Duke Benson, 1 may 2012
Yonder the abyss of Apsu
There you confined me
My eternal dwelling place, an inferno
In eternal darkness
Jumbled with Edimmu
Paralyzed in fear
Restless I became.
Then came princess Ereshkiga
To seduce my pain
***a long time ago, i wrote a poem on death, how it takes pain away, then I found this info whiles doing some research/reading.
“The people of the ancient Assyro-Babylonian culture believed in an afterlife. The New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology explains: “Under the earth, beyond the abyss of the Apsu [full of fresh water and encircling the earth], lay the infernal dwelling-place to which men descended after death. It was the ‘Land of no return’ . . . In these regions of eternal darkness the souls of the dead—edimmu—‘clad, like birds, in a garment of wings’ are all kept together.” According to the myth, this subterranean world was ruled over by the goddess Ereshkigal, “Princess of the great earth.””
It made me remember the poem i did and it inspired a remix…***
Duke Benson, 10 february 2012
It’s a gloomy quiet black night
On my way to you
The road is long and wide
And black is the night
No smiling moon
No twinkling stars
No fireflies
No chirping crickets
Just a silent gloom
I feel lost!
With a brave heart, I march on
The further I go
Gloom suffocates me as a wet blanket
With a wavering heart, I reverse
As I reverse
Gloom keeps chocking me
Furiously, my heart palpitates
Protesting rebelliously against my chest
Enquiring what my brain is doing
Then a light
Then darkness
Then another light
Closer it comes
Then fades away
Darkness again
What’s happening?
An illusion
My mind goes haywire
I pray you notice my absence
And come find me
Then a light
Restrained hope
My prayers answered?
Then darkness
I’m falling into an endless abyss
Scared, frightened then suffocating…
In the gloom
Needing a sense of direction
I cry for you
I stagger to my right; more darkness
My wish is not to be petrified
I toddle to my left; more gloom
My need for you magnifies
I quickly pace forward; complete obscurity
My desire for you amplifies
I totter back; the murkiness becomes worse
My cries for you intensify
I need you
Duke Benson, 2 january 2012
With severe pains, I was brought forth
As I joined the world of the living
My mother's pain ceased
Her happiness and joy increased
My pain also began
The pain was resistant to cures
If the resistance could be measured,
It would qualify as a perfect insulator
As the years wore on
My affliction intensified
The aches insistent
Like the hammer of a blacksmith
As days went by
My wounds kept crying for the grave
But my soul sought deliverance
My being, desired a cure
I do not know
If a cure I’ve found
But what I do know is this:
I've found solace
In a cocktail
Of coke, lidocaine and morphine...
Duke Benson, 29 december 2011
High tides
Flood tides
Sea waves crushes
The cool breeze against my face
The salt befriending my tongue
The warmth of the sun, bringing my head to life
Sea waves crushes
Waist deep in the sea
Barefoot being caressed by the sea sand
Flood tides
Neck deep in the sea
A tsunami in my head
High tides
Salty water pressurizing my body
Salt in my eyes, water in my brains
Winds on the sea surface
Lungs crushing, loosing air
Glassy eyes, loosing focus
Peaceful war within
Sinking, life withering
Asphyxiation, it’s serene
Duke Benson, 29 december 2011
A stab
With a serrated knife
She flicks her wrists
The blade twists
His intestines cut
He bleeds
The blood
Its warmth
Trickling through his fingers
He smiles and stares
Into her cold brown eyes
Her pupil dilates
He saw love
He smells fury
She withdraws the knife
Searing pain
His smile fades
His face pales
Her lips curl
Into a smile
A cold breeze
He feels numb
His world darkens
He feels her breath
Upon his face
As her lips
Brushes his…..
Duke Benson, 25 december 2011
You stare into my eyes
As I lay under you
Your eyes as gamma rays
You see through me
You become an inefficient motor
Generating mega joules of heat
Black I am
I absorb your body’s
My hands, a swinging pendulum,
They oscillate all
over you
Sending bits and sine waves all into you
Our frictions
They cause you sensual vibrations
Making you produce
Viscous fluids, sonar radiations
And end up emitting radiant energy…
Duke Benson, 25 december 2011
I turned on the lights
And she was there
She was angry
And disappointed
And slightly drunk
With a gun
Aimed at my chest
She looked dangerous
She still loves me
But she won’t let me continue
To torture her, to live
Fear masks my face
As her index finger
Applies firm pressure
To the trigger
She took my lessons seriously
Memories of the shooting range
I held her hips
Corrected her stance
Showed her how to cradle the gun
Showed her not to
jerk the trigger
“How would you like your breasts caressed?”
Her dreamy eyes held mine
“Gentle, firm...”
I put a finger to her lips
“Don’t say too much”
“I don’t want to walk round with a tent in my pants”
She giggled
“That’s what you do to the trigger” I said
“You don’t jerk it”
“Just squeeze it, firm and gentle”
She giggled again
She had a good aim
A perfect eye
Those memories
Made more globules of sweat
Form and drip
From my sweaty face
The nozzle aimed at my chest
She squeezed the trigger
She forgot one tip though
The choice of gun
“Always prefer a revolver to an automatic...”
“Revolvers never let you down”
She had an automatic.
A .45 ACP
And it let her down
It got jammed
Like a frog
I leapt
And knocked the gun out of her grip
The pistol fell
And skidded away
Under the couch it went
She kicked out
Her left foot at my groin
She missed…
I trained her too well
The kick, powerful
Caught me in my lower abdomen
I crumbled
Her Persian carpet
Kissing my cheeks
She jumped on me
She wouldn’t give up
I’m in shit
In mid-air
Her right breast
Escaped her blouse
And fell on me
She fell on me
She’s mighty heavy
She’s mighty strong
I felt her long manicured nails
Red and black
Slapping my face
“Lucy, I Swear I did nothing…”
I felt the open wound
It stung
As a sweat drop dripped in
“You lair, Son of a b*tch”
She was sobbing
“You promised”
“You pledged”
“You vowed”
Should I throw her off?
I tried
She had me pinned down
Both of her thighs
At my sides
Her knees
Restricted my arms
“That tramp”
She screamed
She was crying now
“Your mistress”
“You said you’ve broken up”
“Yet she calls, tormenting me”
“She told me you were there”
“You both ate”
“And you ate”
“And slept”
“I even heard you snore”
“And she taunted me”
“Said I can never ever have you”
I smiled
“Darling, she’s a lying tramp”
That girl is devilish
I wondered how I even got involved with her
“Please look in my left pocket”
“And take out my phone”
“Check the caller ID”
“Check the pictures I took today”
Her anger subsided
Her exposed breasts….
“Oh” she said
“You were at the parade”
“And you went over to my parents’ place”
“Why?” she asked
She looked at my face
I looked at hers
My eyes didn’t
They remained on her breast
That nipple…
She must have felt my hardening member
She shifted
She sighed
Our eyes made contact
I saw it
She saw it too…..
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