cauchy3, 3 maja 2013
Special pleading takes their laws to go around.
Facts must needed and differ species are some with rights.
Cook the meats of dogs might good for health but wrong.
Specious china should free the Tibet when they have means to fishing island.
Those who think that china own the fishing islands all for the seeming same rethink by reason just to free the Tibet owning lands. Lands are differ however reasons both is same.
Or that one should pardon fishing islands.
Pardon fishing island so as good to do is peace between china states and Japan.
Good for spectacles all upstages are laws.
China bad invader laws are bad. Just so free the Tibet states.
Laws have spectrums also must be fair.
Rules have spectrums also they must echo with loves.
If the china treats the Tibetan just as right as china peoples then keep it with coalition government. Tibetan then gets the equal politic powers. Half to half is dues and deals.
Combine some beliefs and mixed our styles are good for counting Tibetan living well with Chinese.
Count on men if you have needs for helps.
Counter altered just as you are seeking one for better world.
Not for china tyrants hard and soft despotic means are rights.
---------------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3-----------
cauchy3, 17 kwietnia 2013
In default of,….
Stern reprimands are uncles to say for china mouths.
China would being force to say uncles and then fall.
In default of laws are china tyrants’ hearts.
Entire ways in depth are china loves with stunts. They are nasty nice.
Going into details all are china hegemony ways.
Only hopes for crossing hearts are yes and agree to officers’ careerism also kowtow well to typical tyranny.
Strain related are moods that got going into tyrants putting traps. China now may need to damn.
------------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3-------------
cauchy3, 9 kwietnia 2013
To be or not to be,…
To be in love with china country,…
To be in love with your china peoples..
To be in love with your commie party (china),..
Halt and hesitate just for peoples’ human right and democracies.
What is your GOVERN-Ship?
What is your kingship?
Where is your kingdom?
Limbo ways or brimstone hells that cook your fleshes are me-me-me them.
All is our subterfuges.
What is wangles just for reality?
What are we divine with?
What are gods to shine our life?
China DEMI-GODS as XI JINPING teams the pure as purest one that all belong to china commie come to all.
Yes they come as we will come.
Camber pots or china ditches have garden wastes.
Who is subordinate?
We have only one absolute.
Why and what will buy as we are all so short that so short to sell to them.
Faust had life of tragic life because he sold his soul and life to Satan.
To be or not to be should be consequence also should be duties.
So if all your life is complete fair then to be or not to be is all so go0od.
-----------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3------------------.
cauchy3, 9 kwietnia 2013
Bully others cause by masters strength and poses.
Fall your faces and first to grounds because dirt may good.
Filthy men have nothing pretty only there may be forces and might confer or hired from masters.
China tyrant some with china shysters take the tastes of swine.
China jester out on life is like a snob to live and count.
China flunky henchman wants a lot.
Who will seek their fringe benefits shamelessly?
Things that Indeed are buying also selling tickets but there are illegal fringe benefits. There are cook account books. Credit accounts mixed with some debit one is blend for self interests.
China syllogisms want the real of wars and loot of spoils.
What to fit in china tyrants wishes are evil men with evil acts.
-------------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3----------
cauchy3, 6 kwietnia 2013
Which is that flat?
What and where are you that you come from.
What breed? Are you weaned? I am breadwinner only I might. How about you our beloved witch YING CHOI YEE?
Put a smile on face to please. All are moneys ease as you can look so good and lewd on bed or life. Can defended are likely none. Claimants that represent HONG KONG government play a prank and joke in court.
Signs and seeing views of policeman witness just is not queen evidence this time. Who then can prove that she dispose a bag of cocaine away from her car windows.
Who is triad?
What is coke?
Singer also starlet goes up smiling face to please her nabob friend. Seemingly she must please them with sexes and cokes.
Look so good this ways are something bad.
Friend of she as this is very eminent business men and building landlord keeping many flats.
Which is that flat?
Where you come from?
Ways of made argots is not such as only those for cow.
Those are words from me that use to calm you down with much their wants.
-------------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3-------------
cauchy3, 31 marca 2013
A chance you armed as FOX YIN TUNG..
Trimmer chances will wangle out of laws.
Chance your arms are smuggle men.
Hong Kong FOX YIN TUNG had chance to come true.
Chance would be fine as there are only disguised laws.
Poorer grades are some dissembles.
Double faces will hide but fight the laws by tricks.
No perjury all are FOX YIN TUNG with sins.
Hong Kong FOX YIN TUNG also knows as Henry Fox by English names.
Miracle smuggle products earn a lot for legal charms illegally. Electronics also medicines load to boats and there may be drugs or heroin.
Henry Fox had bought and sold..
Bills and fames and poses are surest bet in FOX YIN TUNG life.
Henry fox had passed away. He also becomes our famous china official congress men when he came to senior ages.
True to say a man and family who smuggle goods and merchandises must try to take a pose as triad gangs.
-----------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3--------
cauchy3, 26 marca 2013
Core or hubs…
Change the chains related our mental health.
Free our slaves of silks and all untied.
China ill reputes may take a bath to wash.
Baths as French are beauty ways.
French has right and left and gather wings may think and talk and take their French politic steps reset or set together some.
Share the same or something rotten tastes exclusive all are china tyrants both with china jesters.
Ways with frills will need decors as china leaders charm offense or nasty nice with soft despotic.
Moral hazards all are china politic games with jungle laws.
Global games are china evil ways as cores or hubs.
Hardly seen are global worlds with evil hazes.
China landscapes all have lunatic fringes with china conquerors. Tibet DALAI LAMA must be sad. China lunatic fringes may ride and sail.
Tibet DALAI LAMA leave and flee are political groups abused by China tyrants ordered armies that called china P.L.A.
Helms as china Maoism teams with terms and names by doing crazy silly things in mania ways that made.
Cores and hubs are ways of fierce beasts but human self asserted and self esteems as all from starts to en. Will fixations also minds so complexes just are china commie till the old to new.
Self for means and cover all and attempt so much that all are acting cores or hubs of china commies those is such.
-------------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3-------------
cauchy3, 26 marca 2013
Fall in battles acts for china tyrants all by nemesis bring to them by ways of good or gods. Battle arrays come for nothing fun. Jokes about the wars are not so easy. Juggled history may hide our ethnic sins. Free the Tibet must be good. Hard and harsh are battles forms. Like a spasm our tyrants need to fall. Front and ranks are falling lines. Puffs of winds are tyrants’ heats. All except are rights are laws are upright sues.
Most are struck off one bodily also get the infected with names on books of true reviews of history.
Dirt removed is something clean. Ways are clean and laws should clean. All debugging all are faults in china tyrants’ life. Judges on sides have bribery panels. Mostly they obtain hireling claques for all their fable shows with history. Each of us should wonder what is cost for tyranny killing. Where are gods? What is nemesis? Foremen laws are franking stamps. Laws so contrasts are equal laws and upright justices. Do it always there.
Double dealing all are something bad.
Social ethos some are wrong.
Cultural pluralism some are good for heads to toes.
Cultural tyranny all are fowls that inhumane.
China manic ways will like the politic infiltrations. Reddish dominatrix tyranny comes as evil jokes.
Made destabilize upright put for shaking some for wrong doers are better worlds.
Laws should destined just and more for human right.
However sometimes Destiny might be cruel. What will gods to say about the more detached of china evil troops?
-----------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3------------------
cauchy3, 16 marca 2013
Music notes and part of the songs on tour by Elvis..’
Do I never hard to remember.
They set the fires by Roman candles.
This the ways of china army,.
Do I ever be in heaven?
China sins are sinful.
All are hells that are coming.
------------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3-----------
cauchy3, 16 marca 2013
Handle threats may set our forces.
Acts reacted may dare to all.
Rules that strike are evil causes.
Keep our Taiwan not to loss.
Tricks as wars are cruel games.
Wars are games are tyrants’ names.
Ways are games are peoples’ rants.
Throw your weights are heavy hands.
Length and width and depth are forces.
All arrays are army sources.
Arrant nonsense is tyrants’ words.
Playing laws are games that hurt.
Feel no truths are china bosses.
Bossy tyrants keep their dolls.
Pets and dolls are birds in cages.
China tyrants’ ills are ages.
Handle threats as whistles back.
China tyrants mad for facts.
Scapegoat cooked and peoples harm.
Loss or gains are something half.
-------------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3------------
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