Timothy Walker, 23 lutego 2012
I once felt your heartbeat
the sound of your love and caring heart
Now im a prisoner of the past
The shear cold of past events has locked me in
anger,jealousy, depression,loneliness,has all attacked
A monster of ones self being, unable to escape
tears touch that mind
you now have the gaurds standing over your castle
these feelings getting shattered by their swords
they try to spar with them but are bound to loose
Tears touch that heart
Please walk away before any more damage is done
i hear those clashing waves,and yet still not wanting to stop till the battle is won
Tears please dry
Timothy Walker, 23 lutego 2012
The leaves blow around me as i watch the sun fall into a deep sleep and show its most inner dreams amongst the stars
shaped by forms of beautiful lights that mark a new hope for the next day to come
im soon to fall into a deep sleep as well
my dreams wont be of today but of tomorrow
a dream of where i watch my troubles just dissapear into the hands of the almighty
he is as the sun would say greater then all and does not require these selfish dreams of escaping reality
instead only to release trials in order for the people of this world to know what true grace and mercy is
Everyone has there very own genesis tree and revelation for which they grow upon while living in this ugly yet beautiful world
The stars only show what has always been there but its the job of the people to create what has not been in existence ..
and that would be dreams ...for it's fate.
Timothy Walker, 23 lutego 2012
Reaching inside i try to grab what was stopping me
too overwhelmed by the dark aura leaking beneath me'
crowded by people shadows which seemed to try to reach for the demon within me
looking at my watch axiously waiting for the sun to depart from the sky
so this being can finally come from its cage
the stage is set for a new day another challenge unable to look above the wall
i search for nothing,a deserted area no psalm trees,no ocean,no friends,no family,just another way to end it all
honestly,truthfully,desperately,i sought for your gracious hand to come save me from my insanity
what is it? what is the thing my soul truly seeks does it seek revenge
or does it seek love or does it just seek for longing
awaken ......wake up my dear i need you,the shear cold has almost
completely captured my heart and any memories that may be special.
Try to remember who you are and what it was you were doing before you were unable to fly ....
are the chains too tight? if so please do remember before you complely dissapear
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