27 września 2013



Monotype, printed from an aluminum plate with DS Burnt Umber etching ink on Rives BFK printmaking paper

pozostałe grafiki: Circus, umbrella, Without a Shadow of a Doubt, Skyscape, Winter, Etude: homage to Stephan Wolpe, Humpbacks (Black version), Wall Paper 2, Wall Paper 1, The Many & the One, Rasta Man, Fantastic Frogs, The Many & The One, Frog Bones (For the Coming Extinctions), Look Out Tower (Ft. Mott, NJ), Mr & Mrs Boxhead, Black & White, The Maze, The Resistance of Memory, Hello There!, The City Invincible (Camden, NJ), Etude~ homage to Harry Partch, Whigma 2016-1, The Gold Doubloon (from Meditations on Moby Dick), Tree Sprites 2, Tree Sprite 1, House Plant, Rosebud, Sirens 2, Whigma 92, The Parasite, Etude (homage to Stockhausen), Godzilla in Fukushima 2, Cetology (from Meditations on Moby Dick), On the 3rd Day (from Meditations on Moby Dick), The Monkey Rope (from Meditations on Moby Dick), old doll, Walls & Gardens 1, The Grand Armada (from Meditations on Moby Dick), I'd Strike the Sun if it Insulted Me (from Meditations on Moby Dick), The Violence of Obedience, Castaway (from Meditations on Moby Dick), Ahab Aloft (from Meditations on Moby Dick), geoengineering, Scylla, surveillance, Whigma 3001, Light of Mind 2, light of mind, autobiography, The Smaug Of Fukushima, The Fete, The Hunger Of Spring, The Golden Tree, The Ganja Smoker, The Trojan Horse 2, Scylla 2, The Crown Of Creation, The Impossible Journey, The Odyssey, Fukushima In Living Color, Odysseus & Penelope Reunited, Black Friday or The Fall of America, Insomnia, Dr Frankenstein's Monster In Fukushima, By The Light Of The Silvery Moon, Poseidon, Odysseus Angers The Gods, The Trojan Horse, The Amazing Colossal Man In Fukushima, Helen Alone With Her Demons, the umbilicus of limbo, Childhood's End, Midnight Confessions, Rodan In Fukushima 3, Penelope's Deception Discovered, The Prelude To Arrival, Penelope (2), Theoclymenus The Seer Foretells The Doom Of The Suitors, Mothra In Fukushima, Penelope Questions The Stranger, Land of the Laestrygonians, Odysseus's Epiphany, The Blind Cyclops, Circe (1), The Sirens' Song, Journey ToThe Land Of The Dead, Godzilla In Fukushima, The Neglected Ship, Stringing The Bow, homestead, a short step down, Shaman, The Flight Of Icarus, The Incantation, the golden teachers, the forest for the tree, out take, The Astonished Mirror, old blind doll, Visitation, soul eater, tree frog, Bee Keeper, Rings 4, gas mask, Lady Bug, etude: homage to Philip Glass, Elephant, Consume As Little As Possible, ice, nude, as above so below, bell ringing in an empty sky, it is the pen that dreams, Bone Cage, Scarab, Aluminum, Humpbacks, solitude, Skeleton Fish (for the coming extinctions), Suffer the children to come unto me, Marionette, rose, Etude: Homage to Arvo Part, rings, Couch Art, Gorilla Bones (For The Coming Extinctions), BURNED, Monument To Mystification, Hommunculus, The Power To Communicate, Jack In The Box, The Last Laugh, Gato,

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