Colin Matts, 25 marca 2012
Sitting by the sea or standing by the land, here I am stuck in the purgatory sand
The corn and the wheat all standard and tall, but in front the sea with it untamed wall
The sea with its wave all fluffy and white, but hidden beneath the dark of night
The land with it flowers all fluffy and white, ever the truth the ground hidden from sight
The choice to make is true and clear, to delve into the dark, or the land that’s near
In life we make choices that’s true, forced and often very untrue
To our self and our friends and family too, the choice we make is for them not you
But still the sea or the land that all that s true, secure and all we know
The grain of sand or the shard or rock, shifted often and from the same stock
The choice the temptation, the heat of night, the choice we make is here in sight
To the front, the dark, the hectic sea, behind the land, static with growth and family tree
The sand on which I stand, neither hope nor solid land
Night come close its time to choose, land or sea one has to loose
Land its close its all that’s near, sea frustration and all that’s dear
Quick sand it’s all around, that squelching sinking horrible sound
Fighting time its so so near, help time to make it clear
In time I’ll answer this, and all that’s true
For we dream or we worry about what’s about to come true
Is that the land or the sea for fear or what’s new just inside built for tear?
The sea she changes but so does the land , but we stuck inside the sinking sand
Colin Matts, 4 stycznia 2012
The Gate
As the gate closed by her hand for the very last time
The hour glass stopped, sand frozen in time
Cold sets in, blood turned to ice
No longer able to hear her sweet soft voice
That day was one with thousands more
No heart for love, just a male whore
Relationships, marriage all travelled well through
No turning back you do what you do
There are joys and parenting too
Birth of a child not one not two
Touch of their skin, warmth of their smile
Makes every last minute seem so worth while
Years go on and age creeps in, Los of elastic in the skin
You play, they learn, they imitate. You cushion the mistakes they have yet to make
Knowledge and wisdom in pain in life
For our children we always have to strive
But hidden in life’s tangled web, the hour glass frozen, never to be said
You where a boy, a fledgling man, tangled and twisted like only teenagers can
Now you are old with a teenage heart, years of experience just for a start
Years go on and time goes by, dreams of a glint in someone’s eye
She made laugh, She made me cry, she was the girl with the twinkle in her eye
She done so well truth be told, head held high and truly bold
I dreamt, we met, it felt so good, finally the dark veil, gone for good
I give thanks for all she is, I give thanks because she is
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