27 april 2012

(( A Girl & the War ))

My entire being
is a battleground, in which
the Leper Writers, make their interpretation in the encyclopedia of tumbledown homes.

The newly returned wounded of war,
remove bandages from their bullet-stricken feet.

Boots after boots are being taken off,
announcing their arrivals to families,
so that the long period of anticipation is ended!

Wind is blowing,
and the child,
goes to the father's bedside.

Wind is blowing,
Mother holds the child in her bosom.

Wind is blowing,
but the girl, still young,
is the spectator of a weary horde of soldiers,
carrying the frigidity of her husband's corpse,
through the rushing crowd .

(( Poet: Seyed Morteza Hamidzadeh ))

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