Nathan, 21 october 2012
These are my happy, ugly, brutal times
Syria’s on fire and we got freedom fighters in the streets
Libya is the modern day Alamo except with barely any protection
While the bodies are dragged through the streets a video is to blame
As the caskets are rolled in we take a moment to reflect
On what we really know what killed them
Osama bit the bullet and New York rejoiced with one raised fist
Twin Towers that fell into the ground have come back up
Coming straight from the ashes, rising like a phoenix
While its people shouted “we will not be afraid”
Going from gathering in the streets for comfort
To gathering in the streets chanting victory
If there was any chivalry left, it’s dead and gone
Just turn on your TV and follow a campaign
The time of hope and change has passed
And people are still at point A and back to the drawing board
We are at the crossroads of our time
One way is gonna bury us and another way is gonna raise us
These are my happy, ugly, brutal times.
Nathan, 3 july 2012
Head against a window
Mind is up in the clouds with cars going by
Followed by a procession of cars all heading one direction
We got our nicest clothes on for this occasion
The air is hot and making it hard to breathe
The hearse leads the way down the long road
As I ride in the back, my head up against the car window
Cars pass by my motionless face
I say let them see cause I’m not gonna hide it.
Nathan, 3 july 2012
I feel like a soldier marching on
Satisfied in what just happened
The grounds are almost closed
Although there are still people around
The path ahead of me is clear
I’m so relaxed that in my head these grounds are empty
And hope is more than just a feeling but instead a reality
It’s filling up around me and bursting out of me
Hope has come and It’s here to stay.
Nathan, 6 january 2012
No matter what we go through in our lives
The troubles, the self doubt, the plans that fall through
Our best laid plans crashing and burning in a fiery display
Funny isn’t it? We think were so different from each other
That may be true in what we eat, what music we like, and what not
But when you pick through all those useless differences
All the things that make us unique among each other
It comes down to this. We all bleed and we all feel for each other
It’s strung in our DNA and we can’t get rid of it.
Nathan, 10 december 2011
Sometimes it happens
Every once in awhile I get this feeling
It just invades my psyche and soul
I guess you could call it a second wind of some sorts
But it’s more than a second wind
It lasts longer and it is more substantial
Like a adrenaline needle times a hundred
But with no side effects and only positive effects
Always coming at just the right time for me.
Nathan, 8 december 2011
I’m floating above the troubles of life
Gliding over all the pitfalls that it presents
I can see my life as it is meant to be
I have no fear and a comforting lack of direction
Everyone gets along and everyone helps each other out
To me dreams can be better than life at times
They can give you a glimpse into your mind
Of where you want to be and where you are at the moment
I don’t feel like leaving this dream anytime soon.
Nathan, 8 december 2011
Throughout the city yells ring out
“we need a hero!”
But who is gonna listen to them?
Who is going to give up everything for them?
No one is stepping up and no one is taking a bow
Every person is in it for the greed
A backstabbing waiting to happen to the unexpected
Only one comes with no sly trick, or slick mind
No double purpose or hidden razor
He is called a savior in the city and is
Known as one even after he passes away.
Nathan, 3 december 2011
We’ve all felt them and gone through them
We know what they are and the feeling of them
It’s what you get after hard work and determination
That pain you feel is just recognition of accomplishment
Life takes nicks at us and those forms into scrapes and bruises
With my skin scraped open and some bruises on the side
Push on through the pain.
Nathan, 29 november 2011
On a desolate street named broken
One lone kid walks around lookin for a challenge
No one knows about him just some nobody they say
They all say he won’t last but the kid knows otherwise
He won’t take no for an answer even when getting beat
Getting beats a normal part of his life
Getting up is an even greater part of his life
When people ask “who is this kid?”
He’ll answer “I’m the comeback kid.”
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