23 october 2011
I Want You. I Want This. I Want Us. Let Us Be.
That energy that sparks
between us under sheets
In the evening we really see
What lies between
Me and you in this moment
Can you believe
Can this last forever
Or does it disappear in the dark
Do you hold that feeling with you
Or continue the day without thinking through
The compounding feelings
Which are excitingly brand new
I know this is true
But hiding away is something I do
As you don't allow a second to stew
Drifting away to escape your blue
But where do you go and what do you do
I suppose I'm scared of what I'll lose
So I keep quiet in hopes to pursue
Another lust that's easier to control
I run far to not be sold
To a lust that's invigorating and never old
Trying to not reminiscence on that hold
You had and still have upon me
But I dare not show this fear
Or reveal it in your ear
That all I want is you here
To hold you intimately near
I don't know how to not scare you
You would run a mile if you heard this
You're not ready for intensity of the risk
I'm worried that this could be a chance I'll miss
I don't want to let you go
I need to find away to keep you close
I want nothing but to lift you up and make sure you're not alone
I want us to express this connection and grow
I don't want to think of this in sorrow
And you tell me not to get attached
That maybe one day we can make this symbiotic pact
To share more of our lives with each other
I know the longer we wait the sweeter it'll taste
I don't want to leave it in the hands of fate
I want to love you again from night through to day
I want to hold you my arms
But I can never expose this
For this will be the catalyst to drive you away from this
But do you not wonder of our first touch
That moment our lips met
When it was just us
Did you feel that instantaneous rush
Do you recall how warm and tender we lay
Not having a worry about the following day
How we lay in arms all night in a daze
In a calming bliss, That moment our lips first reached
confused in the moment of what has been breached
Our friendship has been crossed
In a cherished occasion I will never dismiss
Our intimacy grew
And when we'll go out my eyes were still locked on you
I can't get my head around this
Are you within reach or out of bounds
Was this too fast too soon
Did I act on impulse that was far too new
But I realised I wanted you
And nothing could stop me reaching out to you
Wanting to show you I'll do things beyond me for you
and what hurts the most is knowing you won't return
to my arms in the way we first met
To ignite that fire that was more thrilling than the most expensive bet
Things have changed and the passion gets harder to hide
but I feel to love you out loud
But you you dismiss my passionate cries
but that's been denied from me because of words from the crowd
I hope you return to me now
Please don't ponder and make this more complicated than it has to be
Just understand the simplicity in this moment with me
It doesn't have to be anything more in moments we keep
Between me and you and these love making sheets
Don't worry if you feel you're being swept off your feet
Lets just go and see if it reaches
those maximum highs that one only dreams of
Perhaps I'm too open and willing to give my heart away
You know I'm amazing but I won't be hanging on for you for days
I can't keep still, I'm fast pacing, I'm not promising I'll stay
I know this spontaneously crazy
Don't think of what you're jumping into
Just be confident of what you feel is true
'Cos for real, you know I lift you from monsoons
Just be aware you could be missing a diamond here
While you're too busy searching for stones.
Darling let me tell you, take my hand and give this a chance,
It's the only way you'll get to know just how special this road's destination will go.
And believe me everything you're feeling now will be enhanced.
6 march 2025
6 march 2025
Eva T.
6 march 2025
6 march 2025
6 march 2025
5 march 2025
5 march 2025
5 march 2025
4 march 2025
4 march 2025