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Ailys, 27 grudnia 2011

We Know That You Are There

While standing in a gateway looking at this lovely farm
I feel the sunshine warm my face, the breezes brush my arm
I look up to the mountains where the grasses grow so fair
At first I cannot see you, but I know that you are there.
A sheepdog runs up to me, puts his nose into my palm
I rub his ears and pat his coat, he doesn't mean me harm.
But it's not me he's looking for, for me he doesn't care,
He lifts his head and sniffs the wind, he knows that you are there.
The river trickles over stones and fills the pools so deep
Maybe the trout are hiding there, so still, are they asleep?
A shadow passes overhead, it gives the fish a scare,
They know that you're not far away, they know that you are there.
The wind that moves the willow trees, and causes leaves to fly
Can whirl the dust into the air and send clouds scudding by.
At times the clouds will hide the sun, sometimes we will despair
But we know that the clouds will pass, and we know you'll be there.
We may not hear the voice we love, or see your face so dear
But if we look around us, then we'll know that you are near
For  you are part of all our lives, and you know that we care
We do not have to say goodbye, we know that you are there.

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