

Angelika, 3 july 2021


Who doesn't think about the future, that remains in the past. Who remains in the past, that doesn't live in the present.

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Wiadomsky, 6 april 2021

Made of stone

Sometimes we burn ourselves to ashes trying to kindle someone's heart without knowing it is made of stone.

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Wiadomsky, 5 april 2021

Final Credits

If you are not her best candidate for the lead in her life,
just let it go
or you'll end up being an understudy or a dummy
and you won't find your name
even in its final credits.

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Wiadomsky, 5 april 2021

No matter what

Even if she doesn't love you, but respects your feelings,
she won't let you drown in sorrow or burn with envy.
If she cares about you, she always finds a moment to say a few words
that will allow you to catch your breath
and not struggle with guesses for the next few hours.
No matter (... więcej)

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 25 september 2019

The Wound That Took Ages To Heal

This is a true story which might be distressing for some people
and hopefully may also be a kind of help or revelation for others.
It was like a cut or rift in the soul which seemed to be fuelled by anxiety and the sometimes innocent presence of others where the sufferer or (... więcej)

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Roy Davenport

Roy Davenport, 22 may 2019

The Unbelievable Case of the Haunted Dog

I am not one to normally buy into the whole ghostly thing and used to think that people who believed in them were just a bit touched in the head.  After all, I have never seen a ghost or even heard their ghostly wails.
But that all changed last Friday! 
I had just made a quick stop at a local hardware (... więcej)

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Roy Davenport

Roy Davenport, 20 march 2019

A Brief History of Tuckertown

Chapter 1
A Brief History of Tuckertown
Jubal Tucker was not exactly your typical pioneer type.  He owned a tavern outside of Boston in the late 1700’s and married Susannah McClesky, the daughter of a well-to-do landowner named Tobias McClesky.  In addition to being basically a lazy, shiftless (... więcej)

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Roy Davenport

Roy Davenport, 20 march 2019

The Hanging Bridge

The Hanging Bridge
A crowd had gathered at the entrance to Macon Bridge to watch the hanging.  As long as anyone could remember, executions decreed by Judge Clemmons had been carried out on the old bridge.  At some point a stout beam had been attached that extended about three feet out from the side (... więcej)

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Anthony Fry

Anthony Fry, 27 december 2018

"Chocolate Liqueur Patch."

My April The First Fun write For 2017.


"Chocolate Liqueur Patches."
Are available as of today 01/04/2017@ Your local chemist Free if over 18 Years of age. 
These cell patches may eventually become routine and regular patches for Alcoholics.
Now "Chocolate (... więcej)

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Anthony Fry

Anthony Fry, 27 december 2018

Stem Cells (A Fun Write.)

"Stem Cell Research." By: Anthony Fry 2006. (A Fun Write.) But Becoming So True Today 11/10/18.

Anthony Fry 2006. 
Stem Cell Research. 
A cladistic analysis is not good enough for this sensitive topic you must get a suitable regulatory framework positive. 
That determines the evolutionary (... więcej)

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