write cause I'm not happy?"
But I am happy so what should I do?
How to make this work, how to get thru?
I guess I'll just have to stop
Thinking that I'm doing wrong
Clear my head and start think straight
That way, I won't have to blame my faith
For the things that never complished
Cause I'm strong, I did not vanished
Marya Christina, 30 march 2012
It's a long way down
Where Hell is waiting for me now
Those awful creature's devilish laugh,
And their hands pointed out at me,
Are showing me what I did wrong.
Regrets are like a spike in my heart
It's crushing me, I'm falling apart.
That huge pain is an awful symphony
That seemes to never end.
That booling blood that pumps in my veins,
It's burning up my skin, making me a corpse
And by the time I'll get down there,
I'll dissipate as their hands will touch me
Making pain easier to bear.
But mistakes are keeping me alive,
As they are dancing chaosly, laughing in my face,
Stabbing my wounded soul
With millions of arrows and a huge knife
Forced to embrace the Devil,
I'm disgusted by my own fail
Cause I can't fight to make Him disappear,
I'm spreading my wings, wanting to run
But my body is heavy by the fear.
In Hell I'm damned to burn,
No one can save me now.
Every one should learn
That maybe Hell...
Can sometimes be called home.
Kissing the night,
I give in and I'm offering my life.
Escaping? There's no way out,
I'm a prisoner in my own conscience
As I am laying off.
And now I'm counting hours in my head
Til I'll wake up and this dream will be death.
Bitter images will haunt me forever,
Cause I'll remember that once.....
I was dancing with the Devil
Marya Christina, 9 february 2012
The long and lonely road I've been
Got me tired, old and thin.
Almost unrecognizible person ever
Cause I was running-not so clever
I was riding to remember
Who I was before this anger
Got me into deepest dark a while
Which now I want to end it with a smile
It was hard at the beggining
But now I'm closer, close to finish,
Finish this sufferince for ever
Because it made me become a stranger
So now I'm riding to remember
Who I am, who is this stranger?
Who's this human feeling low?
Is she human after all?
I was running like a coward
I was hopeless, I had no power
To move on, listen to them
When they told me I should give in
Give in and accept my cruel faith
My beloved died, I had to think straight
But I left, refused to see
That I was alone, I was just me
I hated life, hated the world
That they were happy and I was alone
So I prayed the Lord t take me
A big stupid which I regret it
Cause the reality was still there
I was alone, I had to bear
This is my life, a paint that it will lay there
Either I see it, either I care.
So now...
Only riding will make me remember
Who I was before this anger
Got me into deepest dark a while
Which now I want to end it with a smile
Marya Christina, 9 february 2012
I love life and all she brings
I love tosmoke and also drink
Lately mornings feeling dizzy,
Are the worse,but life worth living
Parties, sex and all the stupid,
Are just small shit so just fuck it
Cause nobody can ever stop me,
I adore life, I am happy!
Marya Christina, 7 january 2012
Far away from me you are
And it feels like hell, leaving me scars
One for each day I regret
That I let you go, made you forget
Forget us and who you really are
I changed you, made you leave far
Far away from me, from us
Broke my promise, lose that trust
Trust that we used to have
Trust that cost me 'us'
'Us' is gone, far away now
Packed in a box with a red bow
Please forgive me my sweet dream,
For waking up, for losing him
That perfect illusion, I believe
Which was a lie I lived
Marya Christina, 7 january 2012
This is a poem I wrote for my dear friend's birthday Andreea B. for her 18 birthday party
It's not the time to feel too old
Believe me, I've been told.
It's just passing time, you grow
Don't be afraid of letting go,
Letting go of childhood years
And face the world with no fears
It may be good, it may be bad
But that's the world, don't be so sad!
Responsabilities are coming too,
Everybody will tell you what 2 do,
Don't listen to them, it's your time
To show them that you're fine
Show them that you don't need help,
You will manage, you will stand
Do things on your own way,
You won't run away, you'll stay!
Marya Christina, 7 january 2012
Too much noise around me now
Too much noise and I can't stand
I'm feeling like I will cry out
Fall 2 my knees and hit the ground
Yell loud so the world can hear
'I need some love, I need 2 heal!'
Somebody save me while I'm still human
Or I'll fall down much sooner!
I am damned 2 burn in Hell
I can fell I got a spell
My soul will vanish like a breeze,
I'll become a corpse, I'll freeze
Marya Christina, 4 january 2012
Remember me, remember us
Don't blow away, throw to the trash
We've been a whole someday
Now is just dust, we can just pray
Pray that someday we'll be us,
Just you and I and our trust
Our memories, our past,
Remember me, remember us
Do you remember our happines?
Our first time, 'we' endless?
It was perfect back that time,
But now it's ash, feels like a crime
It's a tragedy I can't get through
A strange time, you feel it too?
I wanna die, want to forget
Because another love I won't get
Nothing it will be the same
Nothing feels right when you're away,
Mistake after mistake we make
Coming out of us just fake
We lie ourselves that we are fine,
That we're okay, we're back in line
But we all apart, it's weird
We're strangers now, you see it?
Picture us just like we were
Remember us before we fall
Our memories, our past
Remember me, remember us
Marya Christina, 4 january 2012
Another day without you passed,
Another day, another lost
I lost my soul and I lost you
Can't get it back, I can't get through
I want to go, to carry on
It breaks my heart, it burns my soul
In a second...I'll be just ash
Trapped in a bowl, throwed like a trash
No one will ever remember my face,
I'll be gone, travel in space
Gone for more than hundred years
Washed away by your own tears
Hear myself falling apart,
Piece by piece you'll pick me up
Stick me back just like a puzzle
I'll be a paint lost in the battle
Just a memory blowed by the wind
Just a song played on the field
Washed away by coming years,
Like a person with no more fears
And so...
Another day without you passed,
Another day, another lost
I lost myself, I lost my mind
Can't bring me back, I'm not your kind
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