
Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 23 may 2014

Doggy Santa

You ever come a cross one of those dog lovers that has a screw lose in their head?
 You know the people that buy designer outfits for their dogs ,and force their pet to  wear them.
The people who buy their dog's meals from the most expensive restaurants in town.
The people who think dogs should (... więcej)

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Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 14 may 2014

Simple Solution

One  day I was feeling so ill while I was at work,I thought I might be having a heart attack.            My whole abdominal   area had sever craps,it felt like a horse kicked me and someone was stabbing me in the stomach at the same time.      While having     pain in my chest, followed (... więcej)

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Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 11 may 2014

Passing Through

An Artist goes to Long Island New York for an Opening Night Art Show Party.
He first check into his hotel.    As he is going through the entrance to the hotel lobby, the Door Man say," Sir you need to get rid of some of that baggage your carrying."
 The Artist looks down at his very small (... więcej)

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Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 3 may 2014

Good Vibrations

I went to the doctor's the other day to have an operation set up to fix a lower hernia I have acquired from heavy lifting at work.      The surgeon told me that during the procedure  he might have to cut a nerve in my leg if it causes a problems when He puts in the mesh to repair the hernia. (... więcej)

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cauchy3, 17 april 2014


World and busines and peace...
Actions bring some change in mind or in deeds.
Actions reacted are also changed.
What are causes are events of fates.
Some effects can do and fixed.
Axioms of truths derive to theorem of life.
All human need morals and laws abiding.
Peoples (... więcej)

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cauchy3, 17 april 2014


World and busines and peace...
Actions bring some change in mind or in deeds.
Actions reacted are also changed.
What are causes are events of fates.
Some effects can do and fixed.
Axioms of truths derive to theorem of life.
All human need morals and laws abiding.
Peoples (... więcej)

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cauchy3, 17 april 2014


World and busines and peace...
Actions bring some change in mind or in deeds.
Actions reacted are also changed.
What are causes are events of fates.
Some effects can do and fixed.
Axioms of truths derive to theorem of life.
All human need morals and laws abiding.
Peoples (... więcej)

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 15 april 2014

Comments On A Thesis

My Comments On A Thesis Titled:
Capitalism Sucks! Cold War Starts Up Again! Nuclear War Looms! 
(See Note 1 below)
By Wolf Larsen on March 27th, 2014, 6:32 pm 

Hi Wolf,
It is very pertinent that you have posted this thesis in "In the Trenches" section of the AT forum and it seems that (... więcej)

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TOUFIQ UL ALAM, 23 march 2014

On 'The Birthday Party'

The Birthday Party, written by Harold Pinter, is a three act drama about a day full of inconsistent events which mentally break a man, Stanley Webber, down and forcefully taking him away from his abode.
The drama The Birthday Party presents to us an incongruous story that involves a few members of a (... więcej)

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madster roberts

madster roberts, 12 march 2014

food for learning

why die for another man idea, why not live to make your own, are we so self absorbed in wanting to belong, that we can't seem to shape our own lives

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